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# Aider chat conversation:

USER: I added these *read-write* files:

ASSISTANT: Great! Now that we have the `` file in *read-write* mode, we can make changes to it as needed.

Before we proceed, could you please clarify what specific changes or updates you would like to make to the `` file?

USER: I don't think we really need to update, although, perhaps we could copy the full-API definition of `scrapeghost` currently in a very long comment in our `WebSearchAgent` file over to it for future use/reference.  Outside of that, we should use it as grounding to make sure we're calling the Marvin APIs properly, but outside of that, we should be good.

ASSISTANT: Understood. We will use the `` file as a reference to ensure we're using the Marvin APIs correctly in our `WebSearchAgent` class.

As for the `scrapeghost` API definition, we can certainly move it from the `WebSearchAgent` file to the `` file for better organization and future reference. Here's how we can do that:

1. Remove the `scrapeghost` API definition from the `WebSearchAgent` file.
2. Add the `scrapeghost` API definition to the `` file.

Let's start with the first step:

<<<<<<< ORIGINAL
    def extract_results(self, search_results):
        Extract the search results from the raw search results using ScrapeGhost and the DuckDuckGoSearch tool.

            search_results (str): The search results.

            str: The extracted search results, getting website URLs from DDG, and using ScrapeGhost to pull their data.

        [Note: Full ScrapeGhost Spec Defined Below]
            # API Reference

            ## `SchemaScraper`

            The `SchemaScraper` class is the main interface to the API.

            It has one required parameter:

            * `schema` - A dictionary describing the shape of the data you wish to extract.

            And the following optional parameters:

            * `models` - *list\[str\]* - A list of models to use, in order of preference.  Defaults to `["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"]`.  (See [supported models](../openai/#costs) for details.
            * `model_params` - *dict* - A dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying GPT model.  (See [OpenAI docs]( for details.)
            * `max_cost` -  *float* (dollars) - The maximum total cost of calls made using this scraper. This is set to 1 ($1.00) by default to avoid large unexpected charges.
            * `extra_instructions` - *list\[str\]* - Additional instructions to pass to the GPT model as a system prompt.
            * `extra_preprocessors` - *list* - A list of preprocessors to run on the HTML before sending it to the API.  This is in addition to the default preprocessors.
            * `postprocessors` - *list* - A list of postprocessors to run on the results before returning them.  If provided, this will override the default postprocessors.
            * `auto_split_length` - *int* - If set, the scraper will split the page into multiple calls, each of this length. See auto-splitting for details.

            ## `scrape`

            The `scrape` method of a `SchemaScraper` is used to scrape a page.

            scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)

            * `url_or_html` - The first parameter should be a URL or HTML string to scrape.
            * `extra_preprocessors` - A list of Preprocessors to run on the HTML before sending it to the API.

            It is also possible to call the scraper directly, which is equivalent to calling `scrape`:

            scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)
            # same as writing

            ## Exceptions

            The following exceptions can be raised by the scraper:

            (all are subclasses of `ScrapeghostError`)

            ### `MaxCostExceeded`

            The maximum cost of the scraper has been exceeded.

            Raise the `max_cost` parameter to allow more calls to be made.

            ### `PreprocessorError`

            A preprocessor encountered an error (such as returning an empty list of nodes).

            ### `TooManyTokens`

            Raised when the number of tokens being sent exceeds the maximum allowed.

            This indicates that the HTML is too large to be processed by the API.

            !!! tip

                Consider using the `css` or `xpath` selectors to reduce the number of tokens being sent, or use the `auto_split_length` parameter to split the request into multiple requests if necessary.

            ### `BadStop`

            Indicates that OpenAI ran out of space before the stop token was reached.

            !!! tip

                OpenAI considers both the input and the response tokens when determining if the token limit has been exceeded.

                If you are using `auto_split_length`, consider decreasing the value to leave more space for responses.

            ### `InvalidJSON`

            Indicates that the JSON returned by the API is invalid.

            # Usage

            ## Data Flow

            Since most of the work is done by the API, the job of a `SchemaScraper` is to make it easier to pass HTML and get valid output.

            If you are going to go beyond the basics, it is important to understand the data flow:

            1. The page HTML is passed through any [preprocessors](#preprocessors).

                a. The `CleanHTML` preprocessor removes unnecessary tags and attributes.  (This is done by default.)

                b. If an `XPath` or `CSS` preprocessor is used, the results are selected and re-combined into a single HTML string.

                c. Custom preprocessors can also execute here.

