The code is to quantization float32 network of darknet to uint8 network based of paper:
Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient
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If you want to use mkl to accelerate, you need to install mkl by yourself, else do not need to install mkl
- Download and Install MKL: password: v37i
- Fit MKL
- For Linux, change
in Makefile to your own mkl install path - For Windows, fit mkl path in setting of vs, follow this blog if you have no experience:
- For Linux, change
[Linux] Train:
set GPU=1 in Makefile
make -j8
./darknet detector train cfg/ cfg/yolov3-tiny-mask_quant.cfg [pretrain weights file I gave to you(default in cfg folder)]
[Linux] Test:
set GPU=0, QUANTIZATION=1 in Makefile and OPENBLAS=1 if you use mkl make -j8
./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov3-tiny_quant.cfg [weights file] [image path]
1. close macro OPENBLAS in vs, else open OPENBLAS to use mkl
2. yolo_quantization.exe detector test [abs path to data file] [abs path to cfg file] [abs path to weights file] [abs path to image file]
password: qy8a
quantization | inference time (intel chip 64bit) | recall | precision | f1 score |
darknet | 0.83s | 74.43 | 89.45 | 81.25 |
quantization mine | 0.34s | 90.08 | 91.83 | 90.94 |