This is a simple email validator for NodeJS that can match all emails in a string, check if a string has an email address, or check if a string includes a specific email address. You can use this module to validate emails in your NodeJS projects.
- Match all emails in a string
- Check a specific email address in a string
- Check if a string has at least one email address
- Check if a string match only one email address without any other characters or white spaces
Import the module:
const email_validator = require("./email-validator");
Then match all emails in a string:
console.log(email_validator.match("hi there, here is my email address: [email protected] please email me otherwise i will contact [email protected]... or at least to [email protected] or [email protected]"));
Or check if a string has an email address:
console.log(email_validator.has("hi there, here is my email address: [email protected] please email me otherwise i will contact [email protected]... or at least to [email protected] or [email protected]"));
console.log(email_validator.has("hey please message me to [email protected]"));
Or check if a string only match an email address without any other characters:
console.log(email_validator.exact("hi there, here is my email address: [email protected] please email me otherwise i will contact [email protected]... or at least to [email protected] or [email protected]"));
console.log(email_validator.exact("hey please message me to [email protected]"));
console.log(email_validator.exact("[email protected]"));
Or check if a string includes a specific email address:
console.log(email_validator.includes("hey please message me to [email protected]", "[email protected]"));
console.log(email_validator.includes("hey please message me to [email protected]", "[email protected]"));
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