2D world editor written in C#. The world view is rendered using XNA. I originally developed this tool in 2012 as a side project for an infinite side scrolling platformer game that I was working on. This is an iteration upon a hacked together editor using HTML5, which would honestly be a waste of time and sanity to put on GitHub.
The forms and UI components use DotNetBar. Because DNB is not Open Sourced, I have stripped out all resource and project files and only the core classes that do things remain.
- Import world from a file
- Export as image or XNA content file. Written in such a way that alternative file formats can easily be implemented
- Complete history management (undo/redo actions)
- Collision tiles
- Multi-layers
- Multi-tilesets
- Toggle tile grid
- Toggle layer opacity (selected layer is more opaque than other layers)
- Tabbed worlds (edit more than one at the same time)
- Tile Brush
- Tile Fill
- Tile Rectangle Selection
Tile assets can be found here.