Deploy Blazemeter private location to your Kubernetes cluster using HELM chart. The chart allows to make advanced/custom configurations to your Blazemeter private location deployment.
- A BlazeMeter account
- A Kubernetes cluster
- Latest Helm installed
- The kubernetes cluster needs to fulfill Blazemeter Private location requirements
To start with, you will need Harbour_ID, Ship_ID & Auth_token from Blazemeter. You can either generate these from Blazemeter GUI or through API as described below.
Get the Harbour_ID, Ship_ID and Auth_token through BlazeMeter GUI
- Login to Blazemeter & create a Private Location
- Copy the Harbour_ID once the private location has been created in BlazeMeter.
- Create an Agent
- Copy the Ship_ID & Auth_token, you can copy Harbour_ID, when you click on the add agent button.
Get the Harbour_ID, Ship_ID and Auth_token through BlazeMeter API
Pull/Download the chart - tar file from the GitHub repository Download the latest Chart
Untar the chart
tar -xvf helm-crane(version).tgz
- Open the
file to apply configurations as per your deployment requirements.
- Add the Harbour_ID, Ship_ID and Auth_token in the
are the one we aquired earlier see: 2.0
# if you plan to pass the AUTH_TOKEN through secret in the crane ENV variables set secret to yes and add secret name and key
enable: no
secretName: "your-secretName"
secretKey: "authtoken"
authtoken: "MY_SAMPLE_TOKEN-shfowh243owijoidh243o2nosIOIJONo2414"
- If you require the AUTH_TOKEN for any crane installation to be secret/secure, the ENV values for AUTH_TOKEN can be inherited from the k8s secret. You will need to make changes to
part of thevalues
file. In that case, theauthtoken
value will be ignored. Make sure the cluster/namespace has the secret applied in the following format:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <your-secretName>
namespace: <namespace name>
type: Opaque
authtoken: ZjIzZjU0ZTIwODk5ZWYwYzgzYmJkMzZmYzU3ODlhNzc3ODJjYTY1YjJjODIzZTMyMjY3NDcxM2QzZTc3Mzg2Yw==
- Additionally, you can now configure the deployment settings, like non-default serviceAccount, role & clusterrole name and restart policy in the below section of the
# This is the name of roles and clusterroles created by the chart.
role: "roleCrane"
clusterrole: "cluster-roleCrane"
# Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created.
create: false
# The name of the ServiceAccount to use, keep empty to use default ServiceAccount.
restartPolicy: "Always"
- You can configure the settings for image pull-policy, auto-update, etc. in the
values. If theauto-update
is not a desired option, it can be set tofalse
, which will disable the auto-update for crane and its components. Similarly, thepull
policy can be changed toAlways
as per the requirement. If the cluster cache is configured to preserve the images for longer duration, changing the pull policy is desirable.
docker_registry: "" #default registry for Blazemeter crane (DO NOT CHANGE)
image: "" #default image for Blazemeter crane (DO NOT CHANGE)
tag: "latest-master"
auto_update: true
auto_update_running_containers: false #Controls auto update of components, default false. Also, either AUTO_UPDATE or AUTO_KUBERNETES_UPDATE must be true for this option to work, depending on the platform Crane is running on.
pullPolicy: "Always"
Note: Do not change the default Blazemeter registry, image or tag values here, use the imageOverride
section to override the default settings.
You can override the default image settings by adding the
section in thevalues.yaml
file by switching theenable
. Replace thedocker_registry
values with the custom registry and image path. -
Similarly, replace the path:
with the custom image path and available version tag in your private repository. Please refer the commented example in the below snippet. Similary, if theauto-update
is not a desired option, it can be set tofalse
, which will disable the auto-update for crane and its components. Similarly, thepull
policy can be changed toAlways
as per the requirement.
enable: no
#If imageOverride is enabled, also make sure to change/modify the docker_registry as well as image path below.
docker_registry: "<custom-registry>"
image: "<custom-registry>/blazemeter/crane"
tag: "latest-master"
auto_update: true
auto_update_running_containers: false #Controls auto update of components, default false. Also, either AUTO_UPDATE or AUTO_KUBERNETES_UPDATE must be true for this option to work, depending on the platform Crane is running on.
