Utility for retrieving/replaying historical blocks/events for a specific contract address.
Sometimes it's good to have a simple utility that recovers historical block and/or event data in a robust way. This utility will retrieve all blocks/events in the requested range and make retries upon failure or empty results. This is useful when using Infura or other managed RPC platform where failures and/or timeouts are common.
npm install eth-history
let hist = new ETHHistory({
web3: <web3-instance>,
targetAddress: <contract_address>,
abi: <abi array>
let cb = async (e, block) => {
//log error or handle recovered block
//upon completion, callback should have been given all recovered blocks
await hist.recoverBlocks({
fromBlock: <starting block number>,
toBlock: <end block number>
}, cb);
//we could also get historical events
let evtHandler = (e, txns) => {
//txns will be a bundle of information for each matching block where events were found. The txns will be
//contained in a 'logEvents' map where each event name maps to an array of event metadata.
//this will retrieve all events in the given block range, regardless of how many events are available.
//It uses eth-sync utility to incrementally retrieve block ranges until all events retrieved
//(i.e. it works around Infura limits if using Infura as an RPC provider).
await hist.recoverEvents({
fromBlock: <start block>,
toBlock: <end block>
}, evtHandler);