Welcome To CityCourts !!!
Share your favourite sport location on the map!
New in town? review all the sport spots around you!
You can also filter the courts by your type, navigate to it, get reliable information and so much more !
Using : Google Firebase - Realtime DB & Storage, Google Maps, Google Authentication.
Click On The Image to see a demo !
make to have
googleApiKey: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/start#get-key
- at \app\google-services.json change "YourApiKey" to the correct GoogleApiKey
- make sure to have file :"local.properties", which have the following lines:
- sdk.dir=C: ... (i.e C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
- MAPS_API_KEY=... (i.e AIzakKSFKSFl-k124kl12kjkQsakfmkl)
Contact me to get the .apk !