Tired of seeing your notes scattered around and untidy? Organize your documents with Notebucket. With powerfull markdown editor build with codemirror, write your notes, todos or anything and customize them freely.
- Migrated from using localStorage to cloud database - Now you can write your document and sync them across your devices
- Markdown syntax highlighter
- Mobile UI/UX improvements
- Choose custom color note cover
- Cloud database - Sync your document across devices
- Syntax highlighter - Support most available language
- Katex support - Display mathematics notation
- Status system - Sort notes based on its status
- Export & Import notes - Available for
file - Command Pallete - Easiest way to navigate through notes
- Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl + Alt + N
ย Create new noteCtrl + Alt + F
ย Toggle command palleteCtrl + Alt + S
ย Toggle sidebarCtrl + Alt + W
ย Split edit windowCtrl + Alt + R
ย Read-only