- The Cypherpunk Mailing List Archives and FAQ
- Very Notable People (A-Z)
- Notable People (A-Z)
- Notable Events
- Notable Orginisations (A-Z)
- Notable Projects (A-Z)
- Key Concepts
- Full Cryptography Primer Courses
- Philosophical/Ideological Sources
- Technical Sources
- Historical Sources & Media Articles
- Books
- Successor Online Communities
- Current Publications/Blogs (A-Z)
- Other Resource Lists
Copyright Disclaimer: I've tried to make this repository, as much as possible, a link to content rather than a list of titles of content. As such, whenever I've been able to find a PDF copy of a given work, I have linked to it. By clicking the links in this repository, you accept the responsibility for determining whether doing so constitutes copyright infringement. I accept no responsibility for what is on the other end of a given hyperlink, I have merely compiled a list of links which are all discoverable via google. If you feel your copyright is being infringed then this is a matter to take up with whoever is hosting that work.
This repository is essentially for compiling information about Cypherpunks, the history of the movement, and the people/events of note. I intend to use the research here to write a series of articles, and maybe a book if time allows.
Given that a large amount of the notable events and people are related to crypto-currency, a lot of this list will be about Bitcoin/Ethereum/etc. This isn't a "crypto-currency history" list though, it's a broader "cypherpunk history" project. This is why people like Julian Assange, Weev and Paul Calder Le Roux are included. Julian Assange was a 90s cypherpunk, but isn't a bitcoiner (except for Wikileaks accepting it for donations). Weev and Paul Calder Le Roux are people who, to me, represent the beginnings of outcomes predicted by cypherpunk theory. Paul Calder Le Roux in particular represents the dark side of the "specter of crypto anarchy".
I'm going to do my best to avoid giving this list any internal political bias. By this I mean that I will be openly biased in favour of Cypherpunk ideals themselves, but I will try to avoid picking a side in things like the block-size debate. If you feel any of my wording is biased, feel free to send me a PR to correct it, and I will try to evaluate it fairly.
The reason I'm putting this archive on github is to make it easier for others to add sources as a pull request. Whatever I end up doing with the information collated here, this organised list could be useful to the community at large.
Click here if you think I've made an error, or would like to add something to the list.
These seem like appropriate first items to include:
The Cyphernomicon (Cypherpunk Mailing List FAQ)
The following people are mostly (but not all) original Cypherpunks who were active on the mailing list.
- Julian Assange - Founder of Wikileaks, Member of Cypherpunk Mailing List in its heyday
- Adam Back - 90s Cypherpunk, Inventor of HashCash, CEO of Blockstream
- Jim Bell - 90s Cypherpunk, Crypto-anarchist, Author of Assassination Politics
- Vitalik Buterin - Creator of Ethereum
- David Chaum - Cryptographer and ideological forefather of the Cypherpunk movement
- Bram Cohen - Twitter bio: "Creator of BitTorrent. Now doing cryptocurrency stuff"
- Clifford Cocks - British Intelligence Cryptographer, Invented Public Key Cryptography but his work was kept classified until 1997, By definition not a cypherpunk (since he worked in secrecy for intelligence agencies) - but deserving of credit as the field's true founder
- Wei Dai - 90s Cypherpunk, Cryptographer, Creator of Bitcoin-precursor B-Money
- Whitfield Diffie - Cryptographer, Co-creater of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange with Martin Hellman, Privacy advocate
- Hal Finney - 90s Cypherpunk, Received first Bitcoin transaction (from Satoshi), Strong candidate for Satoshi
- David D. Friedman - Son of Milton, Anarcho-Capitalist theorist, "Crypto-Anarchy" draws a lot from his work
- John Gilmore - Co-founder of the Cypherpunk Mailing List and the Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Ian Grigg - 90s Cypherpunk, Inventor of Ricardian Contracts
- Vinay Gupta - 90s Cypherpunk, Inventor of the Hexayurt, Resilience Guru, Involved with Ethereum
- Martin Hellman - Cryptographer, Co-creater of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange with Whitfield Diffie
- Eric Hughes - Founding member of the Cypherpunk Mailing List,
- Timothy C. May - Founding member of Cypherpunk Mailing List, writer of "The Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto" and the "Cyphernomicon" (mailing list FAQ)
- Ralph C. Merkle - Cryptographer, One of the inventors of Public Key Cryptography, Inventor of the cryptographic hash
- Satoshi Nakamoto - Pseudonymous Founder of Bitcoin, May be a person or group, Many people put forward as possible candidates, Very probably the alias of a 90s Cypherpunk
- John Perry Barlow - 90s Cypherpunk, Author of "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace"
- Edward Snowden - Former NSA contractor turned leaker, is clearly inspired by Cypherpunk ideals
- Nick Szabo - 90s Cypherpunk, Creator of Bitcoin Precursor BitGold, Prolific writer of many important papers, Strong candidate for Satoshi
- Ross Ulbricht (Dread Pirate Roberts) - Founder of the Silk Road dark net market, "The Princess Bride" fan, Currently serving life in prison
- Phil Zimmermann - Author of the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Public key encryption software
Many of these are not true and/or original Cypherpunks (some are) but instead are people who were/are key players (or adversaries depending on your perspective) in Cypherpunk successor movements and events.
