ABeko is a repository with libraries and CLI/GUI applications for reading memory, doing scans and dumping processes.
namespace ABeko.Tests
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ABeko.Logic;
using ABeko.Logic.Engines.Memory.Handlers;
using ABeko.Logic.Types;
internal static class Program
/// <summary>
/// Defines the entry point of this application.
/// </summary>
private static async Task Main()
var Engine = (BekoEngine) null;
var EngineConfig = new BekoConfig
Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(),
MemoryHandler = new NativeMemoryHandler()
// ..
Engine = BekoEngine.FromConfiguration(EngineConfig);
catch (Exception Exception)
Console.WriteLine("[*] " + Exception.Message.Split('\n')[0]);
// ..
if (Engine != null)
Engine.Disposed += (Sender, Args) =>
Console.WriteLine("[*] The engine has been disposed.");
using (Engine)
var Scanner = Engine.ScannerEngine;
var Memory = Engine.MemoryEngine;
var Address = 0xFFFFFFLu;
// Sig-scanning
Scanner.Signatures.Add(new Signature("UWorldSig", Signature: "00-00-00", new SignatureMask("XXX", AnythingMask: '*', SpecifiedMask: 'X')));
if (Scanner.TrySearchFor("UWorldSig", From: 0x0000007FFFFFFFFF, To: 0x0000007FFFFFFFFF + 32, out var Result))
Console.WriteLine("[*] Found the specified signature at 0x" + Result.Address.ToString("X").PadLeft(16, '0') + ".");
Console.WriteLine("[*] Failed to find the '" + Result.Signature.Name + "' signature.");
catch (Exception Exception)
Console.WriteLine("[*] " + Exception.GetType().Name + ", " + Exception.Message);
Console.WriteLine("[*] The engine failed to initialize.");