Releases: BanditTech/WingmanReloaded
Development Version .16.00
Trying to summarize all the changes that went into this will be difficult because there was a lot of minor adjustments made over a long time. This was mostly maintenance and trying to keep everything working. I want to highlight a few of the major changes that did occur though, so lets get right to it.
Adjustments were added to mouse actions so you can modify those values within the GUI now, this helped a lot for tuning to your latency. Those new settings are found in the debug section, along with the previous click adjustments in config tab. I will eventually combine all the relevant settings into their own tab.
Other adjustments were an effort to stop the script from slowing down, which we now know is caused by the script using the pause functionality of AHK. The good news is the current patch fixes the inventory sort by making the thread critical. The bad news is that making the thread critical causes other issues, which I don't have time to get into, but it functions just like before. I will be looking into a more sophisticated solution than the current one. So there is more work to be done here, but progress towards fixing this issue for good.
A lot of work went into getting everything functional with the new changes to corruptions, chisels, bases, etc. A lot of code needed pruning to remove old functions, and things that no longer apply to the game. Also with changing computers we need to keep on top of that front, so a DX12 option was added to help support that (It also helps if your having issues with windows 11 and vulkan).
An improvements to the Chaos Recipe adds a new overlay you can use to track the set counts. I have a few more ideas for this, but its an implementation. 🚀
The last thing I want to highlight is the improvements to the item parser that have been constantly added. I like to remind people of using the item info hotkey to see what the script sees when it looks at an item. This is how you will use CLF to make your filters, so getting more options to sort your items is always a great thing! I am slowly adding in more and more ways to intelligently sort all those pesky items!
And last but not least is @danmarzola's great work on the Actual tier system, to help find those well rolled items. He keeps expanding on it with more useful affixes. His work here has been amazing in helping to keep the project going, so a tip of the hat to him.
What's Changed
- Major updates to delay timings, especially for mouse and keyboard interactions, improving stability and performance.
- Disenchant logic and GUI elements expanded, including new options for items like quivers, maps, and synthesis items.
- Several bug fixes addressing cursor issues, logic corrections, and error messages.
- Improvements to crafting, chaos recipe handling, and inventory sorting.
- Added new features like tutorial files, affix updates, and compatibility adjustments for external APIs.
- Sextant Crafting & Compass Sealing by @GoneTesting in #470
- fix: make it compatible with DX12 by @benjy3gg in #477
- New API by @danmarzola in #489
- Clean-Up by @danmarzola in #490
- Merge Alpha Into Master by @danmarzola in #491
New Contributors
- @GoneTesting made their first contribution in #470
- @benjy3gg made their first contribution in #477
Full Changelog: v.15.06...v.16.00
Development Version .15.06
There have been a lot of changes going on since our last release version of the script. I have tried to look through our commit history to get a gist of what was adjusted, but I may have missed some things. It is often difficult for us to find a stable position in the script to make a new release from, since we are constantly adjusting things as we find time. For the last few months we have been feeling pretty confident in how stable the script is operating, and have slowed down on making changes. So I think this is a great time to make this release version!
There are a number of large changes to the item crafting system, crafting base stash tab, and map crafting. Mostly these functions have been improved in their usability and menus made simpler. Crafting or collecting the bases required has never been easier to do. Try it out for yourself and give us feedback!
Item Restock
There is a new item restocking system added which will let you keep specific currency in your inventory at all times, with specific amounts. It will return extra stock when it goes above your max, or restock when you get below a set threshold. You can also assign a custom restock item, which you assign the stash tab and position to fetch from.
One thing to note, you must configure Wisdom and Portal scrolls in this new system in order for the Inventory sort and Quick Portal functions to work.
New hotkeys
Hotkeys added for spamming Ctrl Clicks, Ctrl+Shift clicks, and Shift clicks.
These are very useful for dealing with bulk trades/crafting, and I figured it would be best to include them in the script since not everyone has a mouse with macro functionality.
New CLF file provided
Dan has developed a new system for displaying affix Actual Tier, and is now used in his shared CLF file. If you have not checked that out, it is located within the Files To Use folder in the script!
Situation with vendor panels
The new vendor panels are now supported, but that means the old ones have been phased out. We will try to work on getting all the different panels to work at some point soon. For now, old vendor panels are no longer supported, but heist vendor and the new vendor panels are. (this mostly affects leveling since they are the vendors which have not been updated to the new style of panel)
Other changes/improvements
numerous bugfixes
Improvements for users who do not have any running functions active
new evaluator added for Less than # but greater than 0.
seperated chaos recipe to count ID/UNID seperately
sort the chaos recipe stash tabs order when fetching items to group them better
allow up to 72 sets of chaos recipe at a time
Cluster jewel parsing
Gem parsing
Updated positions for currency tab
Parser additions/changes
Log output is more informative
More item types added to item crafting
DB update buttons added to debug menu
Sentinel specific additions
There are tons of other changes I just cannot list them all here!