            2. The HTML and schema are sent to the LLM with instructions to extract.

            3. The results are passed through any [postprocessors](#postprocessors).

                a. The `JSONPostprocessor` converts the results to JSON.  (This is done by default.) If the results are not valid JSON, a second (much smaller) request can be made to ask it to fix the JSON.

                b. Custom postprocessors can also execute here.

            You can modify nearly any part of the process to suit your needs.  (See [Customization](#customization) for more details.)

            ### Auto-splitting

            While the flow above covers most cases, there is one special case that is worth mentioning.

            If you set the `auto_split_length` parameter to a positive integer, the HTML will be split into multiple requests where each
            request aims to be no larger than `auto_split_length` tokens.

            !!! warning

                In **list mode**, a single call can make many requests. Keep an eye on the `max_cost` parameter if you're using this.

                While this seems to work well enough for long lists of similar items, the question of it is worth the time and money is up to you.
                Writing a bit of code is probably the better option in most cases.

            Instead of recombining the results of the `XPath` or `CSS` preprocessor, the results are instead chunked into smaller pieces (<= `auto_split_length`) and sent to the API separately.

            The instructions are also modified slightly, indicating that your schema is for a list of similar items.

            ## Customization

            To make it easier to experiment with different approaches, it is possible to customize nearly every part of the process from how the HTML is retrieved to how the results are processed.

            ### HTTP Requests

            Instead of providing mechanisms to customize the HTTP request made by the library (e.g. to use caching, or make a `POST`), you can simply pass already retrieved HTML to the `scrape` method.

            This means you can use any HTTP library you want to retrieve the HTML.

            ### Preprocessors

            Preprocessors allow you to modify the HTML before it is sent to the API.

            Three preprocessors are provided:

            * `CleanHTML` - Cleans the HTML using `lxml.html.clean.Cleaner`.
            * `XPath` - Applies an XPath selector to the HTML.
            * `CSS` - Applies a CSS selector to the HTML.

            !!! note

                `CleanHTML` is always applied first, as it is part of the default preprocessors list.

            You can add your own preprocessors by passing a list to the `extra_preprocessors` parameter of `SchemaScraper`.

            scraper = SchemaScraper(schema, extra_preprocessors=[CSS("table")])

            It is also possible to pass preprocessors at scrape time:

            scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)
            scraper.scrape("", extra_preprocessors=[CSS("table")])

            Implementing your own preprocessor is simple, just create a callable that takes a `lxml.html.HtmlElement` and returns a list of one or more `lxml.html.HtmlElement` objects.  Look at `` for examples.

            ### Altering the Instructions to GPT

            Right now you can pass additional instructions to GPT by passing a list of strings to the `extra_instructions` parameter of `SchemaScraper`.

            You can also pass `model_params` to pass additional arguments to the API.

            schema = {"name": "str", "committees": [], "bio": "str"}
            scraper = SchemaScraper(
                extra_instructions=["Put the legislator's bio in the 'bio' field. Summarize it so that it is no longer than 3 sentences."],
            {'name': 'Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton',
             'committees': [
                'House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit',
                'Committee on Oversight and Reform',
                'Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure'
              'bio': 'Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton has been serving as the congresswoman for the District of Columbia since 1991. She is the Chair of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit and serves on two committees: the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Before her congressional service, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to serve as the first woman to chair the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.'}

            These instructions can be useful for refining the results, but they are not required.

            ### Altering the API / Model

            See <jamesturk/scrapeghost#18>

            ## Postprocessors

            Postprocessors take the results of the API call and modify them before returning them to the user.

            Three postprocessors are provided:

            * `JSONPostprocessor` - Converts the results to JSON.
            * `HallucinationChecker` - Checks the results for hallucinations.
            * `PydanticPostprocessor` - Converts the results to JSON and validates them using a `pydantic` model.

            By default, `JSONPostprocessor` and `HallucinationChecker` are enabled.

            `HallucinationChecker` verifies that values in the response are present in the source HTML.  This is useful for ensuring that the results are not "hallucinations".
            This is done as a proof of concept, and to help determine how big of an issue hallucinations are for this use case.

