Percy visual testing for C#.NET Selenium. (Supports both .NET Core and .NET Framework - 4.5 to 4.8)
For other systems (or installation alternatives), see:
Refer NuGet
This is an example test using the percy.Snapshot function.
using percy_csharp_selenium;
public class Example{
public IWebDriver driver;
public Percy percy;
public void Init(){
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
percy = new Percy();
public void TestCase(){
percy.Snapshot(driver,"Home Page", null);
public void TestCaseWithOptions(){
percy.Snapshot(driver,"Docs Page", new Dictionary<string, object> {
{"widths", new List<int> { 768, 992, 1200 }},
{ "minHeight", 1200 },
{ "enableJavaScript", false },
{ "percyCSS", ".clear-completed { visibility: hidden; }" }
Running the test above normally will result in the following log:
[percy] Percy is not running, disabling snapshots
When running with percy exec, and your project's PERCY_TOKEN, a new Percy build will be created and snapshots will be uploaded to your project.
$ export PERCY_TOKEN=[your-project-token]
$ npx percy exec -- [c# test command]
[percy] Percy has started!
[percy] Created build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Snapshot taken "Home Page"
[percy] Snapshot taken "Docs Page"
[percy] Stopping percy...
[percy] Finalized build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Done!
The snapshot method arguments:
percy.Snapshot(IWebDriver driver, String name, Dictionary<string, object> options)
- name (required) - The snapshot name; must be unique to each snapshot
- Additional snapshot options (overrides any project options):
- widths - An array of widths to take screenshots at
- minHeight - The minimum viewport height to take screenshots at
- enableJavaScript - Enable JavaScript in Percy's rendering environment
- percyCSS - Percy specific CSS only applied in Percy's rendering environment
You can also configure Percy to use the same options over all snapshots. To see supported configuration including widths read our SDK configuration docs
Refer Docs
We built a tool to help automate migrating to the new CLI toolchain! Migrating can be done by running the following commands and following the prompts:
$ npx @percy/migrate
? Are you currently using percy-java-selenium? Yes
? Install @percy/cli (required to run percy)? Yes
? Migrate Percy config file? Yes
This will automatically run the changes described below for you.
If you're coming from a pre-3.0 version of this package, make sure to install @percy/cli after upgrading to retain any existing scripts that reference the Percy CLI command. You will also want to uninstall @percy/agent
, as it's been replaced by @percy/cli
$ npm uninstall @percy/agent
$ npm install --save-dev @percy/cli
If you have a previous Percy configuration file, migrate it to the newest version with the config:migrate
$ npx percy config:migrate