- 🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning/Deep Learning by reading book "Grokking Deep Learning" Andrew W. Trask.
- 📫 How to reach me: wright me on telegram https://t.me/AtikinNT
My site is https://github.com/Atikin-NT/My-site. Two years ago, I was interested in web development, so I decided to create my own blog. It worked on the niktech.site address, but I got tired of writing articles, there was no feedback from users (no one read), so I decided to stop supporting it. But you can see the code in the My-site repository
Escrow. I worked in a team that developed an escrow servise based on smart contracts that do not need a middleman in comparison to centralized competitors. It allows making safe peer-2-peer purchases with a minimum fee and maximal level of trust. The funds are frozen in the escrow account until the buyer confirms that the product or service was received. In this project, I was responsible for the backend and database architecture
- Presentation on devpost
- Right now I'm working on a VPN bot project: