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Bulat-Ziganshin edited this page Mar 28, 2023 · 12 revisions


  • provide C API to FreeArc functionality, similar to 7z.dll
  • provide C APIs for each stage of command processing
  • make these APIs stable and accessible from any language by using ProtoBuf to serialize all parameters
  • provide alternative low-level C APIs for all these functions with direct access to С structures
  • may be, provide some extra functionality to 7z.dll:
    • add ProtoBuf interfaces to 7z.dll functions
    • combine FreeArc cmdline processing with 7z.dll archive processing, essentially allowing FreeArc to process any archive type

We can classify provided APIs by the level of micro-management:

  • Command - highest-level, executes an entire archiver command
  • Operation - provides individual operations from which a command can be constructed

We also discuss:

The implementation plan:

  • Move main() to Lua side
  • Modify FreearcCommand() to use fields in the Command instead of global variables
  • Implement PortableFreearcCommand() that uses ProtoBuf for all parameters, including callbacks
  • Modify Lua main() code to work with internal Command and then call PortableFreearcCommand()
  • Further split FreearcCommand() into operations and provide ProtoBuf APIs to them
  • Provide ProtoBuf APIs to 7z.dll functions and combine Lua cmdline processing with 7z.dll archive processing



  • executes an entire archiver command, i.e. its only effect is the modification of disk files and/or some callback calls
  • returns almost nothing, probably only error code - all other information is passed back via Callback
  • thus has C ABI, even if unstable. Also, it looks pretty similar to 7z.dll API
    • stable API requires only unpacking Command and packing Callback parameters
  • its execution creates, modifies and finally destroys a FileDB object (see Operation)

Call parameters:

  • version = high<<16 + low
    • high=0, incremented at incompatible API changes
    • low = sizeof(Command), thus allowing to copy passed Command over initialized actual Command structure that may contain extra fields at the end
  • Command* - all command parameters, established by the processing of cmdline with config files
    • i.e. {char* cmd = "a"; char* arcname = "a.arc"; char** filenames = {"."}; char** cmethods = {"lzma"}...}
  • void* - passed to callback
  • int(*)(void*, int, message*) - callback called for UI/log, warnings/errors, file/method filtering and so on
    • int - message type
    • message is a union of structures providing extra info depending on the message

Portable proxy to FreearcCommand(), generated from ProtoBuf description of Command via ProtoBuf reflection:

  • declaration of C++ struct Command, including default values of fields
  • PortableFreearcCommand() decoding wire format of Command and then calling FreearcCommand()
  • Lua/Python/Ruby... code encoding Command{cmd,arcname...} object into the wire format and then calling PortableFreearcCommand()

All modifications required to the current code:

  • move main() to the Lua side, so it parses options and then calls FreeArcCommand(Command,Callback)
  • make all C++ APIs, provided to Lua, global, i.e. independent of the C++ Program object
    • well, inside Callback execution we may need some instance-specific info, calling back for it once again
  • modify Lua code to work with internal command variable before passing it to FreeArcCommand()
  • modify Callback API to make it language-agnostic (now, it depends on C++/Lua bridge facilities)
    • we have a few message types, each having a fixed set of parameters - this calls for a serialization library, again


Managing a database:

  • db = Create() - create an empty database.
  • Clear(db) - reset the database to an empty state.
  • Close(db) - free memory occupied by the database.

Adding files to an archive:

  • Scan(db, scan_settings) - scan the disk according to the settings, adding found files to the database
  • Sort(db, sort_criteria) - sort files in the database
  • Add(db, compression_settings) - create an archive from the files in the database

Extracting files from an archive:

  • ReadDir(db, readdir_settings) - read the archive directory, adding these files to the database
  • Size(db) - return the number of files in the database
  • List(db, range) - list files in the given range
  • Extract(db, extraction_settings) - extract files listed in the database from the archive

Fast vs Stable API

Two API sets:

  • Fast API: the actual C++ implementation, employing multiple function parameters, C structs, and C++ exceptions. It isn't intended to be consumed directly, except for reaching maximum speed in some cases (custom filters, custom sort order, listing files).
  • Stable API: a thin layer over the Fast API, marshaling most arguments/results/exceptions in ProtoBuf messages. It thus provides a stable, language-agnostic API that can be consumed by static or dynamic linking. It semi-automatically maps to the Fast API.


  • Fast API is almost the existing one, except for the need to break the monolithic program_options structure into ~5 smaller structures with parameters of each specific operation
  • Stable API is mostly straightforward as far as we define those small structures via ProtoBuf
  • but the existing ProtoBuf implementations seem over-bloated, do we need N+1 one?
  • alternatives: Thrift, FlexBuffers/FlatBuffers
  • the remaining FreeArc'Next code is already mostly written in Lua, but we will still need to translate C++ remnants
  • the existing program driver should be modified to run Lua main and to allow loading FreeArcLib from DLL

ProtoBuf implementation

syntax = "proto3";

message Filter 
    required int64 size = 1;   // default = 42
    optional string name = 2;  // default = "DEFAULT NAME"
    repeated int64 values = 3;
    repeated string subnames = 4;

may be translated into

struct Filter
    int64_t size = 42;
    char* name = "DEFAULT NAME";
    int64_t* values = nullptr;
    char** subnames = nullptr;

    size_t num_values = 0;
    size_t num_subnames = 0;

    uint has_size : 1 = 0;
    uint has_name : 1 = 0;

    int serialize(void** buf, size_t* size);
    int deserialize(void* buf, size_t size);