By: Alexander VanTol
Generate randomized musical compositions based on probabilities.
- /cfg
- Configuration for mgen
- is for development scripts in the /dev folder
- /dev
- scripts to use for development
- unittests
- /mgen (my code)
- ||||| Makes choices based on probabilities in a style
- |||| Converts my stuff to mingus stuff and vice-versa
- ||||| The magic happens here. Contains the MusicGenerator class
- |||||| Contains the Style class which defines probabilities
- ||||||| Handles note and bar musical timing math stuff
- /mingus (not originally my code, I forked this)
- /styles (holds cfg files for different styles)
- lilypond-2.18.2-1.mingw.exe (program for PDF generation)
- This one's for Windows (works with Windows 10)
- See here for alternate downloads
- MidiPlayW7.exe (a free midi player, see here)
There are a few scripts included to show how this can be used at the moment.
Just run the .bat files in the root directory. I've included the executables necessary in the root dir of this repo.
You need a midi player if you want to play the resulting .mid files.
I recommend [timidity]
You can install timidity
sudo apt-get install timidity
Also, you'll need Lilypond (a program for creating music notation in PDF's). Follow the directions here to install.
Finally, you need to make sure that cfg/ has the correct location for lilypond. Set the LILYPOND_INSTALLATION variable.
TODO: Add link to documentation
See documentation here.