- Gavin Andresen - Satoshi's successor, Managed the project after Satoshi's departure until 2014. He lost write-access to bitcoin/bitcoin in mid-2016 during a political row, Holds the number 5 spot on the bitcoin/bitcoin contributors list
- Jacob Appelbaum - Friend of Julian Assange, Former Spokesman for Wikileaks, Privacy activist, Former Tor Developer, Currently embroiled in sexual misconduct allegations
- Andreas Antonopoulos - Bitcoin evangelist, Author of Mastering Bitcoin
- Andrew Auernheimer (weev) - Not really a cypherpunk himself but an interesting player in the world the cypherpunks helped build: White supremacist hacker, father of modern trolling culture, cryptocurrency trader, printer mischief-maker
- Juan Benet - Creator of the IPFS Protocol (InterPlanetary FileSystem) - an attempt to build a content-addressed web, Also behind the FileCoin IPFS incentive layer
- Matt Corallo - Bitcoin Core developer, Holds the number 3 spot on the bitcoin/bitcoin contributors list
- Paul Calder Le Roux - Author of E4M disk-encryption software, Suspected author of TrueCrypt, Former criminal empire boss (in a very Crypto-Anarchist sense), DEA informant, Currently in US Custody
- Rick Falkvinge - Founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, Political activist, Bitcoiner
- Cory Fields - Bitcoin Core developer, Holds the number 4 spot on the bitcoin/bitcoin contributors list
- Jeff Garzik - Former Bitcoin Core developer, Now development lead of SegWit2X hard fork proposal
- Luke-jr (Difficult to find his real name) - Bitcoin Core developer, Blockstream employee, A figure of controversy to the Big Block faction
- Mark Karpelès - Former CEO of the doomed MtGox exchange, Suspected to have caused the Nov 13 bubble with two trading bots, Former Bitcoin Foundation board member
- Dave Kleiman - Candidate for Satoshi, Forsensic Computer Investigator, Security researcher, Friend of Craig Wright
- Moxie Marlinspike (pseudonym) - Cypherpunk, Anarchist, Computer Security Researcher, Founder of Open Whisper Systems and co-author of the Signal Protocol (now also used by WhatsApp), Sailor
- Michael Marquart (Theymos) - Owner of the bitcointalk web forum, Controversial moderator of the /r/bitcoin subreddit due to accusations of heavy-handed moderation and censorship of the online communities he controls
- Gregory Maxwell - Bitcoin Core Developer, Blockstream CTO, Controversial figure to the Big Block political faction
- Jonas Schnelli - Bitcoin Core developer, Holds the number 6 spot on the bitcoin/bitcoin contributors list
- Charlie Shrem - Former CEO of the BitInstant bitcoin exchange, Former Bitcoin Foundation board member, Served a short prison term for supplying bitcoin to a user (BTCKing) who intended to sell them for use on the Silk Road dark web market
- Amir Taaki - British-Iranian Anarchist, Created the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal system, Former Bitcoinica employee, Founder of DarkWallet, Former fighter in Rojava, Syria for the Kurdish YPG
- Peter Todd - Bitcoin Core developer, Researcher, Vocal critic within the cryptocurrency space
- Zhou Tong - Founder of Bitcoinica, Major player in the early Bitcoin community
- Wladimir J. van der Laan - Bitcoin Core Developer, Holds the number 1 spot on the bitcoin/bitcoin contributors list
- Roger Ver - Early Bitcoin whale and investor, "The Bitcoin Jesus", Currently a controversial figure due to his staunch support for the "Big Block" faction in the scaling debate and for the "Bitcoin Cash" fork-coin, along with Jihan Wu seen as a figurehead of that faction
- Eric Voorhees - Former BitInstant employee, Founder of Coinapult, Outspoken pundit, Ideological convictions
- Cody Wilson - Post-left Anarchist, Founder of Defence Distributed (which successfully produced designs for a fully 3D printed plastic firearm), Worked with Amir Taaki on DarkWallet as a kind of spokesman/propagandist
- Craig Wright - Claimed to be Satoshi, provided fraudulent proof, when called out couldn't/didn't-want-to provide a real one
- Jihan Wu - Owns Bitmain and operates AntPool (one of the larger Bitcoin pools), ASIC miner manufacturer, Controversial figure along with Roger Ver as figureheads of the big-block/bitcoin-unlimited/bitcoin-cash political faction within the scaling debate