# Example: {"blazemeter/crane:latest":""}
images: {"taurus-cloud:latest": "pathToYourRepo/<image_name:version_number>", "torero:latest": "pathToYourRepo/<image_name:version_number>", "blazemeter/service-mock:latest": "pathToYourRepo/<image_name:version_number>", "blazemeter/mock-pc-service:latest": "pathToYourRepo/<image_name:version_number>", "blazemeter/sv-bridge:latest": "pathToYourRepo/<image_name:version_number>", "blazemeter/doduo:latest": "pathToYourRepo/<image_name:version_number>"}
pullPolicy: "Always"
- If the proxy needs to be configured, change the value for
. Add the configuration forhttp_proxy
. Make sure the values are set toyes
before adding the proxypath
, as shown below:
enable: yes
http_proxy: yes
http_path: "http://server:port"
https_proxy: yes
no_proxy: "kubernetes.default,,localhost,"
- If you plan to configure the Kubernetes installation to use CA certificates, make changes to the following section of the values.yaml file:
- Change the
- Provide the path to the certificate file respectively for both (ca_subpath & aws_subpath). You will need to copy/move these cert files in the same directory as this chart and just provide the name of the certs instead of the complete path. '
- Change the
enable: no
request_ca_bundle: "certificate.crt"
aws_ca_bundle: "certificate2.crt"
volume_name: "volume-cm"
mount_path: "/var/cm"
readOnly: true
- If you plan to configure your crane installation to use gridProxy, make changes to the following section of the
file. Grid Proxy enables you to run Selenium functional tests in BlazeMeter without using a local server. You can run Grid Proxy over the HTTPS protocol using the following methods:
enable: yes
a_environment: ''
tlsKeyGrid: "certificate.key" # The private key for the domain used to run the BlazeMeter Grid proxy over HTTPS. Value in string format.
tlsCertGrid: "certificate.crt" # The public certificate for the domain used to run the BlazeMeter Grid proxy over HTTPS. Value in string format.
mount_path: "/etc/ssl/certs/doduo"
doduoPort: 9070 # The user-defined port where to run Doduo (BlazeMeter Grid Proxy). By default, Doduo listens on port 8000.
volume_name: "tls-files"
mount_path: "/etc/ssl/certs/doduo"
readOnly: true
- If you plan to deploy the Blazemeter crane as a non_Priviledged installation, make changes to the following part of the
file. Change theenable
and this will automatically run the deployment and consecutive pods as Non_root/Non_priviledge. You can ammend the runAsGroup and runAsUser to any value of your choice. We can only have same user/groupId for both crane and child resources.
enable: no
runAsGroup: 1337
runAsUser: 1337
Non-root deployment requires an additional feature to be enabled at account level, please contact support for enabling this feature.
- If this OPL/Private location is going to run mock services using istio-ingress, make changes to the following part of the
file. Changeenable
and this will automatically setup istio-ingress for this crane deployment. This will allow outside traffic to access the service-virtualisation pod. However, make sure istio is already installed and configured as per the Blazemeter guide
enable: no
credentialName: "wildcard-credential"
web_expose_subdomain: "mydomain.local"
istio_gateway_name: "bzm-gateway"
You can either use istio-ingress or nginx-ingress for mock service deployment. However, you cannot use both at the same time.
- If this OPL/Private location is going to run mock services using nginx-ingress, make changes to following part of the
file. Change theenable
and this will automatically set up nginx-ingress for this installation, which will allow outside traffic to access the mock-service pod. However, make sure nginx is already installed and configured. Blazemeter guide
enable: yes
credentialName: "wildcard-credential"
web_expose_subdomain: "mydomain.local"
You can either use istio-ingress or nginx-ingress for mock service deployment. However, you cannot use both at the same time.
- If you require a certain set of labels as part of the deployment of crane and it's child resources, we can use these
values. These labels can be set for crane as well as the child pods. Add labels in a JSON format as per the example.
enable: no
syntax: {"label_1": "label_1_value", "label_2": "label_2_value"}
enable: no
syntax: {"label_1": "label_1_value", "label_2": "label_2_value"}
Note: labelsCrane
is for labels declared for crane and labelsExecutors
is for labels declared for child pods.
