Walter's Marketing Page
MVP Points - Monday [X] - Marking landing page scaffolded with common layout structure implemented. [X] - Mobile screen width features starting to come into play. [X] - Lorem ipsum can be used to fill in your content on your pages.
MVP Points - Tuesday [X] - Marketing site including all pages fully responsive to mobile and desktop screen widths. [X] - All pages laid out, all that's left for each page is styling tweaks. [X] - Marketing login call to action links user to the deployed react app login screen.
MVP Points - Wednesday [X] - Marketing site replace placeholder copy with description of product. Be creative here. Really try and describe your project, your project's features and of course have a cool "About Us" page with relevant copy that describes your team members and their roles. [X] - All marketing site pages fully responsive and built out, may still need to polish up styling and layout.