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Some javascript UI elements used for the Irish Left Archive website.


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This is a set of UI elements created for the Irish Left Archive website. They are provided here under the GPLv3 licence.

For examples of each component, see the index.html in the demos folder.

They are also in use on the Irish Left Archive website - for a live example see this document collection.


For the most simple use, include dist/ila-ui.min.js and dist/ila-ui.min.css in your HTML file then refer to the examples below to use each component.

The package is bundled as an ES6 module dist/ila-ui.esm.js or a UMD dist/ila-ui.min.js, depending on your preferred development tools.

The CSS is compiled from SASS files. If including the module in your build environment, the file src/scss/_variables.scss sets the colour variables as defaults so they can be over-ridden if required.



Use a link or button to toggle the visibility of another element.

The target element to be hidden can be set either directly by passing a HTMLElement at instantiation, or by setting the data attribute data-toggle-target on the source link/button, containing the ID of the target element.

The button or link text can be changed depending on state -- text provided either directly at instantiation or in the data-toggle-text attribute of the button or link will be applied when in the visible/shown state.


The below HTML and Javascript will create a button to show/hide the target text using data- attributes to set the target and button text.

<<button data-toggle-target="toggle-target" data-toggle-text="Hide text ↑">Show text ↓</button>

<p id="toggle-target">
Et labore dolores aut repudiandae neque. Quos quaerat accusamus et qui qui sit.
Commodi magnam aut ipsam eveniet ipsam reprehenderit qui enim.

Note the below will instantiate all elements that have a data-toggle-target attribute, allowing for multiple use.

document.querySelectorAll("[data-toggle-target]").forEach( (el) => new ila.Toggler(el) );


The scroller turns a list of linked images into a configurable horizontal scroller.

The scroller can be controlled by buttons or by left and right swipe actions.


The below HTML and Javascript will create a scroller with the default settings.

Note: To allow the use of margins, the styling of the scroller items is applied to ul.scroller li a.

<ul class="scroller">
        <a href="">
            <img src="example.png" alt="First image" />
            <div class="caption">This is the caption</div>
new ila.Scroller(document.querySelectorAll(".scroller")[0]);



The scroller configuration allows modifying the buttons and changing the number of items shown at each screen width.

To make changes to the defaults, pass a config object when instantiating the scroller. All properties are optional - any provided will be used to over-ride the defaults.

Note: The default classes applied to the scroller buttons include scroller-button for the visual style and scroller-left and scroller-right for the position. If using custom classes and excluding the latter classes, the left and right CSS properties should be set in your custom class to position the buttons at either end of the scroller.

See the scrollerConfig definition for the available options.

Image Viewer

Creates an image viewer overlay from selected images for viewing them in larger size, with options to allow downloading, include panning large images and include links.

The image viewer enables keyboard and touchscreen navigation when active. Use Esc or swipe up to close the viewer, and the arrow keys ( and ) or left and right swipe to switch to the previous and next images respectively.

Note: Full size panning requires the inclusion of the @panzoom/panzoom module. This is not bundled here, but can be included either via a CDN or bundled in your own build tools. This setting is disabled by default. Swipe actions are disabled while Panzoom is active on an image, to prevent them interfering with panning functionality.


The below HTML and Javascript will instatiate the image viewer with default settings. Any images, however positioned in the page, will be included in the viewer if they have the selected class.

  • Full size image - To provide a full-size version of the image for use in the viewer, include the URL in a data-full attribute. Otherwise, the src URL will be used.
  • Captions - Captions can be included in three ways, in this order of priority:
    1. The content of an element whose id matches the data-caption-id attribute of the <img>
    2. The content of the data-caption attribute of the <img>
    3. The config.captions CSS selectors. By default this will match a <figcaption> or element with .caption class, positioned after the <img> element or its wrapping <a>. (See also the ImageViewer Config).
  • Links - If an image is wrapped in a link (and linking is enabled - see Configuration below), then a link button will be added to the viewer controls leading to that URL.
<img class="viewer" src="example.png" />
<p class="caption">This is the caption.</p><p id="special-caption">This caption is set using data-caption-id.</p>
<img src="example.png" alt="This image isn't used in the viewer" data-caption-id="special-caption" /><figure>
    <a href="">
        <img class="viewer" alt="This is the image alt" data-full="example.png" src="example.png" />
    <figcaption>This image will have a link button and this caption will be picked up</figcaption>
const iv = new ila.ImageViewer();



The <img> elements in your HTML can have the following configuration attributes.