            ### Using `pydantic` Models

            If you want to validate that the returned data isn't just JSON, but data in the format you expect, you can use `pydantic` models.

                from pydantic import BaseModel
                from scrapeghost import SchemaScraper, CSS

                class CrewMember(BaseModel):
                    gender: str
                    race: str
                    alignment: str

                # passing a pydantic model to the SchemaScraper # will generate a schema from it
                # and add the PydanticPostprocessor to the postprocessors
                scrape_crewmember = SchemaScraper(schema=CrewMember)
                result = scrape_crewmember.scrape(

                CrewMember(gender='Male', race='Dokarian', alignment='Evil\\nProtagonist')

            This works by converting the `pydantic` model to a schema and registering a `PydanticPostprocessor` to validate the results automatically.

            ## Pagination

            One technique to handle pagination is provided by the `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class.

            This class takes a schema that describes a single result, and wraps it in a schema that describes a list of results as well as an additional page.

            For example:

            {"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str"}

            Automatically becomes:

            {"next_page": "url", "results": [{"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str"}]}

            The `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class then takes care of following the `next_page` link until there are no more pages.

            !!! note

                Right now, given the library's stance on customizing requests being "just use your own HTTP library", the `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class does not provide a means to customize the HTTP request used to retrieve the next page.

                If you need a more complicated approach it is recommended you implement your own pagination logic for now,
                <> may be a good starting point.

                If you have strong opinions here, please open an issue to discuss.

            It then takes the combined "results" and returns them to the user.

            Here's a functional example that scrapes several pages of employees:

                import json
                from scrapeghost.scrapers import PaginatedSchemaScraper

                schema = {"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str", "position": "str", "url": "url"}
                url = ""

                scraper = PaginatedSchemaScraper(schema)
                resp = scraper.scrape(url)

                # the resulting response is a ScrapeResponse object just like any other
                # all the results are gathered in
                json.dump(, open("yoyodyne.json", "w"), indent=2)

            !!! warning

                One caveat of the current approach: The `url` attribute on a `ScraperResult` from a `PaginatedSchemaScraper` is a semicolon-delimited list of all the URLs that were scraped to produce that result.

        [Note ScrapeGhost Spec Ends Here]
        # This is a placeholder and should be replaced with actual scraping logic, leveraging scrapeghost as defined above
        extracted_results = search_results
        return extracted_results
    def extract_results(self, search_results):
        Extract the search results from the raw search results using ScrapeGhost and the DuckDuckGoSearch tool.

            search_results (str): The search results.

            str: The extracted search results, getting website URLs from DDG, and using ScrapeGhost to pull their data.
        # This is a placeholder and should be replaced with actual scraping logic, leveraging scrapeghost as defined above
        extracted_results = search_results
        return extracted_results
>>>>>>> UPDATED

Now, let's add the `scrapeghost` API definition to the `` file:

<<<<<<< ORIGINAL
## AIModel

`AIModel` is a base class for AI models. It is used to extract structured data from text or generate structured data from text.

### Implementation

`AIModel` is implemented as a Pydantic `BaseModel` with additional methods for extracting and generating data.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_model import AIModel

class Location(AIModel):
    city: str
    state: str
    latitude: float
    longitude: float

# Extract structured data from text
location = Location.extract("I live in San Francisco, California.")
print(  # "San Francisco"
print(location.state)  # "California"

# Generate structured data from text
location = Location.generate("I need a location in California.")
print(  # Some city in California
print(location.state)  # "California"

### Developer Utility

`AIModel` provides a way to leverage AI to parse natural language text into structured data or generate structured data from natural language text.

## ai_classifier

`ai_classifier` is a decorator that is used to transform a regular Enum class into an AIEnum class.

### Implementation

`ai_classifier` is implemented as a Python decorator that adds additional attributes and methods to an Enum class.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_classifier import ai_classifier

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

# Classify text
color = Color("I like the color of the sky.")
print(color)  # Color.BLUE

### Developer Utility

`ai_classifier` provides a way to leverage AI to classify natural language text into predefined categories.

## AIApplication

`AIApplication` is a class that represents a stateful, autonomous, natural language interface to an application.

### Implementation

`AIApplication` is implemented as a Pydantic `BaseModel` with additional attributes and methods for maintaining state and interacting with the application.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_application import AIApplication

class TodoApp(AIApplication):
    name = "Todo App"
    description = "A simple todo app."