- Pieter Wuille - Bitcoin Core Developer, Holds the number 2 spot on the bitcoin/bitcoin contributors list, Blockstream co-founder
- 1970s - The Discovery of Public Key Cryptography
- 1990s - Crypto Wars, Phil Zimmermann and PGP
- 2008/2009 - The Creation of Bitcoin and Early Community
- Jun 2011 - The Great Bitcoin Bubble of 2011
- Feb 2011-Oct 2013 - The Rise and Fall of the Silk Road
- Mar 2012 - The Bitcoinica Hack
- June 2013 - The Snowden Leaks
- Apr-Dec 2013 - The Second and Third Bitcoin Bubbles
- Feb 2014 - The Collapse of Mt Gox (The Final Goxxing)
- Feb 2015 - The Trial of Ross Ulbricht
- May 2016 - The Craig Wright Affair (and other attempts to identify Satoshi)
- June 2016 - The DAO Hack
- Early 2017 - The Altcoin/ICO Bubble and Fourth Bitcoin Bubble
- Jul/Aug 2017 - Bitcoin Scaling Battles (Big vs Small Blockers: SegWit vs SegWit2x vs Bitcoin Cash)
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Paralelni Polis - Runs a cypherpunk cafe and coworking/hacker-space in Prague, Czechia called The Institute of Crypto-Anarchy, The first (and maybe only) physical location to only accept payment in cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Litecoin)
- The Bitcoin Foundation
- The Tor Project
- Protocol Labs
I'll add dedicated pages for these later
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Tor
- OpenBazaar
- BitTorrent
- FileCoin
- Opendime
- JoinMarket
I'll add dedicated pages for these later
- Public/Private Key Cryptography
- Hash Functions
- Cryptographic Signatures
- End-to-End Encryption
- Merkle Trees
- Bloom Filters
- Blockchains
- Onion Routing
- BitTorrent
- Distributed Hash Tables
- P2P Routing Algorithms
- Mesh Networks
- Discrete Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond by L. Lovász, J. Pelikán, K. Vesztergombi - Good primer on a lot of the pure mathematics involved in cryptography
- Introduction to Cryptography with Christof Paar (Full University Lecture Series)
- The Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone
- Applied Cryptography (Second Edition) by Bruce Schneier - The list maintainer personally found this book fairly impenetrable, maybe try The Handbook of Applied Cryptography unless you have a strong mathematics background
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography by Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, Joseph H. Silverman
- Elementary Cryptanalysis: A Study of Ciphers and Their Solution by Helen Fouché Gaines - Recommended by David Kahn in "The Codebreakers" as the best introductory book on the subject of breaking historical ciphers
- American Cryptogram Association Magazine - Mentioned in the books "The Codebreakers" and "Crypto". Members can join from the US or overseas to receive a bi-monthy magazine of cryptograms and their solutions. Those interested in classical cryptanalysis will likely want to join this organisation to sharpen their skills
- 1973 DavidDFriedman.com (Full Book) - The Machinery of Freedom by David D. Friedman
- 1978 Mises.org - Denationalisation of Money: The Argument Refined by Friedrich A. Hayek
- Nov 1979 NakamotoInstitute.org - From Crossbows To Cryptography: Techno-Thwarting The State by Chuck Hammill
- 1990s Various BBSs - Electronic Magazines - not strictly Cypherpunk, but a window into the Anarchic Late-80s/Early-90s internet culture
- 1991 PhilZimmermann.com - Why I Wrote PGP by Phil Zimmermann
- 01-Sep-1992 Cypherpunk Mailing List - Libertaria in Cyberspace by Timothy C. May
- 22-Nov-1992 Cypherpunk Mailing List - The Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto by Timothy C. May
- 09-Mar-1993 Cypherpunk Mailing List - A Cypherpunk's Manifesto by Eric Hughes - the phrase "Cypherpunks write code" comes from this document
- 11-Sep-1994 Cypherpunk Mailing List - The Cyphernomicon (Mailing List FAQ) by Timothy C. May
- Dec 1994 Cypherpunk Mailing List - Crypto Anarchy and Virtual Communities by Timothy C. May
- 08-Feb-1996 - A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow
- Feb 1997 gnu.org - The Right to Read by Richard Stallman
- 04-Apr-1997 - Assassination Politics by Jim Bell