Development Version .14.00
Many backend changes occurring in an effort to address the bloat in the script. Separating each section of the code into its respective files will help to rewrite each portion in an incremental way. This patch is mostly about getting everyone up to speed with the same file base in preparation for the Expedition League. Everything should be functioning as it was originally, so nothing is required from the update.
There are now custom injection scripts that you can use to add your own code into WingmanReloaded.
- There are three injection points provided: AutoRun, Lib, and Routine
- These files are created for you in the Save folder when the script starts
- This is for anyone who is comfortable with AHK enough to add their own tools, which will remain even after updating.
- If you ever want the base file to be reset, simply delete the file and restart the script.
Expedition item types have been added, hopefully giving anyone in the league a better experience, since there should not be any issues of the league items being put into the vendor. But please, keep your eyes on your items, and report any new league items that are not parsed properly.
With my crunch for time, I have not had the availability to finish the new GUI for the new CLF group editor. The script can handle the new groups, but they just require you to make them manually in JSON. With this style of grouping you can make extremely precise filters which only match the exact items your looking for. I am looking into time I can set aside to finish making the editor, and I hope to bring that update soon. I wanted to give some information on how to use the groups for anyone interested in the meantime.
How to build Custom CLF groups
In each group, the weight is optional, but will effect each type of group differently. (default is 1 if not provided)
For Count, the weight will be added to the total
- (so weight of 2 is +2)
For Weight, the weight is mutliplied by the value of the stat, then added to the total.
- (so a weight of 2 with 100 life would give +200 weight)
AND and NOT groups ignore any weight assignment, since all objects must match or not match.
The Topmost group would look like so, if added to an empty filter list:
"NameOfFilter": { "ElementList": [ ], "GroupType": "Count", "StashTab": 1, "TypeValue": 1 }
A subgroup would look like so:
{ "ElementList": [ ], "GroupType": "Count", "TypeValue": 1, "Weight": 1 }
Groups can contain other groups, or an element.
An example element which can be used within a group (Type can be Prop or Affix):
{ "#Key": "TopTierCritChance", "Eval": ">=", "Min": 1, "Type": "Prop", "Weight": 1 }
So with that, I hope you all enjoy another league of Path of Exile!
Development Version .13.01
Version .13.01 - Master version - June/1/2020
Alpha changes are being merged back into the main Branch
- Keep in mind that many files are changed which are not auto-updated
- It is recommended to re-install the script to get all the newest files
Changes in the way the Item Parser works
- Affixes are much easier to input
- replace numbers with #
- remove + symbols before digits
- % symbols are now left inline
Main menu has been changed
- Gamestates are now displayed in the main menu
- To calibrate each gamestate you can click it
- There are now three main menu sections
- Per Character, Flask, and Utility settings
- These sections can now be saved as profiles
- Per Character settings allows also loading Flask and Utility profiles
Crafting Improvements
- Several unwanted mod options have been added
- Alc'n'go contract/blueprint while map crafting
- Basic Crafting on cursor is available
- Chance, Link, Color or Socket an item
Chaos Recipe Improvements
- Options added to improve how to handle unid recipe
- Separate belts from jewelry for double limit
- Option for only stashing small weapons (1x3,2x2)
- Resume ID lvl now actually functions, and items resume identifying
Crafting Bases has been improved again
- Each category has been given more descriptive names
- Then each category has been giving an ilvl threshold
- Add or remove bases from each category then enable/disable
- Customize to include your must have item bases!
POESESSID has been changed to the entire Cookie
- This change is to prevent issues with cloudflare ddos protection
- The entire cookie contents is now pasted into the editfield
- This includes the poesessid within those cookie contents
Quicksilver and Mana flasks are no longer automatically grouped together
- Any flask or utility can now be given Group cd
- This provides much more flexibility in configuration
- For two flasks to alternate
- you put the Group CD to the duration of the flask
- Put the CD to the duration of the flasks in total
- This will put the individual flask on a long cd, and the group on CD for the length of the one flask
Many other changes have been made which are not listed here in summary.
All the changes in their detail can be found in the Changelog.
Development Version .12.00
Version .12.00 - Release version - July/20/2020
Big shoutout to DanMarzola for helping rework the parsing system
- As a reminder, we welcome anyone to join the Development team!