# Create an instance of the app
app = TodoApp()

# Interact with the app
app("I need to go to the store.")
print(app.state)  # State of the app
print(app.plan)  # Plan of the app

### Developer Utility

`AIApplication` provides a way to create a natural language interface to an application that can maintain state and interact with the application autonomously.

## AIFunction

`AIFunction` is a class that represents a Python function with a signature and docstring as a prompt for an AI to predict the function's output.

### Implementation

`AIFunction` is implemented as a Pydantic `BaseModel` with additional methods for predicting function output.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_function import ai_fn

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    """Adds two integers."""

# Predict function output
result = add(1, 2)
print(result)  # 3

### Developer Utility

`AIFunction` provides a way to leverage AI to predict the output of a Python function based on its signature and docstring.
## AIModel

`AIModel` is a base class for AI models. It is used to extract structured data from text or generate structured data from text.

### Implementation

`AIModel` is implemented as a Pydantic `BaseModel` with additional methods for extracting and generating data.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_model import AIModel

class Location(AIModel):
    city: str
    state: str
    latitude: float
    longitude: float

# Extract structured data from text
location = Location.extract("I live in San Francisco, California.")
print(  # "San Francisco"
print(location.state)  # "California"

# Generate structured data from text
location = Location.generate("I need a location in California.")
print(  # Some city in California
print(location.state)  # "California"

### Developer Utility

`AIModel` provides a way to leverage AI to parse natural language text into structured data or generate structured data from natural language text.

## ai_classifier

`ai_classifier` is a decorator that is used to transform a regular Enum class into an AIEnum class.

### Implementation

`ai_classifier` is implemented as a Python decorator that adds additional attributes and methods to an Enum class.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_classifier import ai_classifier

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

# Classify text
color = Color("I like the color of the sky.")
print(color)  # Color.BLUE

### Developer Utility

`ai_classifier` provides a way to leverage AI to classify natural language text into predefined categories.

## AIApplication

`AIApplication` is a class that represents a stateful, autonomous, natural language interface to an application.

### Implementation

`AIApplication` is implemented as a Pydantic `BaseModel` with additional attributes and methods for maintaining state and interacting with the application.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_application import AIApplication

class TodoApp(AIApplication):
    name = "Todo App"
    description = "A simple todo app."

# Create an instance of the app
app = TodoApp()

# Interact with the app
app("I need to go to the store.")
print(app.state)  # State of the app
print(app.plan)  # Plan of the app

### Developer Utility

`AIApplication` provides a way to create a natural language interface to an application that can maintain state and interact with the application autonomously.

## AIFunction

`AIFunction` is a class that represents a Python function with a signature and docstring as a prompt for an AI to predict the function's output.

### Implementation

`AIFunction` is implemented as a Pydantic `BaseModel` with additional methods for predicting function output.

### Top-Level Use

from src.marvin.components.ai_function import ai_fn

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    """Adds two integers."""

# Predict function output
result = add(1, 2)
print(result)  # 3

### Developer Utility

`AIFunction` provides a way to leverage AI to predict the output of a Python function based on its signature and docstring.

## ScrapeGhost

ScrapeGhost is a tool for extracting structured data from web pages using GPT-3. It takes a schema that describes the shape of the data you wish to extract, and returns a dictionary of that shape.

### API Reference

#### `SchemaScraper`

The `SchemaScraper` class is the main interface to the API.

It has one required parameter:

* `schema` - A dictionary describing the shape of the data you wish to extract.

And the following optional parameters:

* `models` - *list\[str\]* - A list of models to use, in order of preference.  Defaults to `["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"]`.  (See [supported models](../openai/#costs) for details.
* `model_params` - *dict* - A dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying GPT model.  (See [OpenAI docs]( for details.)
* `max_cost` -  *float* (dollars) - The maximum total cost of calls made using this scraper. This is set to 1 ($1.00) by default to avoid large unexpected charges.
* `extra_instructions` - *list\[str\]* - Additional instructions to pass to the GPT model as a system prompt.
* `extra_preprocessors` - *list* - A list of preprocessors to run on the HTML before sending it to the API.  This is in addition to the default preprocessors.
* `postprocessors` - *list* - A list of postprocessors to run on the results before returning them.  If provided, this will override the default postprocessors.
* `auto_split_length` - *int* - If set, the scraper will split the page into multiple calls, each of this length. See auto-splitting for details.

