Please help and improve this in all ways, typos, cooler tech, better looks, more information, etc. all is appreciated and necessary.
Right now, this is very much possible to improve. Your turn!
This is used to build the Nuitka web site. Enhancements of all kinds are
welcome. You will need python 3.9 and pipenv
to build it.
# Creates a virtualenv with all that is needed to develop the
# site.
python3 -m pip install -U invoke
python3 -m invoke virtualenv
# Now lets build the site, to see if it's all correct.
python3 -m invoke doc
# Optionally build the localized sites.
python3 -m invoke intl -l zh_CN
python3 -m invoke intl -l de_DE
# Post processing, e.g. adds language switcher, compact
# JS/CSS, adapts external links, and more.
python3 -m invoke run -t post-process
# Start local web server with the site, and do automatic
# rebuilds. Localization are rebuilt if they were previously
# built.
python3 -m invoke run -t serve-site
# Browse it (Linux)
xdg-open http://localhost:8080
# Browse it (Windows)
explorer http://localhost:8080
So the site is basically mostly an automation of importing a few files
from the Nuitka git repository, splitting up e.g. the Changelog.rst
into pages, with otherwise using Sphinx to render it. Reference the
Sphinx documentation and esp. the one for Read the Docs theme and ABlog.
Create the *.rst
file similar to e.g. doc/letting-go-of-c11.rst
and then execute this
python3 -m invoke run -t update-docs
Translations of the Nuitka website are very welcome. We have a team for
those want to work on it, with push rights to the repository. Right now
a translation
branch is used, but the plan is for it to be merged,
and to provide the infrastructure in the main
Here is a table of the files to translate and their styles. Everything that is not mentioned here, should be asked about if in doubt. Not all pages make sense to translate.
Before translating, I would love you to also actually review the content, if you agree it makes sense, if it can be better structured. This is very much needed unfortunately.
There are plans to get rid of pages
and doc
sub-folders of
the site folder doc
. For URLs, these are plain bad, and would
e.g. be much better as python-compiler
and the like. A plan will
be devised and put into place, but it will just move and renamed
At this time, the blog posts, esp. old ones should not be translated. I believe often new content will be created in post form, and then moved over to pages for translation. A current example are tutorial style pages including screenshots, which depending on how the e.g. Python installer look in your language, Explorer and shell prompt, even screenshots might have to be translated. This will come only later though.
Yes, please go ahead. Let me know if there is any need to hint Paypal, or when Paypal is not available in your country, what alternative ways we could use.
Please hold off from this one. It currently is just a duplicate of
content that is just the same in index.rst
and not linked anywhere,
so please ignore it for now.
There is a plan to have a "feel good" cross road entry page, that will lead to the kind of page, that the home page is right now.
Very important kind of page, of which I want to have more. Nuitka links itself to this from the plugin, and it's a landing page to inform users about troubles that can be expected. We want to have some boilerplate for this, and a general way of adding these. These user hint pages are where I think we ought to help the users from real Nuitka to find the information, and even localized for their needs.
This one is not mentioning the Discord server yet, I will add that soon though. Very important page that should be linked to from many places.
This is historical information, translation makes no sense, not sure what to do with it. But if Nuitka were to do it again, we would translate it ideally for the next time.
This one is required by law in my country, translators might want to add their information here. I cannot take responsibility for the content of translations, as I cannot verify it in many cases.
This one probably should get more love content wise. It's under construction. I want to go over the blog and link all information from there. But if you are aware of material in your language, please go ahead and add it.
Since this about an English offer, not sure it makes sense, I will also update it in near future somewhat, but making clear it's going to be an English content, I think it ought to be translated on a basic level at the beginning of the page, and then have untranslated content?
Translation makes no sense and cannot be done currently anyway. The API doc is going to be generated with Spinx, Doxygen docs are without love.
Translation is very welcome. There will be more content added over time. For payment options, please check out if they work for your country and if not, help me find alternatives. I was e.g. rejected for AliPay in China, but maybe other things can work. And Russia e.g. has no Paypal (which I mean to add as an alternative still).
Very useful to have it translated.
This is just a playground for me, do not translate, unless we want to play around with translation mechanics. We will want to e.g. have an intelligent language switcher at some point, and could try it out there.
Do not translate, this is a bizarre amount of work.
Very welcome, but beware that download.rst.j2
is the real source.
Tables are generated into the document, this is probably a harder case
technically, so hold off until this is sorted out.
Makes no sense to translate. But potentially there is content that belongs to user manual in there or should be split off.
Much like changelog, not as much work, but also not as important.
This one is most important in my mind, optimization section needs a serious update from my side, maybe ignore that, until I get there. Review applies here very much. I think Tutorial parts might be factored out to separate documents.
# Generate the .pot files
cd intl
make gettext
# Generate .po files from .pot
sphinx-intl update -p ../output/gettext -l your_language_code
Under locales in the folder with the language code you will then have
many .po files. In the .po file you can see msgid
and below it
. msgid
contains the english original, in msgstr
can write the translation. If you then want to transfer your changes via
PR, please commit only the files you have translated.
# Optimize PNG files like this, normally not needed, this
# is lossless.
sudo apt-get install optipng
find . -iname *.png -a -type f -exec optipng -o7 -zm1-9 {} \;
# Optimize JPEG files like this, normally not needed, this
# is lossless.
sudo apt-get install jpegoptim
find . -iname *.jpg -a -type f -exec jpegoptim {} \;