Very small Linux distro
Currently at 15.5MB!
Requires qemu-system-x86_64.
git clone
cd MicroLinux
mkdir output
mv initramfs.cpio.gz output/
cd output/
gunzip initramfs.cpio.gz
sudo cpio -idv < initramfs.cpio
rm initramfs.cpio
This distro aims to be as small as possible while being usable.
You need a decent experience with the command line to do something actually useful with it
Anyway, I added cfdisk to partition the disk easier
You can probably get it smaller by recompiling the kernel's bzImage with minimal settings.
I couldn't get internet working since I don't have an ethernet connection.
Editors: busybox vi, ne (has syntax highlighting)
Disk utilities: cfdisk, busybox fdisk, busybox du, busybox free
File manager: sfm (my favourite)
Text processing: awk, cut
Programming: tcc (C compiler), luajit (Lua interpreter), awk
Internet: udhcpd, wget, ssh/dbclient, dropbear, ftpd, telnet
Pagers: more, less
Other: busybox