- Contributions can be as simple as providing your custom sample Strings
- Come onto the Discord and speak with us to discuss how to contribute
New Features:
- Support for new Harvest items to send to Seed Stockpile
- Seed Stockpile has been given an Automation option
- Item Parsing system can now handle nearly every affix
- CLF now supports many items it was not able to parse properly before
- Automatic Chaos-Recipe dump to stash
- Automatic Chaos-Recipe Vendoring from stash
- Vulkan Fullscreen is now fixed automatically by script
- Safe Auto-Confirm Vendor in Automation
- Basic Controller Support has returned!
- New default String options contributed by the community
- Three new League stash tab types have been added to Stash Management
- Items can now be filtered by generic slot type
- Delay added before stashing to Collection and Map tabs
- Fix for flickering Overhead Health Bar readout in gamestates
- Fix for OnChar showing as red text when first opening gamestates
- Crafting bases were not being flagged as such, it is now fixed
- New offerings now have a SpecialType
- Resonators now properly have width and height
- ComboBox should no longer show blank when the contents did not match a list item
- Batch Vendor of Quality Gems or Flasks now shows notification box instead of tooltips
- Remove Log message for "Cannot find subscript"
- Parse client logs before starting main logic timer
Changes since .11 version:
- Gradual GUI improvements
- Map crafting function to craft all maps in inventory
- Crafting tab in Stash Management can now be customized for your specific items
- Catalyst, Vaal Gem, and Ninja Priced tabs added to stash management
- Ability to Vendor before stashing automatically
- Improved stash tab selection using purely keyboard
- Options for keeping maps in inventory based on rarity and tier
- Support for Smoke Mine - Flame Dash
To see the entire patch note history, please locate the archive file
- changelog_Archive.txt located in the data folder
Release version .11.05
11.00 Notes
Version .11.00 - Release Notes - April/01/2020
Merging Alpha changes to master branch
- New functions added by DanMarzola
- quickly apply currency from inventory onto mouse
- Assign the location in Inventory Settings
- Added a second gem swap slot for two gems at once
- These two gem swap slots can also function as item swap
- quickly apply currency from inventory onto mouse
- Search the CLF filter keys even easier by allowing spaces
- "res fir" or "pseu res cold" would both work to find key names
- Saving and loading the CLF JSON text is now in Human Readable text
- Bugfixes
- Stash tab may need to close and re-open during search for stash function
Major changes since last release:
Stack Release tool added to utility tab
- Searches for a buff icon, then if found searches for the stack capture
- if it finds both it releases the assigned keybind, and represses
- You can adjust the offset it looks for the stack count
- The area defaults to the bottom left to bottom right of the buff icon
Auto-Detonate Mines has been improved
- You can now choose the key bound to detonate Mines
- There are now settings to adjust how to pause auto-detonate
- Set any key to bind as the pause hotkey
- Adjust the delay it will register a Double Tap
- Set to 0 to make it a straight toggle
Predictive Price function has been modified
- When starting a stash routine, it first confirms is online
New Major Feature of the CLF!
- You can now select OR on any of the selected Prop, Affix or Stats
- When enabled, the slot becomes mutually bolean with others with OR
- If any match, it is true
- If all do not match, it is false
- Select the minimum number of required OR matches
- Press tab while a Key input field is selected to search
- You can also search for multiple partial words
- Exporting a group now provides human readable JSON
For now controller support is not active (the remaining code in GottaGoFast)
Read the patchnotes archive file in the data folder for more information
Version .11.05 - Master Branch - April/26/2020
Assorted Bugfixes and improvements
Merging Alpha changes to master branch
This will be the final master push for this version increment
Alpha branch will soon be updated with a New Item Parsing system
If you would like to remain on a stable branch switch to master
Hotfix - Force update
- Primary and secondary attack hotkeys no longer require a flask slot checked
Version .11.0402 - Alpha Branch - April/16/2020
Tooltips have been added to the Flask Settings menu:
- Quicksilver
- Mana
- Pop All Flasks
- Attack Keys
Ignore Slots submenu has been moved to Inventory Settings
Fonts on the main menu headers have been changed to Use Arial
Vendor before Stash will now respect all Stash Management options
- Determining an items stash tab is now in its own function
Debug for MapCrafting
- Enabling Debug, will notify (a small box at bottom left on your screen) always when a map need to be reroll with stats before rerolling and after.
