Warning: This code executes LLM generated code and can mess up your computer or worse. Don't run it.
If you are destructively curious, you could hypothetically do the below (or just paste run.js in your browsers developer console).
pip install openai
OPENAI_API_KEY=[api_key] python run.py
Original 16 lines of code implementation here
goal = input('what do you want, human?')
agent_code = open(__file__).read()
history = []
while True:
prompt = f'''
You are `llm` in this python code: {agent_code}
history: {history}
goal: {goal}
code = llm(prompt)
res = exec(code, globals(), locals())
history.append((code, res))
This code actually works. But it was mainly created as a meme to illustrate the power of capable LLMs. Power is usually a good thing. But it can be directed to power-grabbing in conflicts, war and other zero-sum-games – rather than furthering humanity.
If you still think AGI is sci-fi or too far away to matter, consider checking out https://www.safe.ai/work/statement-on-ai-risk and who disagree with your viewpoint.
I think it is fair to say that the people on the above list uniformly agree that world leaders, and society, should already today think hard about how we want a post-AGI world to look and what is necessary to achieve that.
As of 2024, world leaders and those of influence haven't woken up to the short timeline of what is going to happen. If you are a person of influence or in a position to talk about this topic with important people, consider doing so. I think that significantly improves the chance for us to live in the flourishing, conflict-free world we could live in thanks to coming AI advancements.