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Politico Services API

An API to handle multiple services endpoints.


To start your own project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo into a new folder.
    $ git clone
  1. Install requirements and setup your shell.
    $ pipenv install
    $ pipenv shell


This template comes with plug-and-play Terraform configuration. In order to start setting up servers, you will need the following:

  • POLITICO's .pem file for servers. See Jon or Tyler if you need this.
  • Elastic IPs for staging and production servers.
  • Your Django project in a public repo.
  • You have a requirements file in your repo. If you don't, run pip freeze > requirements.txt

To configure for yourself, follow these steps:

  1. In both the terraform/staging and terraform/production folders, fill out both terraform.tfvars and .env. These will be gitignored, so any secrets can go in here. The .env file will get placed onto the server you create. In order to call onespot commands using the production config pass the --target=production argument to the command.

  2. Initialize onespot and terraform.

    $ python develop
    $ onespot server init
  1. Launch the server.
    $ onespot server launch

This will take a few minutes to create a server on AWS. If all goes well, you can move forward setting up the new server.

  1. Setup your shiny new server.
    $ onespot server setup
  1. Start the Celery worker
    $ fab [staging|production] servers.restart_service:celery
  1. Check if your server works! Visit to check out the Django admin.

Updating the server

If you make a change to the Django project itself and need to update it on the server, commit your change and push it to Github. Then run:

    $ onespot server update

If you make a change to a component app, then you'll need to do the following:

  1. Update the requirement in your local env. (If you're having weird caching issues with new versions not being found try running export PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=false)
    $ pipenv install my-pluggable-app==0.1.0
  1. Freeze your requirements to a file.
    $ pip freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Commit and push your changes to Github.

  2. Update the server.

    $ onespot server update

Running Management Commands

You can run management commands on your server using fabric.

    $ fab [staging|production][command]


To tail the Celery Log ssh into the server and tail the following file.

    $ ssh [email protected]
    $ tail -f /var/log/politicoservicesapi/celery.log


Is the HTTPS certification not working? Try running:

    $ fab [staging|production] servers.setup_cert

Did you change the URL recently? You'll have to update the confs:

    $ fab [staging|production] servers.deploy_confs


An API to handle multiple services endpoints.






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  • Python 77.6%
  • HCL 20.9%
  • Shell 1.5%