I created this tool because I needed a way to decode re-written/encoded URL's from ProofPoint in a GUI-based tool. This was originally designed to be compiled using pyinstaller and run as an exe on Windows OS machines, but it should work as a binary on Linux kernel environments.
The official documentation on ProofPoint's re-write process can be found at this LINK. Also an ❗IMPORTANT note, part of this code is written by a ProofPoint engineer who exposes the decoding process as a Python class that can be used. I took that functionality and incorporated it into this GUI setup, but I do not claim the rights to this code and all attribution goes to the original author.
LINK to details & author.
__author__ = 'Eric Van Cleve'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2019, Proofpoint Inc'
__license__ = 'GPL v.3'
__version__ = '3.0.1'
__email__ = '[email protected]'
__status__ = 'Production'
- Will create a GUI that will accept a encoded URL and return the decoded URL
- Can accept copy/paste or manually typed encoded URL
- To use the default functionality of this tool (watching folders, and creating hashes) a library will need to be installed using pip
- This tool needs a
Python interpreter, v3.6 or higher due to string interpolation
- This can be converted to a standalone exe if run on Windows OS
- This should work on Linux, OSX, or Windows OS's
- I have provided a couple of encoded URL examples that can be tested in the 'example_encoded_urls.txt' file
│ .gitignore
│ config.json
│ example_encoded_urls.txt
│ main.py
│ │ tkinter_gui.py
│ │ url_decoder.py
│ │ utils.py
│ │ __init__.py
Run the binary or standalone exe to start the tkinter GUI.
Either copy/paste or manually define the encoded URL.
Review the output from the GUI.