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To-Do App

This is a command line-based to-do app that allows you to add, remove, edit, and view tasks.


Clone this repository and run npm install to install the dependencies. Ensure you have Node.js installed. After installing the dependencies, npm will automatically compile the code. You can then run the following command to allow the app to be run from anywhere using the todo keyword:

npm link to-do-app


To use the app, run todo along with one of these commands:

  • add|a --name <--name <task name>> [--dueDate <due date>] [--description <description>] [--tags <"tag1 tag2 ...">] [--effort <1-6>] [--importance <1-6>] - Adds a task with the specified parameters.
    • The dueDate field prompts for a date. It shows the current date by default in the Mon 01 Jan 2025 format. You can use the left and right arrow keys to select different parts of the date. Once selected, use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the value. Press Enter to confirm the date.
    • The effort and importance parameters are a measure (from 1 to 6) of how important a task is, as well as how much effort is needed to complete the task. These values are used to calculate a priority score, which increases as the due date comes closer. It is calculated using the following expression: $\frac{2b}{\sqrt[a]{ d }}$, where $b$ is the importance, $a$ effort, and $d$ days until the deadline. If you want to see a graph of priority score over time, check this Desmos graph.
  • delete|d --id <task ID>
    • Removes the task with the specified task ID.
  • complete|c --id <task ID
    • Completes the task with the specified task ID.
  • revert|c --id <task ID
    • Reverts the task with the specified task ID.
  • list|l [--tag <tag>] [--showCompleted] [--sortDueDate]
    • Lists all un-completed tasks, or filter them by tag. Use --showCompleted to list all tasks. Use --sortDueDate to sort tasks by due date.
  • view|v --id <task ID>
    • Displays the info of the task with the specified task ID.
  • edit|e --id <task ID> [--name <task name>] [--dueDate <due date>] [--description <description>] [--tags <"tag1 tag2 ...">] [--effort <1-6>] [--importance <1-6>]
    • Allows the user to edit the task with the specified ID. If no parameters are provided, the command will prompt for each field. Alternatively, specific fields can be updated directly by passing the corresponding flags.
  • open|o|w
    • Opens the web view of the to-do app.

Note: The following flag shorthands are available:

  • --name: -n
  • --dueDate: -d
  • --description: -m
  • --tags: -t
  • --effort: -e
  • --importance: -i
  • --id: -k
  • --showCompleted: -c
  • --sortDueDate: -d

For example:

  • todo a -n "buy groceries" -d 2024-06-05 -m "buy milk and bread" -t "tag1 tag2" will create a task named "buy groceries" for June 5th, 2024 with the description "buy milk and bread" with the tags "tag1" and "tag2".
  • todo a -n work -d "July 2 2024" -e 5 -i 6 will create a task named "work" for July 2nd, 2024 with an effort of 5 and importance of 6.
  • todo l -t tag1 will show a table with all the tasks that have the tag "tag1".
  • todo v -k 1 will show the info of the task with id 1.
  • todo complete --id 23 will complete the task with id 23.
  • todo r -i 23 will revert the task with id 23.


  • If the task name or due date includes spaces, enclose them in quotes to ensure correct command execution.
  • When specifying the due date in the command, use the YYYY-MM-DD format.

If you omit any parameters or provide invalid values, you will be prompted in the console to input the missing/corrected information.


Contributions to the app are welcome! Feel free to fix bugs, add features, or report any issues by opening an issue on GitHub. I am a high-school student and I am trying to learn how to make things like this, and I'd appreciate some help.


The roadmap for this project is located in the file. Feel free to add your ideas and suggestions there.

Made with 💕 by Araz