Attribute Required Description
data-full No The URL for the full size image to use. If omitted, the image src will be used.
data-caption-id No A value matching the ID of another element which contains the caption text.
data-caption No The caption text. Note: If data-caption-id is set it will take precedence.
data-reveal No If set to true, the image will be blurred in the viewer and a button to view it will be included in the controls. Note: This applies only to the image visibility when viewed in the overlay.

The image viewer configuration is used to change the following settings:

  • The target class of images to be included
  • Whether to enable the download and link buttons
  • Whether to use Panzoom (requires the inclusion of the @panzoom/panzoom module).
  • CSS selectors used to find the image caption.
  • The text, icons and title attributes for the control buttons.

To make changes to the defaults, pass a config object when instantiating the image viewer. All properties are optional - any provided will be used to over-ride the defaults.

See the imageViewerConfig definition for the available options.

Javascript documentation



A simple animated visibility toggler.


Adds custom swipe events to a given element. Call the attach() method to add the event listeners, and detach() to remove it.

When attached, a swiped-[DIRECTION] event will be dispatched when that element is swiped. A swiped event is also dispatched with the direction in the customEvent.detail, to allow for a single listener if needed.


Creates an image scroller from a list of images.


Creates an image viewer overlay.


scrollerConfig : object

The configuration object for the Scroller.

scrollerButtons : object

The buttons available for configuration in the Scroller config object.

imageViewerConfig : object

The configuration object for the ImageViewer.

imageViewerButtons : object

The available buttons which can be set in the Image Viewer configuration. Note that reveal and zoom have additional 'active' states, and zoom also has a 'disabled' state.


A simple animated visibility toggler.

Kind: global class
Access: public

new Toggler(source, [target], [toggleText])

Param Type Default Description
source HTMLElement The element which triggers the toggle, e.g. a <button>
[target] HTMLElement | null The element of which to toggle the visibility. If omitted, the data-toggle-target attribute of the source will be checked for an ID. If neither is provided, an error is thrown.
[toggleText] string "''" The replacement text for the source when its state is toggled. If omitted, the data-toggle-text attribute of the source will be used. If neither is provided, the source text remains static.


Toggle the state of the target.

Kind: instance method of Toggler
Access: public

Show the target.

Kind: instance method of Toggler
Access: public


Hide the target.

Kind: instance method of Toggler
Access: public


Adds custom swipe events to a given element. Call the attach() method to add the event listeners, and detach() to remove it.

When attached, a swiped-[DIRECTION] event will be dispatched when that element is swiped. A swiped event is also dispatched with the direction in the customEvent.detail, to allow for a single listener if needed.

Kind: global class
Emits: swiped, swiped-up, swiped-down, swiped-left, swiped-right
Access: public

new Swipe(el)

Param Type Description
el HTMLElement The element on which to listen for swipe events.


Attach the event listeners

Kind: instance method of Swipe
Access: public


Detach the event listeners

Kind: instance method of Swipe
Access: public


Event dispatched by any swipe.

Kind: event emitted by Swipe
Access: public

Name Type Description
detail object
detail.direction string The direction of the swipe action.


Event dispatched on swipe up.

Kind: event emitted by Swipe
Access: public


Event dispatched on swipe down.

Kind: event emitted by Swipe
Access: public


Event dispatched on swipe left.

Kind: event emitted by Swipe
Access: public


Event dispatched on swipe right.

Kind: event emitted by Swipe
Access: public


Creates an image scroller from a list of images.

Kind: global class
Access: public

new Scroller(el, [config])

Param Type Default
el HTMLElement
[config] scrollerConfig {}


Create the scroller after instantiation.

Kind: instance method of Scroller
Access: public


Destroy the scroller.

Kind: instance method of Scroller
Access: public


Scroll to the left.

Kind: instance method of Scroller
Access: public


Scroll to the right.

Kind: instance method of Scroller
Access: public

scroller.scroll([forward]) ⇒ number

Scroll in the provided direction and return the pixel offset from origin after scrolling.

