Database access classes for Bedework.
- JDK 17
- Maven 3
mvn clean install
Releases of this fork are published to Maven Central via Sonatype.
To create a release, you must have:
- Permissions to publish to the
groupId. gpg
installed with a published key (release artifacts are signed).
To perform a new release:
mvn -P bedework-dev release:clean release:prepare
When prompted, select the desired version; accept the defaults for scm tag and next development version. When the build completes, and the changes are committed and pushed successfully, execute:
mvn -P bedework-dev release:perform
For full details, see Sonatype's documentation for using Maven to publish releases.
- Largely moving util-hibernate into the new bw-database module - including refactor of the wildfly module deployment.
- Remove all the blob refs from the source. Mapping now handles byte[] to blob
- Remove all references to cacheable query. It's hibernate specific and other ways need to be found to achieve that.
- Move non db specific files into database/db Remove Hibsession.restore() - not used and not JPA
- Align the implementations. Add refresh(...)
- Fix various pom issues after refactor
- Align the various implementations and interfaces.
- Mostly remove saveOrUpdate - a hibernate only feature - and replace with jpa compliant calls to add or update.
- Fix up some non-jpa stuff. Renamed VersionedDbEntity as InterceptorDbEntity and add some methods
- Switch to use DbSession from bw-database.
- Hibernate implementation largely uses the bw-database version with a couple of overrides.