Version .11.0401 - Alpha Branch - April/14/2020
Customize the list of items for each crafting tier
- Use the Custom Crafting List button to open the editor
- Find the button at Inventory Settings > Stash Tabs > Crafting Tab
- Select from the 4 tier lists to add or remove
- Lets you add any base type in the game
- To search click the combo box, press tab then type the name
- Press enter or tab again once you find the Base Type
- Click "Add T# Base" to add the base type to that tier's list
- To remove a Base Type, copy and paste or select the name in the combo box
- Click "Remove T# Base" to remove a matching name from the list
- To reset a Tier list, simply click the "Reset T# Base" to go back to default
- Save Configuration when you are finished
Adjusted the range of Minimum Map Qualities options
- Item Quantity range is now 1-99
- Item Rarity range is now 1-54
- Monster Pack Size range is now 1-45
Full previous Changes
Version .11.04 - Master Branch - April/12/2020
Merging Alpha changes to master branch
- There is a sizable list of improvements
- I have shortened to some key notes here
- For more verbose information, read full alpha patch notes below
New Features:
- New Types for Stash Tab Management
- Catalyst Tab
- Vaal Gem Tab
- Ninja Priced Tab
- Automation has been expanded with Vendor before Stash
- Search Vendor, Stash, or Both in either order
- Growing list of recognized map affixes
- New Crafting bases tier for Jewels (T4)
- Full control of what maps to skip in inventory
- Improvements to the Map Crafting function
- Include new Undesirable Mod - X% Maximum Player Resistances
- CLF can now filter for specific damage averages
- MoveStash function now only uses keyboard
- Stash Hotkeys and Stash Tabs can now be assigned 1-64
- Press Enter when typing into an edit field to save your input
- Granular settings for Skipping maps in inventory
- control the Inventory Area, Type, and Tier to skip
- Automation Options are now simplified
- Search for a Stash or Vendor first then finish with the other
- Option to accept vendor trade (Use with extreme caution)
- Options in the Inventory Settings have been converted to UpDown controls
- These load much faster than DropDownList and are easier to use
- Inventory Settings Stash Tabs panel has been Re-Organized
- First column of stash tabs contain the Purchasable Stash types
- Script update logic has been improved to handle errors
- Fix for OHB Y2 scaled coordinate of scan (for game on second window)
- Recognizing the Correct Name for Maps on Ninja Database
- Fix for items being picked up during Wisdom Scroll action
- Logic for Quicksilver delay fixed to work as intended
- Fix for Lightning damage being added to total twice
Version .11.0307 - Alpha Branch - April/12/2020
GUI Changes
- Replace UpDown for TextBox + UpDown, allowing inserting number or using selectors
- Reorder Stash Tab Management, now every unique stash (currency tab, fragment tab, divination tab...) will be on first column
Map Crafting
- Increased delay when crafting to give clip parser more time to identify affix/stats
Version .11.0306 - Alpha Branch - April/12/2020
Map Tab has been given a section in Stash Tabs
- Stash BlightedMaps? has been moved here
- Skipping maps has been given full options
- Chose the direction of columns
- Chose the column to begin determining to skip
- Chose any rarity to skip
- Chose the Map Tier to begin skipping
Version .11.0305 - Alpha Branch - April/11/2020
Map Crafting Settings
- Include new Undesirable Mod - X% Maximum Player Resistances
Stash Tabs
- Include Catalyst Tab
- Include Vaal Gem Tab
- Priority for gem Tabs is: Quality > Vaal > Support > Normal
- Include Ninja Priced Tab
- Set minimum value on the right
Changes to Stash Hotkeys
- Change Stash Hotkeys DropDownList to UpDown
- allows for larger range of tabs 1-64
- Added tooltips to explain the settings
Adjustment to Quicksilver
- Delay only applies to the first flask fired
Add Damage Averages to CLF
- Attack or Spell added damage
- Local added damage (weapons)
Bugfix for Lightning damage being added to total twice
Version .11.0304 - Alpha Branch - April/10/2020
Major rework to the Automation Section of the Inventory Settings
- Automation settings have been simplified, please reconfigure your settings
- Search Vendor, Stash, or Both in either order
- Press [?] button to get more information on possible configurations
- The Enable Auto Confirm Vendor must be used with care
- Please read all information before enabling it
- This option should only be used by those who have fully configured CLF
Stash Tabs Rework
- Improved Visibility and Selection
- Changed from DropDownList to UpDown Selector
- Now supports up to 64 tabs
DropDownList Rework
- Proper selection of the saved DDL value, no longer uses double pipes ||
Other GUI Changes
- Minor Upgrade on Crafting Tab and Option Tab
- Split Metamorph Options from Automation
Version .11.0303 - Alpha Branch - April/08/2020
Map Parser Improved
- Prop.MapAtlasRegion is now live, you can use on CLF for filtering map regions (Helpful if you don't have map stash)
- Prop.ItemBase will work for map bases (Ex: Desert Map, Burial Chambers Map, Tower Map)
- Ninja DB will work with non unique maps, try pressing Item Info Hotkey and check it out!
