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Installing Debian on Lenovo IX2 NAS to replace the stock firmware

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Installing Debian on Lenovo IX2 NAS to replace the stock firmware

Since I have a Lenovo IX2 device , but the device is EOL with no security fixed , so I decided to find replacement of the stock firmware.

I found information from and try the instructions listed , but the device could not boot as expected.

After more research , I found the following URL which listed another installation process.,12096 and getting same result which stucks "Starting kernel......"

A few hours later , I booted the device successfully as expected , and I found my problem is related to DTS.,127264

So if anyone try to hack a IX2 device , from my own experience , PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT DTS FILE . AND IOMEGA IX2 IS NOT SAME AS LENOVO IX2 .

Here is some experience of installation .

  1. Please make sure you have a TTL device which could connect to the device if you lost the network connectivity ( ie: boot failure )
  2. Always backup your files before your process , especially the ENV values of the device ( if you do not backup the ENV values , you may not able to restore the stock firmware )
  3. If you stuck after loading the images , please make sure you have got the right DTS file with your device.

My installation process

  1. Backup the ENV value ( use fw_printenv for SSH connections with existing firmware or use printenv via TTL at interrupted uboot process )

  2. Download the updated Debian rootfs file from,12096 ( Which I use is Debian-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2 ) , many thanks for Bodhi's great work of this.

  3. Prepare a USB drive with at-least 8G and format it as MBR with 2 partitions (should be done with another linux box)
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M count=16 (Erase whole USB drive)
    fdisk /dev/sdX ( or other tools which you know how to use )
    o ( make MBR )
    n ( new first partition for /boot )
    p ( Primary )
    ( press enter to accept the first sector as the partition start )
    +256M ( for the BOOT partition )
    n ( the second partition - for the rootfs / )
    p ( Primary type )
    ( press enter to accept the first sector as the partition start )
    ( press enter to accept the end sector as the partition ends with all space )
    w ( write changes to the partition table )

  4. Prepare the Debian USB boot media

    mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdX1
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX2
    e2label /dev/sdX1 BOOT
    e2label /dev/sdX2 rootfs
    mount /dev/sdX2 /mnt
    mkdir /mnt/boot
    mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/boot
    cd /mnt
    bsdtar -xpf ~/Debian-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2 #( The file location which you have downloaded )
    cd /mnt/boot
    cp -a zImage-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1 zImage.fdt
    cat dts/kirkwood-lenovo-ix2-ng.dtb >> zImage.fdt #( If you stucks at "Starting kernel......" when booting , beware of this file )
    mv uImage uImage.orig
    mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x00008000 -e 0x00008000 -n Linux-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1 -d zImage.fdt uImage
    mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C gzip -a 0x00000000 -e 0x00000000 -n initramfs-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1 -d initrd.img-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1 uInitrd
    cat << 'EOF' >> /mnt/etc/fstab
    LABEL=BOOT /boot ext2 defaults,noatime 0 0
    LABEL=rootfs / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0

    cd ~

    sync #( Make sure the USB drive have written all files instead of memory cache )

    umount -R /mnt

    # Lenovo IX2 is different with IOMEGA IX2 , you need not to change ETH0 to ETH1
    # and you may config the /mnt/etc/network/interfaces to have a static IP address as you wish

  5. Prepare the UBOOT ENV of the device , the process is assume you connect it via TTL serial ,
    if you connect via SSH , may have a little difference ( fw_setenv vs setenv )
    Connect the TTL :
    ( Thanks for great information by Sven Kiljan )
    boot the device
    ( I suggest to boot the device with no hard drive and no usb , it will boot failure and left you to the uboot console , or you may hit "Enter" during the boot process to interrupt the boot )
    Here are the process of UBOOT:
    printenv ( Copy to a txt file which backup the existing ENV )
    setenv usb_set_bootargs 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 earlyprintk=serial'
    setenv load_uimage 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /uImage'
    setenv load_uinitrd 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /uInitrd'
    setenv usb_boot 'mw 0x800000 0 1; run load_uimage; run load_uinitrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000'
    setenv usb_bootcmd 'run usb_set_bootargs; run usb_boot'
    setenv bootcmd 'usb reset; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; reset'

  6. Power off the device , plug the USB and do not insert any hard drive ,
    and start the device again , if there has no errors , it should boot to the Debian which you installed with the USB drive ,
    you may login the device via ssh with root/root. ( I think you should know to find the IP address with your DHCP or you have already set the static IP address :) , or using the TTL to login to the system )

  7. Enjoy ~ ( You may copy the files to hard drive and boot from hard drive , but you should modify your own ENV values. If a hard drive >2TB you should use GPT for it . My drives are 4TB and I want to keep the NAS drive as most simple raid 1 so I just leave the USB as the boot media always. ie: if you installed the boot files to hard drive , raid 1 could only apply with partitions instead of hard drive level which I don't want it to be )


Installing Debian on Lenovo IX2 NAS to replace the stock firmware






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