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kdb+ Core Libraries and Utilities

All the details related to this library can be found on the wiki:

Quick Start

To use the functionality within this repository straight away:

  1. Download the latest version, extract and cd into the root folder
  2. Run q src/require.q
  3. .require.init[]

You can then load any of the libraries within the repository by using the .require.lib function with the library name. For example, to load log.q, type .require.lib `log.

Example Output

C:\Users\jasra_000\git\kdb-common>%QHOME%\w32\q src/require.q
KDB+ 3.4 2016.10.10 Copyright (C) 1993-2016 Kx Systems
w32/ 4()core 4095MB jasra_000 jase6230 NONEXPIRE

Require library initialised [ Root: :C:\Users\jasra_000\git\kdb-common ]
Library root location refreshed [ File Count: 29 ]
q).require.lib `log
Loading library: `log
Loading C:\Users\jasra_000\git\kdb-common/src/log.q
Loading library: `util
Loading C:\Users\jasra_000\git\kdb-common/src/util.q
Loading library: `type
Loading C:\Users\jasra_000\git\kdb-common/src/type.q
Library initialisation function detected [ Func: .log.init ]

Logging enabled [ Level: INFO ]

2017.03.07 10:47:30.381 INFO pid-6644 jasra_000 0 Initialised library: `log