- 04-May-2000 DavidDFriedman.com - Contracts in Cyberspace
- 02-Aug-2002 NakamotoInstitute.org - The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric S. Raymond - link to original
- 2003 NakamotoInstitute.org - The Art of Unix Programming by Eric S. Raymond - link to original
- 2005 DavidDFriedman.com - From Imperial China to Cyberspace: Contracting Without the State
- 03-Dec-2006 NakamotoInstitute.org - State and Terrorist Conspiracies & Conspiracy as Governance by Julian Assange
- 2008 Mises.org - Deflation and Liberty by Jörg Guido Hülsmann
- mid-2010s paralelnipolis.cz - Paralelni Polis - statement
- Dec 2015 (Academic Paper) - The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work by Phillip Rogaway
- List of Important Publications in Cryptography on Wikipedia
- Jul 1948 The Bell System Technical Journal - A Mathematical Theory of Communication By Claude Shannon
- Oct 1949 The Bell System Technical Journal - Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems by Claude Shannon
- 1957 Internet Archive - An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. I.pdf) by William Feller
- Nov 1976 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, VOL. IT-22, NO. 6 - New Directions in Cryptography by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman - this paper describes Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- Feb 1978 people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/ - A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-key Cryptosystems by Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard M. Adleman
- Apr 1978 merkle.com - Protocols for Public Key Cryptosystems by Ralph C. Merkle
- Apr 1978 merkle.com - Secure Communications over Insecure Channels by Ralph C. Merkle
- 1981 Research Paper - Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms by David Chaum
- 1982 Research Paper - Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments by David Chaum
- Jul 1982 lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs - The Byzantine Generals Problem by Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, and Marshall Pease
- Aug 1984 Communication of the ACM, Vol. 27, No. 8 - Reflections on Trusting Trust by Ken Thompson (co-creator of Unix)
- 1988 Research Paper - The Dining Cryptographers Problem: Unconditional Sender and Recipient Untraceability by David Chaum
- 1998-2000 iang.org - Financial Cryptography in 7 Layers by Ian Grigg
- 1989 Research Paper - Online Cash Checks by David Chaum
- Dec 1990 NakamotoInstitute.org - Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach: A Tutorial by Fred B. Schneider
- 1991 anf.es - How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta
- Jul 1991 people.csail.mit.edu/silvio/ - Proofs that Yield Nothing But Their Validity or All Languages in NP Have Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems by Oded Goldreich, Silvio Micali, and Avi Wigderson
- 1992 Scientific American - Achieving Electronic Privacy by David Chaum
- Mar 1999 math.columbia.edu - Improving the Efficiency and Reliability of Digital Time-Stamping by Stuart Haber, W. Scott Stornetta, and Dave Bayer
- 22-Nov-1992 Cypherpunk Mailing List - Crypto Glossary by Eric Hughes and Timothy C. May
- 1993 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Multinational Small Business by Nick Szabo
- 19-Aug-1993 Cypherpunk Mailing List (I think) - Digital Cash & Privacy by Hal Finney
- 15-Oct-1993 (Rev. 13-Mar-1996) www.finney.org/~hal/ (Web Archive) - Detecting Double Spending by Hal Finney
- 30-Mar-1994 Cypherpunk Mailing List (I think) - PGP Web of Trust Misconceptions by Hal Finney
- 1996 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Negative Reputation by Nick Szabo
- 1997 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks by Nick Szabo
- Apr 1997 NakamotoInstitute.org - Secure Names for Bit-Strings by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta
- 1998/1999 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Secure Property Titles with Owner Authority by Nick Szabo
- Apr 1998-Dec 1999 NakamotoInstitute.org - The Geodesic Market by Robert Hettinga - pdf link
