Implement Dreamerv3 to train robots in webots
The installation steps are weird and confusing. Below we have commands that used during installation.
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools==57.5.0
pip install dreamerv3
pip install jaxlib==0.3.25+cuda11.cudnn82 -f
pip install jax==0.3.25
pip install --upgrade protobuf==3.20.1
pip uninstall jax jaxlib
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda11_pip]" -f
pip install pip install wheel==0.38.4
pip install deepbots
pip install pyglet==1.5.27
fixes rendering error for gym
pip install pyglet
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools==57.5.0
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow-cpu
pip install pip install wheel==0.38.4
pip install rest of requirements
pip install dreamerv3 --no-dependencies
pip install gym==0.21.0