#### `scrape`

The `scrape` method of a `SchemaScraper` is used to scrape a page.

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)

* `url_or_html` - The first parameter should be a URL or HTML string to scrape.
* `extra_preprocessors` - A list of Preprocessors to run on the HTML before sending it to the API.

It is also possible to call the scraper directly, which is equivalent to calling `scrape`:

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)
# same as writing

#### Exceptions

The following exceptions can be raised by the scraper:

(all are subclasses of `ScrapeghostError`)

##### `MaxCostExceeded`

The maximum cost of the scraper has been exceeded.

Raise the `max_cost` parameter to allow more calls to be made.

##### `PreprocessorError`

A preprocessor encountered an error (such as returning an empty list of nodes).

##### `TooManyTokens`

Raised when the number of tokens being sent exceeds the maximum allowed.

This indicates that the HTML is too large to be processed by the API.

!!! tip

    Consider using the `css` or `xpath` selectors to reduce the number of tokens being sent, or use the `auto_split_length` parameter to split the request into multiple requests if necessary.

##### `BadStop`

Indicates that OpenAI ran out of space before the stop token was reached.

!!! tip

    OpenAI considers both the input and the response tokens when determining if the token limit has been exceeded.

    If you are using `auto_split_length`, consider decreasing the value to leave more space for responses.

##### `InvalidJSON`

Indicates that the JSON returned by the API is invalid.

### Usage

#### Data Flow

Since most of the work is done by the API, the job of a `SchemaScraper` is to make it easier to pass HTML and get valid output.

If you are going to go beyond the basics, it is important to understand the data flow:

1. The page HTML is passed through any [preprocessors](#preprocessors).

    a. The `CleanHTML` preprocessor removes unnecessary tags and attributes.  (This is done by default.)

    b. If an `XPath` or `CSS` preprocessor is used, the results are selected and re-combined into a single HTML string.

    c. Custom preprocessors can also execute here.

2. The HTML and schema are sent to the LLM with instructions to extract.

3. The results are passed through any [postprocessors](#postprocessors).

    a. The `JSONPostprocessor` converts the results to JSON.  (This is done by default.) If the results are not valid JSON, a second (much smaller) request can be made to ask it to fix the JSON.

    b. Custom postprocessors can also execute here.

You can modify nearly any part of the process to suit your needs.  (See [Customization](#customization) for more details.)

#### Auto-splitting

While the flow above covers most cases, there is one special case that is worth mentioning.

If you set the `auto_split_length` parameter to a positive integer, the HTML will be split into multiple requests where each
request aims to be no larger than `auto_split_length` tokens.

!!! warning

    In **list mode**, a single call can make many requests. Keep an eye on the `max_cost` parameter if you're using this.

    While this seems to work well enough for long lists of similar items, the question of it is worth the time and money is up to you.
    Writing a bit of code is probably the better option in most cases.

Instead of recombining the results of the `XPath` or `CSS` preprocessor, the results are instead chunked into smaller pieces (<= `auto_split_length`) and sent to the API separately.

The instructions are also modified slightly, indicating that your schema is for a list of similar items.

#### Customization

To make it easier to experiment with different approaches, it is possible to customize nearly every part of the process from how the HTML is retrieved to how the results are processed.

##### HTTP Requests

Instead of providing mechanisms to customize the HTTP request made by the library (e.g. to use caching, or make a `POST`), you can simply pass already retrieved HTML to the `scrape` method.

This means you can use any HTTP library you want to retrieve the HTML.

##### Preprocessors

Preprocessors allow you to modify the HTML before it is sent to the API.

Three preprocessors are provided:

* `CleanHTML` - Cleans the HTML using `lxml.html.clean.Cleaner`.
* `XPath` - Applies an XPath selector to the HTML.
* `CSS` - Applies a CSS selector to the HTML.

!!! note

    `CleanHTML` is always applied first, as it is part of the default preprocessors list.

You can add your own preprocessors by passing a list to the `extra_preprocessors` parameter of `SchemaScraper`.

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema, extra_preprocessors=[CSS("table")])

It is also possible to pass preprocessors at scrape time:

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)
scraper.scrape("", extra_preprocessors=[CSS("table")])

Implementing your own preprocessor is simple, just create a callable that takes a `lxml.html.HtmlElement` and returns a list of one or more `lxml.html.HtmlElement` objects.  Look at `` for examples.

##### Altering the Instructions to GPT

Right now you can pass additional instructions to GPT by passing a list of strings to the `extra_instructions` parameter of `SchemaScraper`.

You can also pass `model_params` to pass additional arguments to the API.

schema = {"name": "str", "committees": [], "bio": "str"}
scraper = SchemaScraper(
    extra_instructions=["Put the legislator's bio in the 'bio' field. Summarize it so that it is no longer than 3 sentences."],
{'name': 'Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton',
 'committees': [
    'House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit',
    'Committee on Oversight and Reform',
    'Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure'
  'bio': 'Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton has been serving as the congresswoman for the District of Columbia since 1991. She is the Chair of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit and serves on two committees: the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Before her congressional service, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to serve as the first woman to chair the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.'}

These instructions can be useful for refining the results, but they are not required.

##### Altering the API / Model

See <jamesturk/scrapeghost#18>

#### Postprocessors

Postprocessors take the results of the API call and modify them before returning them to the user.

Three postprocessors are provided:

* `JSONPostprocessor` - Converts the results to JSON.
* `HallucinationChecker` - Checks the results for hallucinations.
* `PydanticPostprocessor` - Converts the results to JSON and validates them using a `pydantic` model.

By default, `JSONPostprocessor` and `HallucinationChecker` are enabled.

`HallucinationChecker` verifies that values in the response are present in the source HTML.  This is useful for ensuring that the results are not "hallucinations".
This is done as a proof of concept, and to help determine how big of an issue hallucinations are for this use case.

##### Using `pydantic` Models

If you want to validate that the returned data isn't just JSON, but data in the format you expect, you can use `pydantic` models.

    from pydantic import BaseModel
    from scrapeghost import SchemaScraper, CSS

    class CrewMember(BaseModel):
        gender: str
        race: str
        alignment: str

    # passing a pydantic model to the SchemaScraper # will generate a schema from it
    # and add the PydanticPostprocessor to the postprocessors
    scrape_crewmember = SchemaScraper(schema=CrewMember)
    result = scrape_crewmember.scrape(

    CrewMember(gender='Male', race='Dokarian', alignment='Evil\\nProtagonist')

This works by converting the `pydantic` model to a schema and registering a `PydanticPostprocessor` to validate the results automatically.

#### Pagination

One technique to handle pagination is provided by the `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class.

This class takes a schema that describes a single result, and wraps it in a schema that describes a list of results as well as an additional page.

For example:

{"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str"}

Automatically becomes:

{"next_page": "url", "results": [{"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str"}]}

The `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class then takes care of following the `next_page` link until there are no more pages.

!!! note

    Right now, given the library's stance on customizing requests being "just use your own HTTP library", the `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class does not provide a means to customize the HTTP request used to retrieve the next page.

    If you need a more complicated approach it is recommended you implement your own pagination logic for now,
    <> may be a good starting point.

    If you have strong opinions here, please open an issue to discuss.

It then takes the combined "results" and returns them to the user.

Here's a functional example that scrapes several pages of employees:

    import json
    from scrapeghost.scrapers import PaginatedSchemaScraper

    schema = {"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str", "position": "str", "url": "url"}
    url = ""

    scraper = PaginatedSchemaScraper(schema)
    resp = scraper.scrape(url)

    # the resulting response is a ScrapeResponse object just like any other
    # all the results are gathered in
    json.dump(, open("yoyodyne.json", "w"), indent=2)

!!! warning

    One caveat of the current approach: The `url` attribute on a `ScraperResult` from a `PaginatedSchemaScraper` is a semicolon-delimited list of all the URLs that were scraped to produce that result.
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Aristoddle committed Jul 31, 2023
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Expand Up @@ -119,3 +119,301 @@ print(result) # 3
### Developer Utility

`AIFunction` provides a way to leverage AI to predict the output of a Python function based on its signature and docstring.

## ScrapeGhost

ScrapeGhost is a tool for extracting structured data from web pages using GPT-3. It takes a schema that describes the shape of the data you wish to extract, and returns a dictionary of that shape.

### API Reference

#### `SchemaScraper`

The `SchemaScraper` class is the main interface to the API.

It has one required parameter:

* `schema` - A dictionary describing the shape of the data you wish to extract.

