This is a fairly small project. I hope someone finds it useful. It includes a simple physics object that interacts with IK.
Most of the IK functionality is available in the ik_armature
To create an armature, you first need to generate an array of ik_point
// Generate a list of points
var points = []
var pos = {x: x, y: y};
var point_count = irandom_range(4, 6);
for (var i=0; i<point_count; i++) {
var len = irandom_range(20, 80);
if (i==0) {
//Set our initial direction instead for first point
ang = irandom_range(-180, 180);
} else {
// Set the point as an offset from the previous point
ang += irandom_range(-60, 60);
pos = {x: pos.x + lengthdir_x(len, ang), y: pos.y + lengthdir_y(len, ang)};
array_push(points, new ik_point(pos.x, pos.y, len))
// My armature is created here:
armature = new ik_armature(points);
The positions don't really matter that much. You can just worry about the length
argument, and then calculate for it to choose the positions for you.
Then you can calculate the point locations by calling this method
armature.calculate({x: room_width/2, y: room_height/2}, {x: mouse_x, y: mouse_y});