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Nuxt.js TS PM2

Nuxt.js with ts and pm2


Nuxt.js 2.4.0 has released, checkout this announcement. Finally, typescript set up is easy and handy. So basically, you just need to install nuxt-ts and ta-da!!!

As for PM2, it is a project process manager for Node.js application. And I find it helps cutting off all setting-up bash files if you want to run you app on linux server all the time.

In this project, it includes all two common UI plugins(bootstrap-vue and element-ui), js-cookies and vuelidate etc. If those are all suitable for your project, just simply delete node_modules folder and run yarn install.

Some issues and heads-up

  • Bootstrap I used to include bootstrap in modules in nuxt.config file. Now it seems there are some problems when it loads. So include bootstrap in plugins in nuxt.config. Ref
  • $loding ( var override) Ref, @P-de-jong's comment works for me. Turn off lib check in tsconfig
  • About linux It only happened to me at first time when I added plugin via yarn on linux server . Just in case it may occur to you. Error: There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying... Ref,
yarn config set proxy [http://username:password@host:port](http://username:password@host:port/)  
yarn config set https-proxy [http://username:password@host:port](http://username:password@host:port/)

Set npm timeout didnot work for me

Build Setup

Please follow package.json, tsconfig.json and nuxt.config.ts files to check my set up.

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn run build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn run generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout Nuxt.js docs.


Nuxt.js example with typescript and PM2






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