Kind: instance method of Scroller
Returns: number - The pixel offset
Access: public

Param Type Default Description
[forward] boolean true Scroll forward (true) or back (false)


Creates an image viewer overlay.

Kind: global class
Access: public

new ImageViewer([config])

Param Type Default
[config] imageViewerConfig defaultImageViewerConfig


Create the viewer. This method should be called after instantiation to activate the viewer.

Kind: instance method of ImageViewer
Access: public

Show the next image.

Kind: instance method of ImageViewer
Access: public


Show the previous image.

Kind: instance method of ImageViewer
Access: public


Hide the viewer and return to the page.

Kind: instance method of ImageViewer
Access: public[n])

Show the viewer with the image specified by the given index

Kind: instance method of ImageViewer
Access: public

Param Type Default Description
[n] number 0 Index of image to show


Set the panzoom status

Kind: instance method of ImageViewer
Access: public

Param Type Default
[switchOn] boolean true


Set the reveal state.

Kind: instance method of ImageViewer
Access: public

Param Type Default
[reveal] boolean true

scrollerConfig : object

The configuration object for the Scroller.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[classes] scrollerButtons Classes to apply to each button
[classes.left] string "scroller-left scroller-button"
[classes.right] string "scroller-right scroller-button"
[texts] scrollerButtons Text content of each button
[texts.left] string "⮈"
[texts.right] string "⮊"
[icons] scrollerButtons Icon classes to apply to a span inside each button
[titles] scrollerButtons The title attribute for each button
[breakpoints] Array.<Array.<number>> [ [0, 4], [768, 4], [992, 6], [1200, 8] ] An array of number pairs. Each array entry should be an array containing two numbers, the first representing a screen width in px and the second representing the number of scroller items to fit at that width and above (up to the width of the next pair).

scrollerButtons : object

The buttons available for configuration in the Scroller config object.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[left] string The left/back button
[right] string The right/forward button

imageViewerConfig : object

The configuration object for the ImageViewer.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
[targetClass] string "viewer"
[panzoom] function | null If the Panzoom function is passed, activate the zoom button, which toggles the image's full size and allows panning around. Requires @panzoom/panzoom module to be available.
[showDownload] boolean false Show a button to download the image
[showLink] boolean true Show a link button for any images with a link associated
[captions] Array [ "& + figcaption", "& + .caption" ] CSS selectors for the captions. '&' will be replaced with the automatically assigned ID of the anchor around the image. If ':scope' is included, the selector scope is the <img> grandparent.
[texts] imageViewerButtons The inner text of the buttons
[texts.cue] string "⨁"
[texts.hide] string "ⓧ"
[] string "⮋"
[texts.prev] string "⮈"
[] string "⮊"
[texts.reveal] string "ᴑ"
[texts.revealActive] string "ᴓ"
[] string "⛓"
[texts.zoom] string "🞕"
[texts.zoomActive] string "🞔"
[icons] imageViewerButtons {} Classes to add to a span inside each button (for icon display)
[titles] imageViewerButtons Strings to include as title attributes for each button
[titles.cue] string
[titles.hide] string "Close"
[] string "Download this image"
[titles.prev] string "Previous image"
[] string "Next image"
[titles.reveal] string "Reveal image"
[titles.revealActive] string "Re-hide image"
[] string "More information"
[titles.zoom] string "Enlarge image (drag to move the image around)"
[titles.zoomActive] string "Reset image to fit screen"
[titles.zoomDisabled] string "Zoom disabled (the image is already full size)"

imageViewerButtons : object

The available buttons which can be set in the Image Viewer configuration. Note that reveal and zoom have additional 'active' states, and zoom also has a 'disabled' state.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
[cue] string The cue shown when hovering over an image to indicate the viewer is available.
[hide] string The button to hide/close the viewer
[download] string The button to download the current image in the viewer
[prev] string The button to show the previous image
[next] string The button to show the next image
[reveal] string The button to reveal a blurred image
[revealActive] string The button to hide turn off reveal - i.e. re-blur the image.
[link] string The button for the image's link
[zoom] string The button to zoom the image to full size and activate panning
[zoomActive] string Properties for the zoom button when it's active
[zoomDisabled] string Properties for the zoom button when it's disabled

© 2021-2023 licence


Some javascript UI elements used for the Irish Left Archive website.








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