An implementation of the Bloom Filter (Hash Table-like) Data Structure using The C programming language for Data Structures & Intoduction to Algorithms Coure @ The Open University of Israel (Course 20407, Semester 2021a, Maman 14).
The code is licensed under the MIT license (excpet for the contents of the murmur.[c|h] files, which are public domain and sourced here.
Hash function is implemented using MurmurHash3 by Austin Appleby & Peter Scott, Under a Public Domain License.
Hash to find the cell is done by: (1) calculating the MurmurHash3 (32bit) of the value and then (2) "Normalize" it to the size of the array (by calculating the mod of the hash by the table size - which is, assuming the table is not too big, accurate enough and distributs uniformly).