While Particle Filter library has been developed by me, the simulation code doesn't belong to me. I have just integrated my PF library into it for testing purposes. The simulation code has been developed by Steven Dumble. I have seen this simulation while following his beautiful Advanced Kalman Filter course in Udemy. Here is the link to the original repository: https://github.com/StevenDumble/AKFSF-Simulation-CPP
This is an attempt to create header only Particle Filter library. This code will be updated continually in order to make it more sophisticated and user friendly. Additionally, real-word simulation example has been added also in rder to clarify how this library works.
Library is header only and you can investigate it by looking at folder particle_filter inside include directory. In order to investigate how this libarry should be utilized, please investigate file pf_functions.h which shows the kernel functions for initialization of the PF and predict and update steps based on the sensor type (gyro, gps, lidar in this case) and simulation.cpp which shows how to call PF functions correctly based on the sensor.