Now outdated as it reflects the old 21CMMC (new version at However, still relevant for reference on how to avoid File I/O
A cleaner (but slower) version of 21CMMC. Please go here ( for the easier to use, faster, more supported version
It is 50% slower due to the C and Python interfacing. This version is included as an alternate if file I/O becomes an issue or if you are experienced in interfacing C and Python may be able to improve over the version I provide and improve its efficiency
For test boxes, please go to and obtain from there
For more details please see For a more detailed readme, open readme.txt within the 21CMMC_SourceCode directory (in Programs)
Any questions, comments or feedback (including technical support and setting up) should be directed to me (Bradley Greig) at [email protected]. If you use this code in any of your work, please cite the above paper and please link to the other repository ( to eliminate confusion.