Release 1.17.0
This release adds some new placeholders and supports the ability of team members to have more than one island.
✔️ BentoBox API 2.4.1
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x, 1.21
✔️ Java 17
- 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
- ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
- 🔺 special attention needed.
- Stop the server. Make a backup just in case.
- Copy this jar over the old one
- Restart the server
- The config.yml file will be updated - if you edit it, then remember to reload with
/obadmin reload
- You should be good to go!
What's Changed
- ⚙️ Allow team member islands by @tastybento in #383
- ⚙️ Added offset for hologram placing to config.yml (See below)
- ⚙️ Adds placeholders for phase block listing #385 by @tastybento in #386
- 🔡 Added panel placeholders #385 by @tastybento in #387
- Fix for null players, i.e., minions at end of phase. by @tastybento in #390
- 🔡 Turkish translation by @gitlocalize-app in #393
- Release 1.17.0 by @tastybento in #395
Full Changelog: 1.16...1.17.0
Allow team members to have islands
This is enabled by default if the admin has allowed players to have multiple islands (requires BentoBox 2.3.0 or later). Config setting is world.disallow-team-member-islands
Hologram offset
New in config.yml
# Display holograms
holograms: true
# Hologram position - the offset to the magic block where holograms will appear
hologram-offset: 0.5, 1.1, 0.5
The default is where it is now.
New Placeholders
Adds two new placeholders that list the names of the blocks that can occur in the phase. One placeholder is for the user's island and the other is for the visited island.
The names are prettified versions of the Bukkit Material, or the name given by the LangUtils plugin, which can hook into BentoBox.
Format of the output can be customized in the locale file in the placeholders section:
infinite: Infinite
block-list-format: |
&7- &e [name]
The default produces a (long) list of materials with one on each line, as requested by the author of #385. Alternatively, they can be put onto a single line like this:
infinite: Infinite
block-list-format: '&e [name],'
The tailing comma will be removed from the list automatically.
There are also new locale strings:
[blocks] is in the description.
name: '&f&l [phase]'
description: |-
Then this part defines what you'll get in [blocks]:
# Replaces text with [blocks]
blocks-prefix: '&7 Blocks in phase - '
blocks: '&e [name], '
wrap-at: '50'