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Quick Start

A series of utilities for working with tokens, based on the py-tokenlists.



via pip

You can install the latest release via pip:

pip install ape-tokens

via setuptools

You can clone the repository and use setuptools for the most up-to-date version:

git clone
cd ape-tokens
python3 install

Quick Usage

CLI Usage

First, install a token list, such as the 1inch token list, which contains many tokens that you can use:

ape tokens install tokens.1inch.eth

To see all the tokens you can use, run command:

ape tokens list-tokens

To see other available CLI commands, run:

ape tokens --help


You can configure this plugin (and by extension, configure py-tokenlists) using the config file:

# ape-config.yaml
  default: "My Default List"
    - name: "My Default List"
      uri: ""

You can also configure this plugin via Environment Variable:

APE_TOKENS_REQUIRED='[{"name":"My Default List","uri":""}]'

Configuration like this may be useful for operating in a cloud environment

Ape Console Extras

The tokens manager object is very useful for improving your ape experience. You can install it as a "console namespace extra" by adding the following lines to your project's ./ or your global $HOME/.ape/


    from ape_tokens import tokens
except ImportError:
    pass  # Plugin not installed, skip


This way, whenever you use ape console (with this plugin installed) you will have tokens available immediately without having to import it!

Python Usage

One of the main reasons to use the ape-tokens plugin is to have nicer UX for providing token amounts to contract transactions. For example, let's say you have a smart-contract named MyContract with a function provideLinkToken() that takes a decimal value of LINK tokens. The following is an example script that deploys the contract and makes a transaction by expressing the value of LINK as 8.23 LINK:

from ape import accounts, project

my_account = accounts[0]
contract = my_account.deploy(project.MyContract)

contract.provideLinkTokens("8.23 LINK")

Alternatively, if you need the converted value returned to you, you can use the convert tool from the root ape namespace:

from ape import convert

convert("100.1234 BAT", int)

Lastly, to get information about a token, including its contract address, you can do so by importing the tokens member from the root ape_tokens namespace:

from ape_tokens import tokens

bat = tokens["BAT"]