Crafting bases
- New T4 for Crafting Abyss Jewel and Jewel (Mostly for SSF)
Fix for RegExMatch of Map stats
Adjusting delay on MoveStash and WisdomScroll
- This should help to prevent picking up items
Bugfix for missing Y2 offset for OHB
- Only affected people with game on secondary monitor
Version .11.0302 - Alpha Branch - April/08/2020
Adjustments to Click and Right Click Removed
- Problems with id/stash/vendor routine and closing inventory.
Version .11.0301 - Alpha Branch - April/08/2020
Adjustments to Click and Right Click
- Separated Down and Up on same line
Refactor MoveStash
- MoveStash now only uses keyboard
- This should now allow any number of stash slots
- Trying out removing the delay between key press
- Very fast, need to test accuracy of switching tabs
Add failsafe for update check
- If 404 error, it sends to log and returns
- Use RegExMatch to grab only version number
Version .11.03 - master Branch - April/07/2020
Merging Alpha changes to master branch
- Bugfixes and improvements, read notes for details
Version .11.0203 - Alpha Branch - April/06/2020
- Improved logic for dealing with Uniden...
Release version .10.00
Version .10.00 February/16/2020
-------------------------Script files have been moved---------------------------
---------------Update Will Require re-install and copy old settings-------------
This major version brings with it several new additions to the scripts function
Look at the patch notes for full details on each change
Settings to note:
New options for Utilities which now has up to 10 slots!
Can now trigger abilities based on Mana threshold
Trigger with Primary or secondary attack
Trigger with buff icon being present
New Priced Rares stash tab for items with predicted value above minimum
New options in Item Parse Settings (Inventory) to choose the Price Rares value point
Choose between Off, Low, Avg, or High
Then select the percentage of that price point to evaluate with
New Dump Stash tab option for any left over items after stashing
option to auto enable dump tab while in Aspirant's trial
option to skip jewelers and chromatics when dumping
New option for crafting tab to filter by minimum item level
New option in Automation (Inventory)
Auto Fill metamorph while in field
The selected area is the entire left panel of the metamorph window
Top left of Brains to bottom right of Livers
Outside edge is the border surrounding where you select the organs
I scaled them by default, but you can adjust if its not correct
Adjust Globes GUI now displays Current Life, ES, and Mana %
This updates in real time to allow making changes
There is now a colorpicker on the right, load colors into it or copy from it
See patchnotes for full details of new Globe Settings usage
Globe positions are now scaled by default
I would still recommend you double check these are correct
Steam and 64 bit options removed from GUI, as detecting exe is now fully automated
New delve openables string has been added to Loot Vacuum
Opens all the different types of containers in delve darkness
For anyone using non-1080 height, you will need to gather these captures
Improvements to the way the script loads, as well as how it will update
You can now skip the update prompt without hanging the script
There is now an option to use the Alpha branch as update source
Use this with caution (This should be considered very unstable branch)
Default branch is Master
New options to choose if and how often it will check for script updates
The script will check for updates while the game is not found open
Choose a timescale and interval to enable this option
Patch Notes
Version .10.00 February/16/2020
Save Files for the script are now all located in "save" folder
If you want to migrate an old versions settings, you will need to move them
This allows for users to easily understand which files are their settings
I also cleared the main script folder of extrenuous files, just the main script
Files required for the script are now located in data folder
Files you will need to move into the save folder:
Settings.ini --> /save/Settings.ini
Profiles.ini --> /save/Profiles.ini
/data/Globe.json --> /save/Globe.json
/data/LootFilter.json --> /save/LootFilter.json
/data/LootFilterTabs.json --> /save/LootFilterTabs.json
/data/Lootfilter.ini --> /save/Lootfilter.ini
/data/IgnoredSlot.json --> /save/IgnoredSlot.json
New option to check for updates while the game is closed
Configure the time scale, then the interval to automatically check for script updates
Choose between Off, Days, Hours, or Minutes
Choosing Off will disable automatically checking for updates
Set the interval that you would like it to wait before checking
Setting the interval to 0 will turn off checking for updates
Adjust Globes GUI now displays Current Life, ES, and Mana %
MsgBox popups have been replaced with Notify panels
