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exercise-5-jon-terschan created by GitHub Classroom


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This week we will practice how to create static and interactive maps using Python. The goal of this exercise is to allow you to focus on cartographic visualization with Python, and to play around and explore different possibilities of the available visualization packages.

In this exercise, there is no ready-made Notebook-file to start with. All instructions are given in this -file and you should create all necessary files for completing the exercise yourself. Your final submission should inlcude a Jupyter Notebook-file (or a Python script file), and the output maps for problems 1 and 2 in .png and .html format stored in the docs folder (see instructions below). Finally, you will publish the maps online (problem 3).

  • Exercise 5 is due by 17:00 on Thursday the 9th of December.

  • You can gain 20 points from this exercise.

Problem 1: Visualize a static map (8 points)

Create a static map using the skills you leared in lesson 5. The map should contain multiple layers of data (at least two different data sets), and you should pay attention to the classification and visualization (colors, edges etc.) when creating the map. Write your code into a notebook file (.ipynb) or a python script file (.py) and store the output map(s) in .png format into the docs folder.

Topic of the map:

  • You can either use the data sets we have already used during this course (eg. the Travel Time Matrix, or population grid), or you can select some other data set of your interest (for example, statistics in postal code areas).
  • Feel free to adapt examples provided in this course! You can do further calculations based on the datasets or use the analysis outputs that we have done earlier in the course (for example, the dominance areas or travel times for shopping centers).


  • The map should have multiple layers on it (for example, the travel time matrix and the road network). Basemap is optional (use a basemap only if it adds useful information / visual touch!)
  • The map should portray some kind of classification and/or an analysis output (not just the raw data).
  • Consider good cartographic practices (map extent, zoom level, color choices, legend, credit data sources etc.) when plotting the map.


  • Remember to commit the code and input data (or at least a link to input data)
  • Save your map(s) as png image in the docs folder

Problem 2: Visualize an interactive map (10 points)

Create a nice interactive map using the skills you leared in lesson 5: interactive maps using Folium (or some other suitable package - feel free to experiment!). Write your code into a notebook file (.ipynb) or a python script file (.py) and store the output map(s) in .html format under the docs folder.

Topic of the map:

  • You can select the topic of the map freely.
  • This map should not be only an interactive version of your submission for problem 1 ;). Create something new!
  • Feel free to adapt examples provided in this course!


  • The map should have multiple layers on it and/or present an output of (simple) data analysis (something beyond plotting raw data on a map).
  • Consider good cartographic practices
  • The map should demonstrate skills learned during lesson 5: interactive maps and throughout this course.
  • Think about including additional interactive elements, such as popup text in the map.


  • Remember to commit the code and input data (or at least a link to input data)
  • Save your map(s) in .html format in the docs folder

Problem 3: Publish your maps online (2 points)

You should now have ALL your maps stored in the docs folder inside this repository

  • Add links to those maps in the specific Entrance page -file that you can find in the docs folder.
  • There are more instructions how the links should be formatted in the docs/ -file
  • Provide a short description of each map in the docs/ -file
  • Publish your maps with github pages (optional)
    • Go to repository settings --> Danger Zone --> Change repository visibility as public (note! your repository will be visible to anyone online)
    • Go to repository settings --> GitHub Pages --> Choose a theme (choose any team and commit changes)
    • Go to repository settings --> GitHub Pages --> Change Branch: master, folder: docs
    • the url of your maps will be*
    • See instructions on how to edit repo settings and publish contents of the docs folder using github pages in Lesson 5.

Optional, but recommended: Share link(s) to your map(s) on Slack (Uni Helsinki students only).

Summary of the expected outputs

  • At least 1 static map in .png format stored in the docs-folder (problem 1)
  • At least 1 interactive map in .html format stored in the docs-folder (problem 2)
  • All codes (.ipynb or .py -files) and input data (or links to input data) provided in this exercise-5 repository
  • Optional: Published maps at:* containing online versions of your interactive and static maps (problem 3)
  • Optional: Links to the published maps stored in the docs/ -file (problem 3)

For both maps, think a bit about the audience of the map, and pay attention to your cartographic choices. Check out this blog post for further hints on creating good maps.

Exercise 5 grade and feedback: 20.0 / 20.0 points


  • Bryan R. Vallejo

Problem scores

  • Problem 1: 10.0 / 10.0
  • Problem 2: 10 / 10.0


  • Nice european map :)
  • Cool pattern in the interactive map. It would have been nice to read a bit about what you are trying to explain with this map. :)


exercise-5-jon-terschan created by GitHub Classroom







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