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Matthias Bachfischer edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 1 revision

COMP90054 Contest Project: intelligence-artificial

YouTube Presentation

Video Report


  1. Home and Introduction

  2. AI Approaches Overview

    2.1 Approach A - PDDL / Classical Planning

    2.2 Approach B - Value Iteration

    2.3 Approach C - Approximate Q-Learning

    2.4 Approach D - A* Heuristic Search

    2.5 Approach E - Behaviour Trees

  3. Evolution and Experiments

    3.1 Agent 1 (Value Iteration + A* Heuristic Search)

    3.2 Agent 2 (Approximate Q-Learning)

    3.3 Agent 3 (A* Heuristic Search + Behaviour Trees)

  4. Reflections and Conclusions

Team Information

Course: COMP90054 - AI Planning for Autonomy

Semester: Semester 2, 2020

Instructor: Adrian Pearce

Team name: intelligence-artificial

Team members:

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