1.4.0 Release
BSkyBlock 1.4.0 is updated to work on BentoBox 1.4.0. If will not work on 1.3.0.
- 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
- ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
- 🔺 special attention needed.
- ⚙️ Adds support for use-own-generator. See config.yml for instructions.
- ⚙️ Adds support for hidden settings. These are set in-game by the Op using SHIFT-LEFT-CLICK on the settings to toggle hiding or not. Hidden settings have the Curse of Vanishing applied to them!
- Enables AcidIsland related PlaceHolders:
- [Medium] Default biome (as set in config.yml) was not being used in newly generated chunks in the overworld.
- [Medium] Animals were being damaged by acid by the amount set for monsters.
- Stop server. Make sure the server is 1.4.0.
- Copy this jar into the addons folder and remove the old AcidIsland jar.
- Restart the server
- config.yml will be updated to the new version. Check it and adjust as required.