A python version of the grid submission
In order to submit:
- source your environment (as you would for running the analyzer)
- set ANALYSISDIR (export ANALYSISDIR=/path/to/your/analysisdir or setenv ANALYSISDIR /path/to/your/analysisdir)
- choose the files you want to run in SAMPLES_LIST.cfg (you can name it what you want)
- run ./remote.py SAMPLES_LIST.cfg
- add files ./add_root_files.py
- on first run you have to execute ./make_tester.sh once
One comment on the input for the SAMPLES_LIST.cfg:
It will automatically update the samples that are not in the folder at the first run
The sample name has to be something that fits:
/eos/uscms/store/user/ra2tau/July72017/*/*NAME* /eos/uscms/store/user/ra2tau/jan2017tuple/*/*NAME* /eos/uscms/store/user/ra2tau/jruizalv/*/*NAME*
There is a bug in the xrd version of root https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/xrdcp-doesnt-work-after-changing-root-to-v6-06-08/22320 You must change to an other root version e.g. by setting up a newer CMSSW (e.g. CMSSW_9_2_X)
Before Submission you have to make a proxy: voms-proxy-init -voms cms -rfc -valid 192:00
There are some options you might want to look at ./remote.py -h or ./add_root_files.py -h
./remote.py -h
Usage: remote.py [options] CONFIG_FILE
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Define the config directory. [default = PartDet]
-c, --CR Run with the CR flag. [default = False]
-o DIRECTORY, --outputFolder=DIRECTORY
Define path for the output files [default = root://cms
-l, --local run localy over the files [default = False]
-f, --force Force the output folder to be overwritten. [default =
--debug=LEVEL Set the debug level. Allowed values: ERROR, WARNING,
INFO, DEBUG. [default = INFO]
Define a Tag for the output directory. [default =
./add_root_files.py -h
Usage: add_root_files.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i FOLDER, --inputFolder=FOLDER
Merge all subfolders in these folders, which can be a
comma-separated list.[default: none]
--debug=LEVEL Set the debug level. Allowed values: ERROR, WARNING,
INFO, DEBUG. [default = INFO]
Set the output dir [default = output_DATE_long]
-f, --force If this option is specifed, all root files will be
remerged. [default = False]
-c, --clean If this option is specifed, the folders will be cleand
up. [default = False]