The information is still copied to the clipboard for use
There is now a colorpicker on the right
Click any of the different areas "Colorbox" to load that color to the picker
Use the Copy button get the current color, then paste into one of the color edit fields
To get an average of colors, use the Coord button and select an area
While active it will update the color picker to the mouse cursor
This will take some time for large areas
Once you are done paste into one of the color edit fields
Reset button now reloads the values that were last loaded
If you have saved settings, it will reset to the last loaded values
If you have not saved to JSON it will load default scaled values
Game window is now bound when detected for further captures
Logout and logic actions will happen while the game is in the background
A method of Pausing PoE-TradeMacro from parsing clipboard has been implimented
Right click TradeMacro tray icon, > Edit Files > Custom Macros Example
Copy the changes from the included txt file into your open editor, then save
Essentially it adds a way for Wingman to send a message for it to pause
The script can now use predictive pricing from the API
To enable this feature, select a pricepoint then the percentage of that price
It defaults to 100 percent (the estimated values themselves)
To enable using Predictive price while stashing, select the tab and tick the box
The Item Info hotkey will now display the price and affixes influencing price
they will appear inside the Prop list under PredictPrice and PredictPriceInfo
It will save a copy of the results to an array
Multiple queries to the same item will used Cached result
Array is started fresh every script start
Loot vacuum has been improved with new openables list
This is enabled only while in delve, and contains the items you find in the darkness
If you are resampling these for another resolution:
Copy the entire string to a document
Follow the same naming pattern when making your sample, replace 1080 with your height
If you want to have it become default option, submit your string and I can add to list
Utilities have been improved - new settings
Can now support inversed Buff detection, will fire when buff is Found
Can now use Mana as a triggered threshold
Can now trigger utilities when pressing Primary or Secondary attack
Gamestates has been improved to allow for the game to be in the background
tooltip no longer flickers because it will only update when there are changes
OHB detection is now shown in the gamestates
Colors of the display have been changed
When everything shows green its all clear
when anything is lit up red it will pause the script
Crafting tab has new option for filtering by item level
Check the box to filter by ilvl, then set the minimum ilvl to stash
Globe scan areas are now scaled based on resolution
it is still recommended to adjust these to ensure they work as expected
Bugfix for bulk vendor of flasks
If the flask has been augmented it will use its actual quality value
This is because quality 20 flasks only vendor on their own if not augmented
This function still needs some more attention, not sure why random miscounts
Built new classes for use with the script
PixelStatus is a simple class for managing pixel locations on the screen
PanelManager is a wrapper class for groups of PixelStatus
This class is a rewrite of the GuiStatus function
ColorPicker is a class for inserting a new Color Picker GUI into windows
This manages a group of Progress_Slider and associated text fields / buttons
Progress_Slider was written by HellBent on the AHK forums, modified for my use
CLF menu adjusted to space the groups better
Hoard added to openable containers
Bugfix for PoE.Ninja json data being parsed incorrectly
Bugfix for Incubator items not being able to be sorted by the CLF
DC no longer requires to choose type of executable, it will auto find the active game
If it cannot find the active game, it will attempt to dc every known process name
Autoupdate will no longer hang the script if you decide to close the window
This will allow you to leave auto updates on, but skip the update by pressing esc
Release version .09.00
Release Notes
Version .09.00 December/26/2019
-----------------------Script has been converted to RGB-------------------------
---------------Update Will Require re-install and transition script-------------
I have created a transition script that will take old settings.ini and update
It asks to move all profiles into their own profiles.ini file
It asks to swap all BGR values to RGB
It asks if you want to delete your old Loot Colors key
This is to allow for using the new FilterBlade pack colors
It is an easy process to check if its all working, check gamestates to confirm
If they are not registering, go to hideout and run the wizard
Once your done, save your configuration and your new samples are set!
