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Four institutions have dynamically downscaled CMIP6 global climate model data over Australia:

(See Appendix below for which CMIP6 global climate models each institution downscaled.)

The Australian Climate Service (ACS) has been pre-processing (to a common 5km grid) and then bias correcting some of these data for projects including the National Climate Risk Assessment (NCRA) and National Hydrological Projections (NHP). Bias correction also involves calibrating against observations, so BARRA-R2 data have also been pre-processed.

This repository tracks the details and progress of the data produced by the ACS bias correction team. A first phase of pre-processing and bias correction was conducted to produce a core general purpose dataset that will soon be published as a stand-alone project on NCI (details will be at and now a second phase is underway to service the NHP.

Pre-processed input data for bias correction

Model outputs and observational data require pre-processing prior to bias correction. This pre-processing involves spatial regridding to the AUST-05i grid, unit conversion and re-chunking.

AUST-05i is the AGCD 0.05 x 0.05 degrees spatial grid: 691 latitudes (112.00 to 156.25 East), 886 longitudes (10.0 to 44.5 South).


For the model outputs, the pre-processing was achieved by running the following at the command line for any given GCM / RCM / model run / variable combination:

bash ACCESS-CM2 BARPA-R r4i1p1f1 ssp370 tasmin -n

(The -n is optional and allows for a dry run where the commands that would be executed are just printed to the screen.)

The following is the equivalent command to submit to the job queue on NCI:

qsub -v gcm=ACCESS-CM2,rcm=BARPA-R,run=r4i1p1f1,exp=ssp370,var=tasmin

For the observational data, no pre-processing was required for the AGCD data. For BARRA-R2, the pre-processing was achieved by running the following at the command line for any given variable:

bash tasmin -n

(The -n is optional and allows for a dry run where the commands that would be executed are just printed to the screen.)

The following is the equivalent command to submit to the job queue on NCI:

qsub -v var=tasmin

Data availability

The following pre-processed variables are available at a daily timescale for all historical, ssp126 and ssp370 experiment data produced by the BoM, CSIRO, Queensland Future Climate Science Program and NARCliM2.0.

Phase 1:

  • Daily maximum surface air temperature (tasmax)
  • Daily minimum surface air temperature (tasmin)
  • Precipitation (pr)
  • Surface downwelling shortwave radiation (rsds)
  • Daily maximum surface wind speed (sfcWindmax)
  • Daily maximum relative humidity (hursmax)
  • Daily minimum relative humidity (hursmin)

Phase 2:

  • Surface pressure (ps)
  • Sea level pressure (psl)
  • Surface specific humidity (huss)
  • Surface downwelling longwave radiation (rlds)
  • Snowfall (prsn)
  • Surface wind speed (sfcWind)
  • Surface altitude (orog) (historical experiment only)

Data location

The AGCD and pre-processed BARRA-R2 observational data are available on NCI at the following (example) directories:



The pre-processed model data is available on NCI at the following (example) directory:


The phase 1 pre-processed data are also about to be formally published on NCI at the following DOI:

Bias corrected output data

Data availability

The following bias corrected data is currently available for two bias correction methods: Quantile Matching for Extremes (QME) and Multivariate Recursive Nesting Bias Correction (MRNBC). All relevant BoM, CSIRO, Queensland Future Climate Science Program and NARCliM2.0 data were processed.

Phase 1:

Variable Timescale Grid Units Observations Experiments
Daily maximum surface air temperature (tasmax) daily AUST-05i C AGCD, BARRA-R2 historical, ssp126, ssp370
Daily minimum surface air temperature (tasmin) daily AUST-05i C AGCD, BARRA-R2 historical, ssp126, ssp370
Precipitation (pr) daily AUST-05i mm/day AGCD, BARRA-R2 historical, ssp126, ssp370
Surface downwelling shortwave radiation (rsds) daily AUST-05i W/m2 BARRA-R2 historical, ssp126, ssp370
Daily maximum surface wind speed (sfcWindmax) daily AUST-05i m/s BARRA-R2 historical, ssp126, ssp370
Daily maximum relative humidity (hursmax) daily AUST-05i % BARRA-R2 historical, ssp126, ssp370
Daily minimum relative humidity (hursmin) daily AUST-05i % BARRA-R2 historical, ssp126, ssp370

Phase 2:

Still to come.

Data location

Bias corrected output data are available at:


For example, pr bias corrected output data for ACCESS-CM2 BARPA-R corrected to AGCD data using the QME method can be found at the following directory:


The phase 1 bias corrected data are also about to be formally published on NCI at the following DOI:


Here's a list of each global climate model (GCM) / regional climate model (RCM) combination processed by each modelling group.


  • ACCESS-CM2 (run r4i1p1f1) / BARPA-R
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (r6i1p1f1) / BARPA-R
  • CESM2 (r11i1p1f1) / BARPA-R
  • CMCC-ESM2 (r1i1p1f1) / BARPA-R
  • EC-Earth3 (r1i1p1f1) / BARPA-R
  • MPI-ESM1-2-HR (r1i1p1f1) / BARPA-R
  • NorESM2-MM (r1i1p1f1) / BARPA-R


  • ACCESS-CM2 (r4i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2203-SN
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (r6i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2203-SN
  • CESM2 (r11i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2203-SN
  • CMCC-ESM2 (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2203-SN
  • CNRM-ESM2-1 (r1i1p1f2) / CCAM-v2203-SN
  • EC-Earth3 (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2203-SN
  • NorESM2-MM (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2203-SN


  • ACCESS-CM2 (r2i1p1f1) / CCAMoc-v2112
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (r20i1p1f1) / CCAMoc-v2112
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (r40i1p1f1) / CCAMoc-v2112
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (r6i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2105
  • CMCC-ESM2 (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2105
  • CNRM-CM6-1-HR (r1i1p1f2) / CCAMoc-v2112
  • CNRM-CM6-1-HR (r1i1p1f2) / CCAM-v2112
  • EC-Earth3 (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2105
  • FGOALS-g3 (r4i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2105
  • GFDL-ESM4 (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2105
  • GISS-E2-1-G (r2i1p1f2) / CCAM-v2105
  • MPI-ESM1-2-LR (r9i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2105
  • MRI-ESM2-0 (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2105
  • NorESM2-MM (r1i1p1f1) / CCAMoc-v2112
  • NorESM2-MM (r1i1p1f1) / CCAM-v2112


  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (r6i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R3
  • ACCESS-ESM1-5 (r6i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R5
  • EC-Earth3-Veg (r1i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R3
  • EC-Earth3-Veg (r1i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R5
  • MPI-ESM1-2-HR (r1i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R3
  • MPI-ESM1-2-HR (r1i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R5
  • NorESM2-MM (r1i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R3
  • NorESM2-MM (r1i1p1f1) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R5
  • UKESM1-0-LL (r1i1p1f2) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R3
  • UKESM1-0-LL (r1i1p1f2) / NARCliM2-0-WRF412R5


Tracking of bias corrected data release stages






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