And the following optional parameters:

* `models` - *list\[str\]* - A list of models to use, in order of preference. Defaults to `["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"]`. (See [supported models](../openai/#costs) for details.
* `model_params` - *dict* - A dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying GPT model. (See [OpenAI docs]( for details.)
* `max_cost` - *float* (dollars) - The maximum total cost of calls made using this scraper. This is set to 1 ($1.00) by default to avoid large unexpected charges.
* `extra_instructions` - *list\[str\]* - Additional instructions to pass to the GPT model as a system prompt.
* `extra_preprocessors` - *list* - A list of preprocessors to run on the HTML before sending it to the API. This is in addition to the default preprocessors.
* `postprocessors` - *list* - A list of postprocessors to run on the results before returning them. If provided, this will override the default postprocessors.
* `auto_split_length` - *int* - If set, the scraper will split the page into multiple calls, each of this length. See auto-splitting for details.

#### `scrape`

The `scrape` method of a `SchemaScraper` is used to scrape a page.

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)

* `url_or_html` - The first parameter should be a URL or HTML string to scrape.
* `extra_preprocessors` - A list of Preprocessors to run on the HTML before sending it to the API.

It is also possible to call the scraper directly, which is equivalent to calling `scrape`:

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)
# same as writing

#### Exceptions

The following exceptions can be raised by the scraper:

(all are subclasses of `ScrapeghostError`)

##### `MaxCostExceeded`

The maximum cost of the scraper has been exceeded.

Raise the `max_cost` parameter to allow more calls to be made.

##### `PreprocessorError`

A preprocessor encountered an error (such as returning an empty list of nodes).

##### `TooManyTokens`

Raised when the number of tokens being sent exceeds the maximum allowed.

This indicates that the HTML is too large to be processed by the API.

!!! tip

Consider using the `css` or `xpath` selectors to reduce the number of tokens being sent, or use the `auto_split_length` parameter to split the request into multiple requests if necessary.

##### `BadStop`

Indicates that OpenAI ran out of space before the stop token was reached.

!!! tip

OpenAI considers both the input and the response tokens when determining if the token limit has been exceeded.

If you are using `auto_split_length`, consider decreasing the value to leave more space for responses.

##### `InvalidJSON`

Indicates that the JSON returned by the API is invalid.

### Usage

#### Data Flow

Since most of the work is done by the API, the job of a `SchemaScraper` is to make it easier to pass HTML and get valid output.

If you are going to go beyond the basics, it is important to understand the data flow:

1. The page HTML is passed through any [preprocessors](#preprocessors).

a. The `CleanHTML` preprocessor removes unnecessary tags and attributes. (This is done by default.)

b. If an `XPath` or `CSS` preprocessor is used, the results are selected and re-combined into a single HTML string.

c. Custom preprocessors can also execute here.

2. The HTML and schema are sent to the LLM with instructions to extract.

3. The results are passed through any [postprocessors](#postprocessors).

a. The `JSONPostprocessor` converts the results to JSON. (This is done by default.) If the results are not valid JSON, a second (much smaller) request can be made to ask it to fix the JSON.

b. Custom postprocessors can also execute here.

You can modify nearly any part of the process to suit your needs. (See [Customization](#customization) for more details.)

#### Auto-splitting

While the flow above covers most cases, there is one special case that is worth mentioning.

If you set the `auto_split_length` parameter to a positive integer, the HTML will be split into multiple requests where each
request aims to be no larger than `auto_split_length` tokens.

!!! warning

In **list mode**, a single call can make many requests. Keep an eye on the `max_cost` parameter if you're using this.

While this seems to work well enough for long lists of similar items, the question of it is worth the time and money is up to you.
Writing a bit of code is probably the better option in most cases.

Instead of recombining the results of the `XPath` or `CSS` preprocessor, the results are instead chunked into smaller pieces (<= `auto_split_length`) and sent to the API separately.

The instructions are also modified slightly, indicating that your schema is for a list of similar items.

#### Customization

To make it easier to experiment with different approaches, it is possible to customize nearly every part of the process from how the HTML is retrieved to how the results are processed.

##### HTTP Requests

Instead of providing mechanisms to customize the HTTP request made by the library (e.g. to use caching, or make a `POST`), you can simply pass already retrieved HTML to the `scrape` method.

This means you can use any HTTP library you want to retrieve the HTML.

##### Preprocessors

Preprocessors allow you to modify the HTML before it is sent to the API.

