A coding practice repository for all challenging issues.
This project uses NodeJS at version 16.5 and uses PNPM mainly.
pnpm install
pnpm build
We have a processing challenge. That takes quite a lot of time. In this case, it's about transforming the JSON data, which is quite complex and extensive.
pnpm dev <target file>
pnpm dev case-1/base/main.ts
pnpm start <target file>
pnpm start case-1/base/main.js
Load data time: 284.422437 ms
Transform data time: 5126.855902 ms
Write file time: 436.222832 ms
Total memory usage: => rss: 207.23 MB, heapUsed: 80.89 MB
Always check the correctness before opening the PR.
Modify the path to run the challenge command to match the work submitted.
ex. "challenge": "pnpm start ./case-1/solutions/