- May 1999 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Micropayments and Mental Transaction Costs by Nick Szabo
- 1999 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Intrapolynomial Cryptography by Nick Szabo
- 1999 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Contracts with Bearer by Nick Szabo
- 1999 www.theiia.org (Web Archive) - The God Protocols by Nick Szabo
- May 1999 Proceedings of IEEE - Design of a Secure Timestamping Service with Minimal Trust Requirements by Henri Massias, Xavier Serret-Avila, and Jean-Jacques Quisquater
- 2000 erights.org - Capability-based Financial Instruments by Mark S. Miller, Chip Morningstar, and Bill Frantz - HTML version
- 2002 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Trusted Third Parties are Security Holes by Nick Szabo
- 2002 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - A Formal Language for Analyzing Contracts by Nick Szabo
- 2002 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Shelling Out: The Origins of Money by Nick Szabo
- 2002 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - The Playdough Protocols by Nick Szabo
- 2002 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Measuring Value by Nick Szabo
- 2002 pages.upf.pf/Alban.Gabillon/ - Improving Time Stamping Schemes: A Distributed Point of View by Alexis Bonnecaze, Pierre Liardet, Alban Gabillon, and Kaouther Blibech
- 2002 microsoft.com/en-us/research/ - The Sybil Attack by John R. Douceur
- 01-Aug-2002 - Hashcash - Denial of Service Counter-Measure by Adam Back
- 2003 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Advances in Distributed Security by Nick Szabo
- 2004 szabo.best.vwh.net (Web Archive) - Scarce Objects by Nick Szabo
- 06-Jul-2004 iang.org - The Ricardian Contract by Ian Grigg
- 18-May-2004 svn.torproject.org - Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router by Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, Paul Syverson
- 15-Aug-2004 Cypherpunk Mailing List - RPOW - Reusable Proofs of Work by Hal Finney - link to archive of RPOW website, link to archive of RPOW codebase
- 2005 epointsystem.org/~nagydani/ - On Digital Cash-Like Payment Systems by Daniel A. Nagy
- Dec 2005 Unenumerated (Nick Szabo's Blog) - Bit gold
- 25-Dec-2005 iang.org - Triple Entry Accounting by Ian Grigg
- 2008 NakamotoInstitute.org - Truledger in Plain English by Bill St. Clair - link to original
- 30-Oct-2008 NakamotoInstitute.org - Lucre: Anonymous Electronic Tokens v1.8 by Ben Laurie
- 31-Oct-2008 Cryptography Mailing List - The Bitcoin Whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto - link to original announcement
- 24-Jul-2014 IPFS.io - IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System (DRAFT 3) by Juan Benet
- Dec 2014 O'Reilly Books - Mastering Bitcoin (free to read on GitHub) by Andreas Antonopoulos
- 05-Sep-2015 Garret Fogerlie - How Tor Users Got Caught - Defcon 22
- 07-Dec-2015 bitcoin-dev Mailing List - Capacity increases for the Bitcoin system - (Core's Roadmap)
- 28-Oct-2016 Bitcoincore.org - Segregated Witness Costs and Risks
- 13-Apr-2017 The Merkle - What is a BIP
- 10-Jul-2017 HackerNoon.com - Ethereum: Turing-Completeness and Rich Statefulness Explained by Kyle Wang
- 14-Aug-2017 Filecoin.io - Filecoin: A Decentralized Storage Network by Protocol Labs
- 01-Feb-1993 Wired Magazine - Crypto Rebels by Steven Levy
- 01-Jun-1994 Wired Magazine - Anonymously Yours – How to Launder Your E-mail by Steven Levy
- 12-Jun-1994 The New York Times - Battle of the Clipper Chip by Stephen Levy
- 01-Nov-1994 Wired Magazine - Prophet of Privacy
- 01-Dec-1994 Wired Magazine - E-Money (That's What I Want)
- 01-Oct-1996 Wired Magazine - The Future of Money by Thomas A. Bass
- 17-Feb-1997 Wired Magazine - Homeless Cypherpunks Turn to Usenet
- 01-Apr-1999 Wired Magazine - The Open Secret by Steven Levy
- 17-May-1999 Wired Magazine - The First True Cypherpunk Novel by Declan McCullagh
- 14-Apr-2000 Wired Magazine - Crypto-Convict Won't Recant
- 19-Mar-2013 BitcoinTalk.org - Bitcoin and me by Hal Finney
- Jun 2013-Present TheGuardian.com - The NSA Files
- Jun 2013-Present Archive.org - Global Surveillance Disclosures - Documents released by and relating to global surveillance.
