Release 1.12.1
This version adds a Deep Dark phase and updates some of the phases.
✔️ BentoBox API 1.21.0
✔️ Minecraft 1.19
✔️ Java 17
- 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
- ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
- 🔺 special attention needed.
- Stop the server. Make a backup just in case.
- Copy this jar over the old one
- 🔡 Remove the AOneBlock locale folder so it can be regenerated. (BentoBox/locales/AOneBlock)
- Restart the server
- You should be good to go!
New Features
- ⚙️Updated phases and added Deep Dark phase
- 🔺 Removed Nether and End islands
- ⚙️Added 10s time limit to holograms - This automatically deletes holograms placed above the magic block. The default is 10 seconds.
- 🔡 Translate ru.yml via GitLocalize (#290) Co-authored-by: Marmur2020 [email protected]
- 🔡 Translate pl.yml via GitLocalize (#289) Co-authored-by: wiktorm12 [email protected]
- 🔡 Update FR (#288) Co-authored-by: Shroom of Doom [email protected] Co-authored-by: mt-gitlocalize [email protected]
Bug Fixes
- Fix random block issues (#261)
- Do not replace water with water. Fixes #265
- 62.5% and 75% had identical filling of the scale. (#277)
- ADDED WARDEN SOUND(EVENT mob-warning) (#281)
- Update to Spigot 1.19
- Custom Block support (#283)
- Migrate to BentoBox API 1.21 - This migration allows to define any custom flag names for default settings. If the flag does not exist, it will just ignore it and not remove.
- Fixes #276 and #278
- Update to Apache Commons Addresses GHSA-599f-7c49-w659
- Removed extraneous config settings.
- Bump commons-text from 1.9 to 1.10.0 (#297)
Full Changelog: 1.11.0...1.12.1