If you are going to use / share this, pack the compiled dll with VMProtect / Themida or anything else.
ImGui–based user interface,
Unloading at runtime,
Log console with g3log,
Rendering through ImGui,
Infantry alert,
Overheat control,
Player blacklist,
Player ESP,
Vehicle ESP,
Explosives ESP,
Conrollable jet speed,
Spectator list,
Health bar,
Name spoofer,
Streamer mode,
PunkBuster bypass,
FairFight bypass
NuGet packages: (directxtk_desktop_win10, fmt, nlohmann.json),
Release x64,
Dynamic Link Library (.dll),
Visual Studio 2022 (v143),
C++ Standart - ISO C++20,
C Standart - Old MSVC,
Preprocessor arguments: _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS,
Symbols: Unicode.
Better aimbot,
Vehicle aimbot,
Loadout editor,
Kill say
I would be happy if anyone works on this cheat!