Tomazo is an Android App that provides to its users, information about the restraunt available in there current location, It also Shows the Collection of your favourite restraunts.
- It has a SignIn feature that enables user to signIn directly from google.
- It has a feature to search for nearby restraunt by updating your location.
- User can search for the collection of restraunts by searching there city name.
- User can check out there data with collections in Horizontal form and Restraunt in vertical.
- We will implement google map based on the users location.
- In next update there will be an updated UI with some new features.
- Android Studio v4.0+
- A working Android physical device or emulator with USB debugging enabled
Directions to setup/install
- Clone this repository to your local folder using Git bash:
git clone
- Open this project from Android Studio
- Connect to an Android physical device or emulator
Made by Arsh and Shivendu
# Tomazo