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A C# library complementing the Bogus generator by adding auto creation and population capabilities.


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A C# library complementing the Bogus generator by adding auto creation and population capabilities.

The following packages are available for download from NuGet:


There are several levels of configuration available.

  • Global > this is scoped as the default configuration across all generate requests.
  • Faker > this is scoped as the configuration applied to all generate requests for an AutoFaker instance.
  • Generate > this is scoped as the configuration for a specific generate request.

The above levels are hierarchical and in the order listed. Therefore, if a setting is not set for a Generate configuration, then the Faker value is used and then the Global.


A configuration is defined via a builder action that invokes the relevant setup method.

// Configure globally
AutoFaker.Configure(builder =>
    .WithLocale()         	// Configures the locale to use
    .WithRepeatCount()    	// Configures the number of items in a collection
    .WithDataTableRowCount()	// Configures the number of data table rows to generate
    .WithRecursiveDepth() 	// Configures how deep nested types should recurse
    .WithTreeDepth()		// Configures the tree depth of an object graph
    .WithBinder()         	// Configures the binder to use
    .WithFakerHub()       	// Configures a Bogus.Faker instance to be used - instead of a default instance
    .WithSkip()           	// Configures members to be skipped for a type
    .WithOverride();      	// Configures the generator overrides to use - can be called multiple times

// Configure a faker
var faker = AutoFaker.Create(builder => ...);

// Configure a generate request
faker.Generate<TType>(builder => ...);
faker.Generate<TType, TFaker>(builder => ...);

AutoFaker.Generate<TType>(builder => ...);
AutoFaker.Generate<TType, TFaker>(builder => ...);

// Configure an AutoFaker<T> 
var personFaker = new AutoFaker<Person>()
  .Configure(builder => ...)
  .RuleFor(fake => fake.Id, fake => fake.Random.Int())

The Generate<TType, TFaker>() methods also include WithArgs() so constructor arguments can be defined for the TFaker instance.



The non-generic AutoFaker class provides convenience methods to generate type instances.

It can be used statically or as a configured instance. The static methods provide a means of quickly generating types on-the-fly and the instance can be reused across multiple generate requests.




var faker = AutoFaker.Create();



The AutoFaker<T> class is a Bogus wrapper that adds auto generation for member values. In turn, it means all the goodness of Bogus is automatically available (e.g. rule sets).

var personFaker = new AutoFaker<Person>()
  .RuleFor(fake => fake.Id, fake => fake.Random.Int())
  .RuleSet("empty", rules =>
    rules.RuleFor(fake => fake.Id, () => 0);

// Use explicit conversion or call Generate()
var person1 = (Person)personFaker;
var person2 = personFaker.Generate();


// An existing instance can also be populated
var person3 = new Person();


When the AutoFaker<T> class is inherited, you can either instantiate an instance or use the AutoFaker class to auto instantiate and invoke a Generate() method.

public class PersonFaker : AutoFaker<Person>
  public PersonFaker(int id)
    RuleFor(fake => fake.Id, () => id)

var id = AutoFaker.Generate<int>();

// Create an instance and call Generate()
var personFaker = new PersonFaker(id);
var person1 = personFaker.Generate();


// Create a Person instance using AutoFaker.Generate()
// If the AutoFaker<T> class needs constructor arguments, they can be passed using WithArgs()
var person2 = AutoFaker.Generate<Person, PersonFaker>(builder => builder.WithArgs(id));


Note that, should a rule set be used to generate a type, then only members not defined in the rule set are auto generated. In the examples above, the Id member will not be generated, but will instead use the RuleFor value.


A default IAutoBinder implementation is included with AutoBogus, but it will not generate interfaces or abstract classes. For this, the following packages are available:


The generating of values can be skipped based on either a type or the member path of a type.

AutoFaker.Configure(builder =>
  // Types
    .WithSkip<Address>()                      // Define a generic type
    .WithSkip(typeof(Country));               // Define a type

  // Type members
    .WithSkip<Person>(person => person.Name); // Define using an expression for public members
    .WithSkip<Person>("Age");                 // Define using a string for protected, internal, etc. members
    .WithSkip(typeof(Person), "Gender");      // Define using a string for protected, internal, etc. members


In some cases, custom rules are needed to generate a type and for this, AutoBogus provides generator overrides. By implementating a class that inherits AutoGeneratorOverride and registering it via a configuration, these custom rules can be invoked as part of a generate request.

public class PersonOverride : AutoGeneratorOverride
  public override bool CanOverride(AutoGenerateContext context)
    return context.GenerateType == typeof(Person);

  public override void Generate(AutoGenerateOverrideContext context)
    // Apply an email value to the person
    var person = context.Instance as Person;
    person.Email = context.Faker.Internet.Email();

// Register the override
AutoFaker.Configure(builder => builder.WithOverride(new PersonOverride()));

Note that a virtual Preinitialize property is available to control whether an initial value should be generated. This defaults to true.


The following underlying behaviors are in place in AutoBogus:

  • Interface and abstract class types are not auto generated - they will result in null values. A custom binder would be needed, like one of the packages listed above.
  • Rescursive types - a nested member with the same parent type - will be generated to 2 levels by default to avoid a StackOverflowException - Person.Parent -> Person.Parent -> null
  • Read only properties - if a property is read only but can be resolved as an ICollection<> or IDictionary<,>, then it will be populated via the Add() method.


The AutoBogus.Conventions package provides conventions for generating values, currently based on generation type and name. As an example, a property named Email and of type string will be assigned a value using the Faker.Internet.Email() generator.

To include the conventions in your project, apply the following configuration at the required level:

AutoFaker.Configure(builder =>

Each convention generator maps to a Bogus generator method and can be configured individually.

AutoFaker.Configure(builder =>
  builder.WithConventions(config =>
    config.FirstName.Enabled = false;      // Disables the FirstName generator
    config.LastName.AlwaysGenerate = true; // Overrides any LastName values previously generated
    config.Email.Aliases("AnotherEmail");  // Generates an email value for members named AnotherEmail


The AutoBogus.Templating package allows value generation rules to be defined using a text based templating notation.

This can be used by using the GenerateWithTemplate() extension method.

public class Person
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }
  public string Status { get; set; } // Will be auto generated by the underlying AutoBogus generator

var persons = new AutoFaker<Person>().GenerateWithTemplate(@"
  Id | FirstName | LastName
  0  | John      | Smith
  1  | Jane      | Jones
  2  | Bob       | Clark


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A C# library complementing the Bogus generator by adding auto creation and population capabilities.







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