- The configuration is used to specify the tolerations for crane and child pods. Switch the
and add tolerations for crane and & child resources. Add tolerations in a Json format as per the example:
enable: no
syntax: [{ "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": "lifecycle", "operator": "Equal", "value": "spot" }]
enable: no
syntax: [{ "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": "lifecycle", "operator": "Equal", "value": "spot" }]
Note: tolerationCrane
is for tolerations declared for crane and tolerationExecutors
is for tolerations declared for child pods.
- The configuration is used to specify the node selector for crane and child pods. Switch the
and add node selectors for crane and child resources. Add node selectors in a Json format as per the example:
enable: no
syntax: {"label_1": "label_1_value", "label_2": "label_2_value"}
enable: no
syntax: {"label_1": "label_1_value", "label_2": "label_2_value"}
Note: nodeSelectorCrane
is for node selectors declared for crane and nodeSelectorExecutor
is for node selectors declared for child pods.
- If you require a CPU, MEM or EphemeralStorage limits/requests to be applied to crane and its child resources, we can use this
value. The values inresourcesCrane
values will be applied to crane deployment, while the values inresourcesExecutors
will be applied to the child resources. You can either use one of them or both. Add required values in the below value section in the values.yaml file.
# CPU & Memory limits & requests for resources for crane deployment. You can also specify ephemeral storage requests for the crane.
CPU: 250m
MEM: 512Mi
storage: #100
CPU: #1
MEM: #2Gi
storage: #1024 # This is in MB
# CPU & Memory limits & requests for resources created by agent. You can also specify ephemeral storage limits for the child resources.
CPU: 1000m
MEM: 4096 # This value should be an integer unlike other values that supports k8s standard for declaring resource limits/requests.
storage: #100 # This is in MB
CPU: #2
MEM: #8Gi
storage: #1024
- Once the values are updated, please verify if the values are correctly used in the helm chart:
helm lint <path-to-chart>
helm template <path-to-chart>
This will print the template Helm will use to install this chart. Check the values and if something is missing, please make ammends.
- Install the helm chart
helm install crane /path/to/chart --namespace <namespace name>
Here, crane is the name we are setting for the chart on our system. Make sure the namespace is declared here.
- To verify the installation of our Helm chart run:
helm list -n <namespace name>
This will list all the Helm charts installed in the given namespace -n
- To uninstall the Helm chart run:
helm uninstall <release-name> -n <namespace name>
It is recommended to install this Helm chart onto the auto-scalable cluster for example - EKS, GKE or AKS.
However, make sure you are scaling the nodes, as it is not recommended to go with EKS Fargate or GKE Autopilot, as these autoscaling methods are not supported/tested for Blazemeter crane deployments.
Therefore, always go with Node autoscaling
- 1.3.0 - Chart can support image-override configuration. gridProxy is in working configuration. Resource (CPU & MEM) limit/requests are now configurable for crane and child resources and also for ephemeral storage. Simplified nesting and values configuration. The chart can now work with non-default serviceAccount. Tolerations, nodeSelector and labels can be declared for Crane and child resources separately, with Major fixes & calibrations.
- 1.2.3 - Chart can work with resource requests & limits, similarly the ephemeral storage requests & limits can be configured.
- 1.2.2 - Chart now supports gridProxy deployment configurations
- 1.2.1 - Chart now supports node selectors and tolerations
- 1.2.0 - Chart now supports service virtualisation deployment using nginx-ingress
- 1.1.0 - Chart now supports inheriting labels and resourcelimits to child pods from crane environment
- 1.0.1 - The AUTH_TOKEN can now be inherited from a secret
- 1.0.0 - Now supports service virtualisation deployment using istio-ingress
- 0.1.3 - Supports configuration for non_proviledge container deployment, also added a license
- 0.1.2 - Supports Proxy, CA_certs as an additional configuration of Blazemeter crane deployment
- 0.1.1 - Support proxy as an additional configurable aspect of Blazemeter crane deployment
- 0.1.0 - Supports standard - vanilla Blazemeter crane deployment (no proxy or CA_Bundle configurable)