The goal of this problem is to create a simple online spreadsheet app that is capable of loading and saving its data. Your app should consist, at a minimum, of a table of editable cells and a form allowing the user to load and save data.
To evaluate your submission, we will include a javascript test harness in your
HTML file that implements two functions: load_data(key)
, which takes a data key
and returns a JSON representation of the data to be loaded into the table, and
save_data(key, data)
, which takes a key and a JSON representation of the data
currently in the table. Both the data key and the JSON representation are
expected to be strings. Your form should consist of a text input field for the
data key and load and save buttons. When the load button is clicked, you should
call the load_data()
function and populate the cells accordingly. When the save
button is clicked, you should call the save_data()
function with the data key
and the data in the table.
The JSON data format is simply a two-dimensional array containing the values to be loaded in each cell. For example, the following JSON string:
'[[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [], [7, 8, 9, 0]]'
would represent the following table:
| 1 | | | | |
| 2 | 3 | | | |
| 4 | 5 | 6 | | |
| | | | | |
| 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | |
| | | | | |
Your spreadsheet should support a minimum of 8 rows and 8 columns.
If you have extra time, you can attempt to implement the following features:
Arrow-key navigation between cells
Multi-cell mouse selection and clearing with delete key
- Clicking a cell and dragging the mouse should select all cells within the box defined by the start and end points; pressing the delete key should clear the data in the selected cells.
Formula cells
- Similar to Excel: if you enter
it should fill in the cell with the computed value.
- Similar to Excel: if you enter
You may make use of the jquery base library, but all other html/css/js must be written by you during the test period.
Submit your solution as a pull request with the html/css/js/img files required for your app. We will manually edit the html to include the javascript test harness and open it locally in a browser to evaluate it.
We evaluate your solution as intended users of the spreadsheet app as well as developers, looking for code organization and readability.