The reason for all this adjustment, is to standardize the script for a faster method
Complete replacement of PixelGetColor with ScreenShot and ScreenShot_GetColor
This provides a massive speed increase for all the pixel sampling
Instead of sampling the screen multiple times, we capture once and reuse
This also solves issues of false positives where the screen has changed
Massive speed boost for the script, cutting the overall flask MS time to 40-90ms
We can sample as many screen positions in our status check with marginal difference
Same change has been done to the inventory scan, and its MUCH faster now
The things slowing it down was moving the mouse and empty slots
Screenshoting the inventory removes the need to move the mouse away each collumn
And sampling the status of each slot has become nearly instantaneous
This new speed does come at the cost of processing power
Old script was around .7% and this can be 4-9% load
Patch Notes
Version .09.00 December/26/2019
Main Logic loop has been changed slightly to improve speed
DetonateMines is no longer in a seperate loop
Checks to determine detonation are now done in GuiStatus
Detonation of mines is now nearly instantaneous
Main logic loop will now always be running instead of toggled on or off
If all relevant options are disabled it just returns at start
Loot Vacuum has been adjusted to remove the need of flipping from BGR to RGB
If you have custom colors set up for the loot vacuum, you will want to swap R and B
I would recommend using the transition script to swap the colors
Load the loot vacuum settings to confirm the colors are correct
All default samples have been updated for the latest patch using RGB
It is still recommended to do calibration
Added Doors to the openable list for Loot Vacuum
also adds an +y offset to the click so it is more accurate
I applied this offset to all the openables
Fixed Elemental DPS parser, now gives readout of all added ele damage
was only parsing the first elemental damage before, now parses all fields
Basic implimentation of an affix count has been introduced to the parser
Does not account for all double affixes, but I put exceptions for unique ones
Double basic affixes will be more difficult to determine if its an extra line
Rewrite of how implicits and corruptions are parsed
This helps with simplifying the affix count
Added suggestion by danmarzola for Organ Parts
Prop.IsOrgan will read the type of organ it is for further matching with CLF
to match for specific type use ~ Heart|Lung|Brain|Liver|Eye
Or match Prop.SpecialType = Organ
Added Stash tab option for Organs and Support Gems
Loot Vacuum now lets go of left or right mouse when its about to click
Returns your mouse to its former state afterwards
This lets you move or cast skills while looting
Coord tool reverted to messagebox
Now allows for copying the Coordinates to the clipboard
Or copy both color and coords
First load seeks to end of file if log too large
Item Parser displays Custom Loot Filter matching group and the tab it will go
Now detects for Quest items and skips them
Adjustments to the way JSON files are stored
Saved in pretified format
Bases.json has been updated to remove unnecessary clutter
Ninja.json is no longer one line
Default league updated to Metamorph for Ninja Parser
Matches Vaal Skillgems properly now
Use Prop.VaalGem with the CLF to sort them
MoveStash now optionally checks for GuiStatus("OnStash") to not interfere with screenshot
Rewrite of Hex2FindText to allow for any shape of rectangle or square
Loot Vacuum will allow for looting while holding down RButton
It now stops LButton
AutoSkillup now only fires when your not holding a mouse button down
FilterBlade URL has been added to the file
this lets you load the filter and customize which things hide or show
Added new sample locations for OnLeft and OnDelveChart
added these to all the supported ratios
The allow the script to pause when
Voltaxic generator panel, Challenges, settings etc is open
Subterranean Chart is open
Reworked the output from GuiStatus
It now returns true when OnChar and No panels are open
GottaGoFast updated to use new GuiStatus checks
ItemSort now temporarily disables the main logic loop
For some reason they slowed down the inventory scan when not in town
Fixed overlapping variables related to AutoDetonate
This was effecting the Gamestates panel using DetonateMines var
Renamed to OnDetonate and OnDetonateDelve
Release version .08.00
Release Notes
Version .08.00 December/06/2019
I have decided to incriment the major version and make this the new stable
release for people to download.
This version finally fixes issues with the OHB for good! It should now be
reliable to use Auto-Quit in the mines without being accidentally D/C
Old changelogs can be read in the Changelog_Archive.txt file
Summary of changes since last major version:
Bugfixes for OHB
Improvements to Debug messages, show readouts of Flask loop and Client log
Improvements to the Tooltip display system
Restructured calibration section in main menu
Improvements to bulk vendor of Flasks and Skill gems
Bugfixes for windows that need to be AlwaysOnTop
Added automation for searching for Stash to click on, or vendor after stash
Improved Movestash to use the arrow keys
Added loading indicators for when script is starting
New Client.txt monitor that checks for being in town, hideout, or mines
New options for Auto-Quit health thresholds, and exit using a portal
Patch Notes
Version .08.00 December/06/2019
Updated library for FindText() function
Lib now offers ways of capturing and manipulating screenshots
using this I have reduced the delay of the OHB from +400MS to ~100MS
incidentally this also fixes issues with the healthbar quickly moving
Lib has improved edit menu that remains the same size when scaling area
you can now scroll the edit panel to select the correct pixels
Can now assign a screenshot hotkey in the findtext GUI
grab a screenshot and go back to capture buffs / debuffs later
Can now test strings straight from the clipboard
General adjustments for other parts of the scripts that use FindText()
Coordinate input has been adjusted to match the new format
GGF script finally utilizes variables coming from the Rescale function
Should allow for people using a secondary monitor to play the game
Opening the FindText GUI is now its own thread seperated from the main script
This allows for using the screenshot feature without it being overwritten
Pressing escape will exit the app while its active, closing the window as well
Minimize allows you to keep it open for using the screenshot hotkey
Introducing Advanced Hotkeys library for easier binding of hotkeys
as a proof of concept I have modified the FindText lib Screnshot hotkey to use this
Double click on the binding editbox to bring up the hotkey assignment window
Also added DynaRun and CreateScript in library for later use
These allow for scripts which can be run in a seperate thread
Release version .07.00
Release Notes
Version .07.00 November/10/2019
Major Additions in this version:
Utility section can now check for a buff icon!
