Scientific Python package for solving Slater Koster tight-binding hamiltonian. A python package in development for creating and solving slater koster tight-binding hamiltonians for various 1D 2D and 3D systems from topological insulators to strong correlations.
- Generate s,p,d interactions in any given lattice
- Total energy for insulators and semimetals
- Specify range of interaction with more then Nearest neibghor
- Spin Polarized calculations
- Spin orbit coupling (only for p orbitals as of now)
- Plot orbital weighted colorplots
- Integration with pymatgen structres
- JIT optimized with numba
- Parallelization on kpoints
- Copy the files and to the working directory
- Install the modules in requirements.txt.
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- Import them and use !
Example usage shown in examples.ipynb
- 1D chain of sp (example of 1D topological Crystiline insulator SSH)
- with orbital projection on s
- Graphene and band colorplot in BZ
- Intrinsic Spin-Orbit-Coupling Rashba effect in Halide Perovskites
Buckled antimony Sb
- preprint of Dirac cones merging in 2D Sb
- preprint of Higher Order Topological states in 2D Sb
Low buckled Sb Surface states with SOC - Topological Crystalline Insulator
- with
- Complete pymatgen integration (high on priority)
- Berry phase calculation (high on priority) already implemented need to interface
Parallelization on kpointsand orbitals.scipy sparse matrix optimized- Spin Orbit Coupling for d,f
- Bogoliubov-de-Gennes (BdG) solutions for the given system for Superconductivity
- Interface with ASE structures
- Create finite structures and slabs for Topological calculations within the code (requires pymatgen right now)
- Greens function DOS
- Convert all operations to sympy, so that one can output analytical Tightbinding matrix elements for ease of access
- Low energy k.p hamiltonian from sympy
If you are using the code, please consider citing it with the followig bib
doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.4311595},
url = {},
author = {Radha, Santosh Kumar},
title = {santoshkumarradha/pysktb: Tightbinding Electronic structure codes},
publisher = {Zenodo},
year = {2020},
copyright = {Open Access}