This package provides the web interface for onboarding and provisioning Creator Kit devices. It includes webpages as well as webservices.
Webpages provide a visual interface via web browsers.
Webservices provide an interface to request a service and get the response.
Webscripts use lua for scripting and cgilua for dynamic lua pages which are hosted on a webserver running on your Ci40. Creator Kit uses the uhttpd webserver.
Connect your Ci40 to a network using Ethernet. Obtain the IP address of your Ci40 using "ifconfig" command from its serial console
Provisioning webpages can be accessed from your Ci40 by entering its IP address on a web browser which should re-direct to the following url:
http://<Ip Address>/cgi-bin/index.lp
If there is no ethernet connected, you can also use the SoftAp to onboard the device.
- Connect to CreatorAP from your WiFi enabled device.
- Type in the browser. It should redirect to
- Select the Wireless network from the scanned list of available networks.
- Enter the necessary credentials such as password etc and press Save.
- It should connect to the selected wireless network.
- SoftAp is always active even after connecting to WiFi network.