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Visual Studio Code extension to convert fixed format RPGLE to free format


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RPG Free for Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code extension to convert fixed format RPGLE to free format.

This is based on rpgfreeweb originally written by @worksofliam.

How to get running

Install from Marketplace

You can find the extension in the VS Code Marketplace!

Run from local in debug mode

  1. clone repo
  2. npm i
  3. 'Run Extension' from vscode debug (F5).

Build and install your own custom version

  1. Clone repo
  2. Make changes
  3. Use vsce package
  4. Right-click the vscode-rpgfree-*.vsix file and select Install Extension VSIX

How to use

Before you convert

Before you convert source, there are some steps you can take to ensure success.

  • Always make a copy of the original source to ensure you have a reference point and can easily revert if need be.

  • Refactor your source, removing op-codes that are not supported in free format.

    • The following op-codes are not supported in free format and must be removed for a successful conversion:
      • CABxx
      • GOTO
      • TAG
      • Labels (Factor 1) on ENDSR
  • Free format does not support I-specs (input specifications)

    • If your program requires the use of I-specs, you cannot convert to **FREE, but you can conver to free format.
    • If the I-specs are just a carry-over from legacy code, you may be able to refactor your source to remove them prior to conversion. When doing so, remember that fields defined in I-specs which are not re-defined in a data structure occupy their own memory space ... even if the values overlap the record format.
  • In free format file usage declarations must be explicitly set.

    • In traditional syntax, specifying a U in the FIle-Type would all both update and delete operations. In free format, you must explicitly allow USAGE(*DELETE).
  • For auto-data-areas (data area data structures coded with a U), the IN and OUT operation must be explicitly allowed in free form.

    • The conversion of auto-data-area data structures will correctly add the *AUTO option to the DTAARA keyword.
    • If the program explicity performs IN and/or OUT operations, the additional parmater *USRCTL must be added to the defintion.
    • For example, change "Dcl-Ds myDs DtaAra(*AUTO: 'MYDTAARA');" to "Dcl-Ds myDs DtaAra(*AUTO: *USRCTL: 'MYDTAARA');".
  • Move definitions of fields from C-specs up to D-specs

    • Free form does not support the ability to define fields "on-the-fly". All definitions must be explicitly made in the D-specs (or obtained from an external description).
    • During conversion, the data type definition of result fields in the C-specs will be dropped; no attempt will be made to auto-create the D-spec.
  • Move KLIST and PLIST up before their first use.

    • Because RPGLE Free uses a single-pass conversion, all definitions must be seen prior to their first use.
  • Refactor any PLIST that has PARM's that use Factor 1 (return value) and/or Factor 2 (initial value).

    • RPGLE Free ignores both Factor 1 and Factor 2 of PARM definitions.
  • Manually convert the use of MOVE, MOVEA, and MOVEL.

    • RPGLE Free does not conver any of the MOVEx op-codes. These must be manually converted.
  • Review the Conversion Support of Op-Codes1.

    • Take particular note of the op-code support tagged as Breaking.
    • As not all op-codes are currently supported, you may want to manually convert any unsupported op-code to free form prior to running the RPGLE Free conversion.

Convert to free format

Highlight all or part of your source code and then right-click and use the "Convert to Free Format" option from the menu. If no selection was made prior to running "Convert to Free Format", then the entire document will be converted and the **FREE will be added as the first line.


If a selection was made prior to running "Convert to Free Format", the selection will be extended to the start of the first line selected and the end of the last line selected.

What is converted

At this time, the RPGLE Free extension will convert H, F, D, C, and P specification types. While the H, F, D, and P specifications are fully supported, the C specifications are still a work-in-progress. The following table lists the traditional (fixed format) C spec op-codes and the level of support by the RPGLE Free extension.


The RPGLE Free extension has the potential to produce code breaking results. The majority of the code breaking conversion centers around the use of parameter lists (PLIST/PARM). Although, the extension will convert parameter lists, there are a couple of very important restrictions that need to be considered:

  • The PLIST definition must be moved up so that the definition is converted before the PLIST is used.

  • Both Factor 1 (return value) and Factor 2 (initial value) of the PARM statement are ignored.


As with parameter lists, key lists (KLIST/KFLD) also need to be moved up in the source to a location before they are first used. While it should go without saying, when converting code that uses a key list, be sure to include the key list definition in the conversion request (and yes, the same goes for parameter lists as well).



  1. Conversion Support of Op-Codes

    Op-Code Has Free-Form Op-Code RPGLE Free Support Conversion Notes
    ACQ (E) Y Full
    ADD (H) N FUll
    ADDDUR (E) N Full
    ALLOC (E) N Full
    ANDxx N Full
    BEGSR Y Full
    CABxx N n/a
    CALL (E) N Breaking Attempts to resolve parameter lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.

    There is no support in free form for the LR (result indicator 3).
    CALLB (E D) N Breaking Attempts to resolve parameter lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.

    The operational extender D is not supported by the free form mapping to CALLP.