Three preprocessors are provided:

* `CleanHTML` - Cleans the HTML using `lxml.html.clean.Cleaner`.
* `XPath` - Applies an XPath selector to the HTML.
* `CSS` - Applies a CSS selector to the HTML.

!!! note

`CleanHTML` is always applied first, as it is part of the default preprocessors list.

You can add your own preprocessors by passing a list to the `extra_preprocessors` parameter of `SchemaScraper`.

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema, extra_preprocessors=[CSS("table")])

It is also possible to pass preprocessors at scrape time:

scraper = SchemaScraper(schema)
scraper.scrape("", extra_preprocessors=[CSS("table")])

Implementing your own preprocessor is simple, just create a callable that takes a `lxml.html.HtmlElement` and returns a list of one or more `lxml.html.HtmlElement` objects. Look at `` for examples.

##### Altering the Instructions to GPT

Right now you can pass additional instructions to GPT by passing a list of strings to the `extra_instructions` parameter of `SchemaScraper`.

You can also pass `model_params` to pass additional arguments to the API.

schema = {"name": "str", "committees": [], "bio": "str"}
scraper = SchemaScraper(
extra_instructions=["Put the legislator's bio in the 'bio' field. Summarize it so that it is no longer than 3 sentences."],
{'name': 'Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton',
'committees': [
'House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit',
'Committee on Oversight and Reform',
'Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure'
'bio': 'Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton has been serving as the congresswoman for the District of Columbia since 1991. She is the Chair of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit and serves on two committees: the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Before her congressional service, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to serve as the first woman to chair the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.'}

These instructions can be useful for refining the results, but they are not required.

##### Altering the API / Model

See <>

#### Postprocessors

Postprocessors take the results of the API call and modify them before returning them to the user.

Three postprocessors are provided:

* `JSONPostprocessor` - Converts the results to JSON.
* `HallucinationChecker` - Checks the results for hallucinations.
* `PydanticPostprocessor` - Converts the results to JSON and validates them using a `pydantic` model.

By default, `JSONPostprocessor` and `HallucinationChecker` are enabled.

`HallucinationChecker` verifies that values in the response are present in the source HTML. This is useful for ensuring that the results are not "hallucinations".
This is done as a proof of concept, and to help determine how big of an issue hallucinations are for this use case.

##### Using `pydantic` Models

If you want to validate that the returned data isn't just JSON, but data in the format you expect, you can use `pydantic` models.

from pydantic import BaseModel
from scrapeghost import SchemaScraper, CSS

class CrewMember(BaseModel):
gender: str
race: str
alignment: str

# passing a pydantic model to the SchemaScraper # will generate a schema from it
# and add the PydanticPostprocessor to the postprocessors
scrape_crewmember = SchemaScraper(schema=CrewMember)
result = scrape_crewmember.scrape(

CrewMember(gender='Male', race='Dokarian', alignment='Evil\\nProtagonist')

This works by converting the `pydantic` model to a schema and registering a `PydanticPostprocessor` to validate the results automatically.

#### Pagination

One technique to handle pagination is provided by the `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class.

This class takes a schema that describes a single result, and wraps it in a schema that describes a list of results as well as an additional page.

For example:

{"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str"}

Automatically becomes:

{"next_page": "url", "results": [{"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str"}]}

The `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class then takes care of following the `next_page` link until there are no more pages.

!!! note

Right now, given the library's stance on customizing requests being "just use your own HTTP library", the `PaginatedSchemaScraper` class does not provide a means to customize the HTTP request used to retrieve the next page.

If you need a more complicated approach it is recommended you implement your own pagination logic for now,
<> may be a good starting point.

If you have strong opinions here, please open an issue to discuss.

It then takes the combined "results" and returns them to the user.

Here's a functional example that scrapes several pages of employees:

import json
from scrapeghost.scrapers import PaginatedSchemaScraper

schema = {"first_name": "str", "last_name": "str", "position": "str", "url": "url"}
url = ""

scraper = PaginatedSchemaScraper(schema)
resp = scraper.scrape(url)

# the resulting response is a ScrapeResponse object just like any other
# all the results are gathered in
json.dump(, open("yoyodyne.json", "w"), indent=2)

!!! warning

One caveat of the current approach: The `url` attribute on a `ScraperResult` from a `PaginatedSchemaScraper` is a semicolon-delimited list of all the URLs that were scraped to produce that result.

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