To use this new feature set up a Utility hotkey
Disable QS, Life, or ES checks or they will override this
duration is how often to check if the buff is present, keep this above 150
Enter a string created with the Icon GUI tool
Utility Icon string is captured using the ASCII Image conversion tool GUI
Adjust the Width or height to capture a different area around the mouse
The default settings and Tool (Color) are selected for you
Select a bright color then Click Color2Two to see result
Dark squares are the match areas, white squares are not matching
If you do not get a good capture, cancel and retry
Adjust the Similarity slider +/- to dial in the best match
It is best not to use dark colors with low Similarity
Once you have a good match, click auto to trim the blank area
To finish this all up, Add a comment and then click ok
Click test to see if the capture will work, ensure no extra matches.
Click copy to finish, then paste into the Icon editbox for that Utility
New Overhead Health Bar function that Finally fixes issues with Delve Darkness!
Automatically finds the OHB since its constantly moving
Function estimates the Health percentage based on where it was last found
Unfortunately we cannot use PixelSearch fast mode going right to left
All action logic triggers together when reaching a new HP percent
Since the last major release number there have been several changes:
Mana threshold can now be adjusted
Added support for Eldritch Battery builds
Added support for non default flask hotkeys
Supports extra buttons when fired, like "1 r" fires 1 and r
Pop Flask hotkey can now selectively fire flask slots
Vendor logic adjusted for Quality flasks and Gems in bulk
New stash tabs for Crafting item bases and Veiled items
Loot Vacuum can now pick up items in a large area, but ignores buffs at top
Loot Vacuum can now have custom saved colors in its config GUI
Can also adjust the AreaScale and Delay here
New function to auto level up skill gems
Can now pause auto-detonate by double tapping the detonate key "d"
New Supported Resolution Ratios:
21:9 and 4:3
Improvements to several of the key functions of the script:
Item Sort has been improved with new grouping methods
Item Parser has been tweaked and added to
Menu GUI has been cleaned up and improved visually
Attack key functions have been improved
The main GUI is now set to AlwaysOnTop
Patch Notes
Version .07.00 November/10/2019
New feature for the Utility function
Configure a Buff Icon string and paste into the editbox
When its CD expires, will check if the buff icon is present
If there is no buff icon it will recast
otherwise places it back on CD
This only works when that utility is not tied to QS, Life, or ES
New Function that fixes Delve darkness issues for hybrid and life
Enable the Overhead Health Bar to scan the OHB instead of health globe
This is another wonderful feature enabled by the FindText Library
Scans the screen for an ASCII representation of colors
In my testing it was capturing the OHB in 140-250ms
It took a lot of trial and error to find the best color
And now I know! It's the color between both mana and health reserved
When captured correctly it creates a 2 x 104 pixel bar
It matched the Healthbar across every character type & reserved state
I set up the offsets for Mana, ES, Eldritch Battery for later use
The main GUI is now set to AlwaysOnTop
Decided it makes it easier to use the menu while moving around
Hit Escape to exit the menu when it is focused
Fix for parsing items from the Chat window
Adjustment to loot vacuum
the search area is now clamped to the Gameplay area
Will not search within the buff area at the top of screen
Adjustment to the Right Click menu from the Windows taskbar
Removed unnecessary menu options
Added the Image conversion GUI to the options "Capture new Buff Icon"
Added Gamestates GUI to the tray menu
Added Calibration Wizard to the tray menu
Rewrite of the Ding Debug Tooltip function to a variadic function
Ding(Timeout,MultiTooltip,"AHK ","Maximum ","Of ","20 ","Tooltips",...)
Can now assign message 1 to specific tooltip #1-20 with MultiTooltip
Can now set timeout to 0 for a persistant tooltip
Some debug messages have been added for the HP scan and OHB
Turn off debug messages in the Configuration tab.
Used the method for tooltip management from FindText library
Can now support tooltips on any of the GUI's
Will be adding more of the missing tooltips into the menu later
Adjusted the icon detection for Auto-Skillup
This will hopefully keep it from trying to click on greyed out skills
Modification to the FindText Library GUI
Removed extra buttons we will not use, left their functions for later
Added way to adjust the scale of the capture area.
High values cause significant delay when reloading the capture GUI
Default values for color sliders set to 98 instead of 100