    There is no support in free form for the LR (result indicator 3).
    CALLP (E M/R) Y Full
    CASxx N Full
    CAT (P) N None The CAT operation is too complex to convert to free form. If conversion were to be done, the following restrictions would need to be made:
    * The operation extender P=Pad must be used
    * The variable in the result field cannot have varying length
    * The optional number of blanks must be a hard-coded number; not a variable.
    CHAIN (E N) Y Breaking Attempts to resolve key lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.
    CHECK (E) N Syntax Does not support the use of an array in the result field.
    CHECKR (E) N Syntax Does not support the use of an array in the result field.
    CLEAR Y Full
    CLOSE (E) Y Full
    COMMIT (E) Y Full
    COMP N Full
    DATA-GEN Y Full
    DATA-INTO Y Full
    DEALLOC (E/N) Y Full
    DEFINE [like] N
    DEFINE [dtaara] N
    DELETE (E) Y Breaking Attempts to resolve key lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.
    DIV (H) N Full
    DO N Breaking DO/ENDDO blocks are converted to FOR/ENDFOR. The FOR/ENDFOR loop requires the use of TO or DOWNTO. Unless the increment value is a hard-coded negative number, the converted source will uses the default TO.
    DOU (M/R) Y Full
    DOUxx N Full
    DOW (M/R) Y Full
    DOWxx N Full
    DSPLY (E) Y Full
    DUMP (A) Y Full
    ELSE Y Full
    ELSEIF (M/R) Y Full
    END N Full
    ENDCS N Full
    ENDDO Y Full
    ENDFOR Y Full
    ENDIF Y Full
    ENDMON Y Full
    ENDSL Y Full
    ENDSR Y Breaking Labels in Factor 1 are not supported in free format and will be ignored.
    EVAL (H M/R) Y Full
    EVAL-CORR Y Full
    EVALR (M/R) Y Full
    EXCEPT Y Full
    EXFMT (E) Y Full
    EXSR Y Full
    EXTRCT (E) N
    FEOD (E N) Y Full
    FOR Y Full
    FORCE Y Full
    GOTO N n/a
    IF (M/R) Y Full
    IFxx N Full
    IN (E) Y Full
    ITER Y Full
    KFLD N Breaking Keylists are built as conversion is done. If keylists are defined after they are used, the keylist will not be replaced properly.

    Field definitions on the KFLD are dropped. It is epxected that the fields will be properly defined in a D spec prior to running conversion.
    KLIST N Breaking Keylists are built as conversion is done. If keylists are defined after they are used, the keylist will not be replaced properly.

    Field definitions on the KFLD are dropped. It is epxected that the fields will be properly defined in a D spec prior to running conversion.
    LEAVE Y Full
    LEAVESR Y Full
    LOOKUP [array] N Full
    LOOKUP [table] N Full
    MHHZO N Use %BitAnd() and %BitOr().
    MHLZO N Use %BitAnd() and %BitOr().
    MLHZO N Use %BitAnd() and %BitOr().
    MLLZO N Use %BitAnd() and %BitOr().
    MONITOR Y Full
    MOVE (P) N None
    MOVEA (P) N
    MOVEL (P) N None
    MULT (H) N Full
    MVR N
    NEXT (E) Y Full
    OCCUR (E) N
    ON-ERROR Y Full
    ON-EXCP Y Full
    ON-EXIT Y Full
    OPEN (E) Y Full
    ORxx N Full
    OTHER Y Full
    OUT (E) Y Full
    PARM N Breaking Parameter lists are built as conversion is done. If parameter lists are defined after they are used, the list will not be replaced properly.

    Field definitions on the PARM are dropped. It is epxected that the fields will be properly defined in a D spec prior to running conversion.

    Factor1 (return value) and Factor2 (initial value) are ignored.
    PLIST N Breaking Parameter lists are built as conversion is done. If parameter lists are defined after they are used, the list will not be replaced properly.

    Field definitions on the PARM are dropped. It is epxected that the fields will be properly defined in a D spec prior to running conversion.

    Factor1 (return value) and Factor2 (initial value) are ignored.
    POST (E) Y Syntax Free form does not support the INFDS data structure in the result field.
    READ (E N) Y Full
    READC (E) Y Full
    READE (E N) Y Breaking Attempts to resolve key lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.
    READP (E N) Y Full
    READPE (E N) Y Breaking Attempts to resolve key lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.
    REALLOC (E) N Full
    REL (E) Y Full
    RESET (E) Y Full
    RETURN (H M/R) Y Full
    ROLBK (E) Y Full
    SCAN (E) N Full
    SELECT Y Full
    SETGT (E) Y Breaking Attempts to resolve key lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.
    SETLL (E) Y Breaking Attempts to resolve key lists; which requires them to be defined prior to being used.
    SETOFF N Full
    SETON N Full
    SHTDN N Full
    SORTA (A/D) Y Full
    SQRT (H) N Full
    SUB (H) N Full
    SUBDUR (E) [duration] N Full
    SUBDUR (E) [new date] N Full
    SUBST (E P) N Partial/Breaking The SUBST operation will only be converted if the P=Pad operation extender was specified.

    In traditional syntax, if the result field is varying length, the SUBST op-code does not change the length of the string. However, in the free form format, the EVAL statement will potentially (likely) change the length of the variable.
    TAG N n/a
    TEST (E D) [char date] Y
    TEST (E T) [char time] Y
    TEST (E Z) [char tms] Y
    TEST (E) [date/time/tms] Y
    TIME N Breaking The conversion of TIME to free form will always convert to %Time(). Based on the result variable definition, the correct BIF might be %Date(), %Time(), or %Timestamp().
    UNLOCK (E) Y Full
    UPDATE (E) Y Full
    WHEN (M/R) Y Full
    WHENxx N Full
    WHEN-IN Y Full
    WHEN-IS Y Full
    WRITE (E) Y Full
    XFOOT (H) N Full
    XLATE (E P) N Partial The XLATE operation will only be converted if the P=Pad operation extender was specified.
    XML-INTO Y Full
    XML-SAX (E) Y Full
    Z-ADD (H) N Full
    Z-SUB (H) N Full


Visual Studio Code extension to convert fixed format RPGLE to free format







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