This project is a web application that graphically displays a Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm and the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for finding the shortest paths.
Warning: Due to its computational intensity, this application may cause performance issues or crashes in some browsers.
- Webpack
- Node.js
- Three.js
- DFS Algorithm: Traverses complex graphs efficiently.
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: Finds the shortest path between nodes and stores the reconstruction of finding it, allowing for animation.
- Spaghetti Code Please don't think this is my best code. This was tricky to build, but it would greatly benefit from moving to a framework with a virtual dom, or just better decoupling in general. I probably won't fix this because I'm not a graphics programmer, but who knows I might check back later.
- Floyd-Warshall Limitation: There's an unidentified bug where the Floyd-Warshall algorithm doesn't always function as expected. Investigation and debugging are ongoing.
- Does not scale correctly for MacOS: The scale is incorrect on my new Macbook, but it was fine with Windows and Linux with an Nvidia GPU.
- Lower Performance Could benefit from implementing it with shaders taking the load off the CPU.
- Other Performance issues Unknown performance issues causing an unreasonable framerate drop.
- Interactive Nodes: Plans to add functionality for users to click on nodes to select paths manually.
- Enhanced Graphical Models: Upload custom weighted graphs rather than random graphs, and software for transforming a 3D mesh (STL file) into a weighted graph. Textures may also be an interesting feature to overlay maps or other demonstratives on 2D graphs.
To get this project up and running on your local machine:
Prerequisite: Install Node.js and npm:
- Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. If not, download and install from Node.js official website.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Install Dependencies:
- Navigate to the project directory and run:
npm install
- Run the Development Server:
- To start the development server, run:
npm run dev
- This will start the server and the application should be accessible on your local machine.