- 18-Nov-2013 Forbes Magazine - Meet The 'Assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins by Andy Greenberg
- 11-Jul-2014 Wired Magazine - Waiting for Dark: Inside Two Anarchists' Quest for Untraceable Money by Andy Greenberg
- 28-Dec-2014 Oleg Andreev's Blog - Real crypto-anarchy
- 30-Mar-2015 Wired Magazine - DEA Agent Charged With Acting as a Paid Mole for Silk Road by Andy Greenberg
- April 2015 Wired Magazine - The Untold Story of Silk Road, Part 1 - The Rise of Silk Road by Joshuah Bearman
- May 2015 Wired Magazine - The Untold Story of Silk Road, Part 2 - The Fall by Joshuah Bearman
- 03-Aug-2015 The Intercept - GCHQ and Me by Duncan Campbell
- 25-Sep-2015 The Intercept - From Radio to Porn, British Spies Track Web Users’ Online Identities by Ryan Gallagher
- Mar 2016 American Scientist - Cypherpunks Write Code by Jamie Bartlett
- 10-Mar-2016 Atavist Magazine - The Mastermind - 7 Part Article Series by Evan Ratliff - article series about Paul Calder Le Roux
- 18-Jun-2016 Wired Magazine - A $50 Million Hack Just Showed That the DAO Was All Too Human by Klint Finley
- 31-Jul-2016 Wired Magazine - Meet Moxie Marlinspike, the Anarchist Bringing Encryption to All of Us by Andy Greenberg
- 29-Mar-2017 Wired Magazine - How an Anarchist Bitcoin Coder Found Himself Fighting in Syria by Andy Greenberg
- 31-May-2017 Wired Magazine - Silk Road Creator Ross Ulbricht Loses His Life Sentence Appeal by Andy Greenberg
- 04-June-2017 The Guardian - Forget far-right populism – crypto-anarchists are the new masters by Jamie Bartlett
- 24-Aug-2017 Bitcoin Blockchain - The First SegWit transaction on Bitcoin
- 1948 - Codes and Secret Writing by Herbert S. Zim - Children's book on codes and ciphers which inspired Phil Zimmermann to pursue cryptography as an interest
- 1967 (and 1996) - The Codebreakers – The Story of Secret Writing by David Kahn - this book is a complete chronicle of codebreaking and code making since Ancient Egypt and assisted Whitfield Diffie in his quest to break the government's monopoly on cryptographic information. (A PDF of the abridged first edition is available via google search, but as it's not the full version, and doesn't include infromation about Alan Turing's work on Enigma, I'm not including it)
- Jul 1968 - The Broken Seal by Ladislas Farago - This details pre-Pearl Harbor cryptanalytic work against Japanese naval codes
- 19-Sep-1982 - The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America's Most Secret Agency by James Bramford - An exposé on the workings of the US National Security Agency, which had traditionally sought to monopolise cryptographic information and talent within its own walls - scribd link
- 16-Apr-2001 - Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias - A colletion of essays from the same era as the cypherpunk mailing list; some of them from the list itself. A favourite book of Cody Wilson - pdf link
- 31-Dec-2001 - Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age by Steven Levy - the list maintainer personally recommends this book as it provides a lot of contextual information about the world the cypherpunks of the 90s lived in
- crypto-optimization Mailing List
- bitcointalk Forum
- /r/bitcoin Subreddit - Generally pro SegWit/Small-blocks
- /r/btc Subreddit - Generally pro BU/Bitcoin-Cash/Big-blocks
- Bitcoin Core Slack
- bitcoin-dev Mailing List
- Cryptography Mailing List - (archive)
- /r/ethereum Subreddit